Book Chapter (145)

Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 1996. Gellner on Malinowski: words and things in Central Europe. In: John A. Hall and Ian Jarvie (eds.). The social philosophy of Ernest Gellner. Poznań Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 48. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 45–64.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 1996. Class. In: Alan Barnard and Jonathan Spencer (eds.). Encyclopedia of social and cultural anthropology. London: Routledge, pp. 98–99.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 1996. Property. In: Alan Barnard and Jonathan Spencer (eds.). Encyclopedia of social and cultural anthropology. London: Routledge, pp. 453–454.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 1996. Land tenure. In: Alan Barnard and Jonathan Spencer (eds.). Encyclopedia of social and cultural anthropology. London: Routledge, pp. 321–323.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 1996. Europe: Central and Eastern. In: Alan Barnard and Jonathan Spencer (eds.). Encyclopedia of social and cultural anthropology. London: Routledge, pp. 203–206.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 1996. Sharecropping. In: Alan Barnard and Jonathan Spencer (eds.). Encyclopedia of social and cultural anthropology. London: Routledge, pp. 508–508.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 1996. Mode of production. In: Alan Barnard and Jonathan Spencer (eds.). Encyclopedia of social and cultural anthropology. London: Routledge, pp. 375–376.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 1995. Philosophers' models on the Carpathian lowlands. In: John A. Hall (ed.). Civil society: theory, history, comparison. Cambridge: Polity, pp. 158–182.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 1995. Intellectuals, ethnic groups and nations: two late-twentieth-century cases. In: Sukumar Periwal (ed.). Notions of nationalism. Budapest: Central European University Press, pp. 106–128.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 1995. Ferenc Erdei and Antal Vermes: the struggle for balance in rural Hungary. In: David A. Kideckel (ed.). East European communities: the struggles for balance in turbulent times. Boulder: Westview Press, pp. 101–114.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 1994. Fast forward: the great transformation globalized. In: Chris Hann (ed.). When history accelerates: essays on rapid social change, complexity and creativity. London: Athlone, pp. 1–22.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 1993. Property relations in the New Eastern Europe: the case of specialist cooperatives in Hungary. In: Hermine De Soto and David G. Anderson (eds.). The Curtain rises: rethinking culture, ideology, and the state in Eastern Europe. Atlantic Highlands: Humanities Press, pp. 99–119.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 1993. The sexual division of labour in Lazistan. In: Paul Stirling (ed.). Culture and economy: changes in Turkish villages. Huntingdon: Eothen, pp. 126–139.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 1993. Introduction: Social anthropology and socialism. In: Chris Hann (ed.). Socialism: ideals, ideologies, and local practice. ASA Monographs 31. London: Routledge, pp. 1–26.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 1992. Market principle, market-place and the transition in Eastern Europe. In: Roy Dilley (ed.). Contesting markets: analyses of ideology, discourse and practice. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 244–259.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 1992. Civil society at the grass-roots: a reactionary view. In: Paul G. Lewis (ed.). Democracy and civil society in Eastern Europe: selected papers from the Fourth World Congress for Soviet and East European Studies, Harrogate, 1990. London: Macmillan, pp. 152–165.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 1991. Ethnic games in Xinjiang: anthropological approaches. In: Shirin Akiner (ed.). Cultural change and continuity in Central Asia. London: Kegan Paul International, pp. 218–236.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 1991. Europe centrale et orientale. In: Pierre Bonte and Michel Izard (eds.). Dictionnaire de l'ethnologie et de l'anthropologie. Paris: PUF, pp. 261–262.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 1990. Introduction. In: Chris Hann (ed.). Market economy and civil society in Hungary. London: Cass, pp. 1–20.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 1990. Second economy and civil society. In: Chris Hann (ed.). Market economy and civil society in Hungary. London: Cass, pp. 21–44.
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