Beatriz Véliz Argueta

Personal Profile I C.V. I Projects


Beatriz Véliz Argueta is a Historian/ Ethnographer/ Artist interested in storytelling, geography, and the construction of place. Her work draws from historical and ethnographic approaches and combines cartography, history of science and art history in making visible the construction of the Other. She holds a PhD from Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (magna cum laude), was Andrew Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow at the Art History Department at Pennsylvania State University and Visiting Fellow at the Centre of Urban and Community Research (CUCR) at Goldsmiths, University of London.

She is leading and developing the Digital Humanities Project, Re-mind the Nearby/ Die Nähe Neu Denken, a multimedia project combining audio and visual tools for following migrant women’s journeys and their growing entanglement with the life of the city of Halle, Saale.

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