§1 Purpose
The library is a scientific library that above all provides literature and information services to the scientists at the Institute. Acquisition policy corresponds to the respective research foci at the Institute.
§2 Users
Staff and guests of the Institute have use-rights to the library. External users with scientific interests are also allowed access.
§3 Access
Access rights to the library for staff and guests are identical to the access rights to the Institute.
Opening hours for external users: Mon–Thu 9–12 hrs, 13–15 hrs, Fri 9–12 hrs
§4 Loan
Staff and guests of the Institute are permitted to borrow a maximum of 50 monographs and other materials without an explicit return date. Dictionaries and special items on reserve are exempted from that maximum. The books must be returned at the latest:
- before termination of employment at the Institute
- before research trips to the field
- within 7 days, if a book has been ordered by another user
Access to the borrowed literature is to be ensured within two days time.
In case of absences, the access to borrowed literature must also be ensured.
The borrower is responsible in case of loss or damage to borrowed material.
Journals and the collection in the reading room are not for loan. External users may not borrow any materials; exceptions may be made at the discretion of the directors.
§5 Library Computers
The guest computers in the library are to be used exclusively for the purpose of bibliographical and scientific research. The respective paragraphs in the “User Regulations for the IT Infrastructure” at the MPI for Social Anthropology” are to be observed. The users are individually responsible for deleting saved data.
§6 Other Provisions
By acquiring a user’s pass, the staff and guests of the Institute accept these regulations as valid, external users accept these regulations as valid when they sign the user list.
The use of the library facilities is subject to the Institute’s house rules.
If necessary, the library management will adopt amendments to these regulations.
§7 Validity
These Library regulations are valid as of 15 July 2009.