C.V. | Current Project | Publications

Research Interests
Global health; depression; digitization; medical anthropology; anthropology of science and technology; Ayurveda; religion; gender

Research Area(s)

Departmental Activities
Working Groups: Lived Utopias | Science and Universality
Research Topic: Well-being


Claudia Lang is an affiliate researcher the Department 'Anthropology of Politics and Governance' at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle (Saale), Germany and associate professor (Heisenberg) at the University of Leipzig, Germany.

Her research focuses on health-related transformation processes and their impact on politics, ethics and care in globalizing societies. Her regional focus is India. She is currently investigating the reconfiguration of mental health and care in the context of digitization. How is the global psyche encoded in digital mental health technologies? What new forms of care and human-technology relationships are emerging? How do techno-utopias and dystopias shape hopes and concerns in this field?

Other areas of work include the emotional effects of rapid social change and development; global psychiatry and psychology; Ayurveda; and health governance.