Curriculum Vitae | Publications | Current Project
Research Interests
Economic and political anthropology, morality and ethics, work and labour, ethics of productivity, postsocialism, the social question, neoliberal subjectivities, redistributional claims
Research Area(s)
Serbia; former Yugoslavia; the Balkans
I am a social anthropologist of work and the welfare state, exploring how these spheres entwine with political and moral transformation in the countries of former Yugoslavia and particularly in Serbia. My doctoral thesis (University of Manchester, 2015) focused on the aftermath of restructuring and closure of ‘Zastava Cars’ industrial complex in the town of Kragujevac, Central Serbia, tracing working class struggles to fashion a deserving position after two decades of industrial slowdown. I traced the ambiguous value that ‘mock-labour’ obtains in this setting, in a series of shifts that partially incorporated underproductive employment after socialism, resulting in a sense of complicity with the state and ethical compromise. I extended the archival dimensions to this project as a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in UCL between 2015 and 2017. I joined the Research Group REALEURASIA in 2017 to research the double movement of the social question after Yugoslavia, and the grassroots moralisations of work and the market in Serbia as Europe’s industrial periphery.