Growing Up, Growing Old: trajectories of times and lives

Andrea Nicolas, Ian Flaherty (eds.)
Berlin: LIT Verlag
Year of publication
Life-course paradigms belong to the most salient features in social life. Virtually everyone is affected by one or the other version of their formulations. Accordingly important it seems to detect their underlying bases and assumptions and to show the deep impact these visions have on our lives. The present volume collects a number of articles coming from very varied backgrounds, such as sociology, psychology, anthropology and gerontology. The papers were originally presented at the international, inter-disciplinary conference “Times of our lives: Growing up and Growing old,” at the University of Oxford, in Summer 2009. They all share a common interest in the topic of ageing and in the different ways that life-courses may be shaped in different historical and cultural contexts. The authors in this volume engage in a fruitful mutual exchange, and they do so from different angles and perspectives. The interdisciplinary approach in this book provides a most promising arena for the discussion of ageing.