Journal Article (138)

Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1993. From production to property: decollectivization and the family-land relationship in contemporary Hungary; the Curl Prize Essay 1991. Man 28(2): 299–320.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1993. Elvtársaktól jogászokig: Szociálantropológiai jegyzet a rendszerváltásról. Valóság 36(3): 26–37.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1993. Culture and anti-culture: the spectre of orientalism in new anthropological writing on Turkey. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford 24(3): 223–243.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1993. Religion and nationality in central Europe: the case of the Uniates. Ethnic Studies 10(1-3): 201–213.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1992. Radical functionalism: the life and work of Karl Polanyi. Dialectical Anthropology 17(2): 141–166.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris and Bellér-Hann Ildikó. 1992. Samovars and sex on Turkey's Russian markets. Anthropology Today 8(4): 3–6.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1991. Notes on the transition in Tázlár. Cambridge Anthropology 15(3): 1–21.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1990. Second thoughts on smallholders: tea production, the state and social differentiation in the Rize region. New Perspectives on Turkey 4: 57–79.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1990. Socialism and King Stephen's right hand. Religion in Communist Lands 18(1): 4–24.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1990. Second economy and civil society. Journal of Communist Studies 6(2): 21–44.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1990. Introduction. Journal of Communist Studies 6(2): 1–20.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1988. Christianity's internal frontier: the case of Uniates in South-East Poland. Anthropology Today 4(3): 9–13.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1986. Notes from a medical college. Cambridge Anthropology 11(3): 104–108.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1985. Rural transformation on the East Black Sea coast of Turkey: a note on Keyder. Journal of Peasant Studies 12(4): 101–110.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1982. Kisüzemi gazdálkodás Tázláron a hetvenes években. Ethnographia 93(1): 33–72.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1980. Rural change in Hungary and Poland. Cambridge Anthropology 6(1/2): 142–150.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1980. Tázlár: the frontier community since 1945. New Hungarian Quarterly 21(78): 139–147.
Journal Article
Hann, C. M. 1979. Tázlár: the frontier community on the Great Plain. New Hungarian Quarterly 20(74): 116–121.

Book Chapter (145)

Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2023. The rise and fall of Red Halas, 1944–2019. In: Eszter Bartha, Tamás Krausz, and Bálint Mezei (eds.). State socialism in Eastern Europe: history, theory, anti-capitalist alternatives. Marx, Engels, and Marxisms. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 183–202.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2023. Afterword. In: Tobias Koellner (ed.). Family firms and business families in cross-cultural perspective. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 305–310.
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