Curriculum Vitae


2014      PhD Anthropology
              Department of Anthropology, London School of Economics
2009      MSc Anthropology and Development, ‘distinction’
              Department of Anthropology, London School of Economics
2007      Mgr. Ethnology, ‘distinction’
              Institute of Ethnology, Charles University


Head of Research Group
DFG Emmy Noether Research Group
‘Peripheral Debt: Money, Risk and Politics in Eastern Europe’
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology

ERC Research Fellow
‘Western Banks in Eastern Europe: New Geographies of Financialisation’ (GEOFIN) 
Trinity College Dublin

Research Fellow 
'Financialisation' Group, Department 'Resilience and Transformation in Eurasia'
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology

Research Fellow 
Institute of Social Anthropology 
Comenius University

Grants and Fellowships

Emmy Noether Programme, German Research Foundation, for the Independent Junior Research Group ‘Peripheral Debt: Money, Risk and Politics in Eastern Europe’, to be hosted by the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology (2019–25). Ca. €610,000 approved for first 3 years.

Ernst Mach Grant, Austrian Agency for Co-operation in Education and Research. Visiting Fellowship at the Centre for Southeast European Studies, University of Graz, January–March 2013. €3,000 in total.

Malinowski Memorial Fund Grant and LSE Research Studentship, London School of Economics. October 2012–September 2013. £2,000 in total.

Two Post-Master’s Out-going Scholarships, International Visegrad Fund. Research stay in Belgrade. October 2010–March 2012. €6,900 in total.

PhD Scholarship, London School of Economics. October 2009–September 2012. £39,000 maintenance + £9,655 tuition fees in total 


Financialization of the state: preliminary analysis on Croatia. 30th Economics Workshop. Croatian National Bank, Zagreb, 6 June.

Discussion about Frontiers of civil society: government and hegemony in Serbia. With Srđan Đurović, Slobodan Naumović, Marina Simić, Dušan Spasojević, Jelena Vasiljević and Danilo Vuković. Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, Belgrade, 28 November. 

Contesting household debt in Croatia: money, expropriation and the double movement of financialization in Eastern European peripheries. École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris, 16 May. 

Household Debt in Post–Credit Boom Croatia. Institute for Social Research, Zagreb, 17 March; Department for Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, University of Zagreb, 27 March. 

Thinking civil society in former Yugoslavia in an anthropological key. Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies, University of Regensburg, 16 June. 

Civil society, globalization and class: The case of Serbia. Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Central European University, 29 October.  

Identity, ethnicity and civil society. Bratislava International School of Liberal Arts, 30 June. 

‘European Serbia’ and liberal civil society: Déjà vu of state-driven modernization in the periphery. Centre for Southeast European Studies, University of Graz, 12 March. 

Introducing ‘advanced liberal’ governmentality: An ethnography of interventions at the border of the state and civil society in Serbia. Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology, Central European University, 29 February.


Conferences and Panels Organized

Foreign-Currency Housing Loans in Eastern Europe: Crises, Tensions and Struggles. Workshop co-organized with Ágnes Gagyi and Petra Rodik. University of Zagreb, 15–16 February

Untangling Financialized Household Reproduction. Panel co-organized with Gregory Morton at the AAA 117th Annual Meeting. San Jose, 14–18 November.

Book Panel: Marek Mikuš, Frontiers of Civil Society: Government and Hegemony in Serbia. ASN 2018 European Conference. University of Graz, 4–6 July.

Households and peripheral financialization in Europe. Workshop, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle (Saale), 22–23 February. 

Everyday finance. Panel at the EASA 2016 conference. Milan, 20–23 July.

Depolitizovani građani, umrežene organizacije. Građansko društvo u Srbiji: između osporavanja i ovladavanja. Belgrade, 11 December. [‘Depoliticized Citizens, Networked Institutions. Civil Society in Serbia: Between Contestation and Capture’]

Crisis, austerity, and countermovements, Part I.: Movements on the right. Panel at the Mapping Neoliberalism and its Countermovements in the Former Second World workshop. Budapest, 23–27 July.

Papers Presented

Moral economies of housing in post–credit boom Croatia: Hegemonic and counter discourses on Swiss franc housing loans. Co-author: Petra Rodik. Foreign-Currency Housing Loans in Eastern Europe: Crises, Tensions and Struggles. University of Zagreb, 15–16 February. 

Peripheral debt: money, risk, and politics in Eastern Europe. 3rd International Scientific Conference Financialization and Society. University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów. 6 –7 December.

From boom to bust to...? Household indebtedness in Croatia, ca. 1999–2019. Household Debt on the Peripheries of Europe: New Constellations since 2008. Budapest, 22–23 November.

Public debt, capital flows and financialization of the state in East-Central Europe. 6th FinGeo Global Seminar. University of São Paulo, 15–17 May.

Moral economies of housing in post–credit boom Croatia (and Hungary): disentangling core-periphery relations, national trajectories, and class. Moral Dimensions of Economic Life in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Eurasia. St Antony’s College. Oxford, 20–21 March.

Flows and chains, integration and fragmentation: politics of space and the boom-and-bust cycle of household lending in Croatia. Household and Personal Debt: International Perspectives. London School of Economics, 11 December.

Debts that bring us together and apart: interlocking dynamics of household debt and domestic relationships in Croatia. AAA 117th Annual Meeting. San Jose, 14–18 November.

Making debt work: devising and debating debt collection in Croatia. Financialisation Beyond Crisis: Connections, Contradictions, Contestations.  Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology. Halle, 10–12 September.

Rediscovering the money in credit/debt: exploiting and contesting the mobility of money in Croatian household debt. 15th EASA Biennial Conference. University of Stockholm, 14–17 August.

Debt collection innovators or extortionists? Foreign debt collection agencies and household financialization in Croatia. 5th Global Conference on Economic Geography. University of Cologne, 24–28 July.

Contestations of household financialization in Croatia (and Hungary): disentangling semi-peripherality, national politics and movement trajectories. Financialization of Housing in the Semi-Periphery. CEU, Budapest, 20–22 July.

The moral economy of debt: contesting and (re-) regulating household debt in post–credit boom Croatia. Deservingness – Power, Morality and Inequality in Contemporary Europe and Beyond. Vienna, 27–28 October.

Debating, contesting and re-regulating FX loans and financialization in post–credit boom Croatia. Taking the Next Step: New Frontiers in the Interdisciplinary Study of Finance. Warwick, 25–26 September.

Debating, contesting and (re-) regulating household debt in in post–credit boom Croatia: toward a historical anthropology of peripheral financialization. Capitalism for Anthropologists. University of Bergen, 26–28 June.

Grassroots responses to the crisis of household debt in Croatia. Everyday Revolutions in Southern and Eastern Europe. Manchester, 19–20 May.

The politics of heritage conservation in a Vojvodina town: translating democratisation in a double semi-periphery. Translating Policy in the Semi-periphery. Regensburg, 4–6 May.

Making equal and independent impaired subjects? Human rights, disability, and neoliberalization of the welfare state in Serbia. Reconnecting Work and Distribution: Entanglements of Labour, Finance and Welfare after Yugoslav Socialism. London, 20–21 December.

Toward a historical anthropology of household debt in post–credit boom Croatia. EASA 2016, Milan, 20–23 July.

Debt, class and moral economy in post–credit boom Croatia. Debt Trails: Mapping Relations of Debt and Credit From Everyday Actors to Global Credit Markets. Budapest, 3–4 March.

Public advocacy in Vršac: Translating democratisation in a double semi-periphery. IUAES Inter-Congress. Dubrovnik, 4–9 May.

Politika i građansko društvo: Da li postoje granice? Depoliticized Citizens, Networked Institutions. Belgrade, 11 December. [‘Politics and civil society: Are there boundaries?’].

‘From patient to citizen’: Human rights and disability policy reform in Serbia. SIEF 2015. Zagreb, 21–25 June.

Legal formalization through informal sociality? An anthropological perspective on the reforms of civil society legislation in Serbia. Citizens, Societies and Legal Systems: Law and Society in Central and South Eastern Europe. Belgrade, 21 November.

‘Nobody’s stronger than the state’? Crisis, hegemony and two kinds of civil society in Serbia. With Goran Dokić. 7th InASEA Conference. Istanbul, 18–21 September.

‘Honest and successful Serbia’: Reconfiguring moral economy at the time of neoliberal reform. ASA 2014 Decennial. Edinburgh, 19–22 June.

Civil society and EU integration of Serbia: Notes towards a historical anthropology of globalizing Central Europe. Rethinking Anthropologies in Central Europe for Global Imaginaries. Prague, 26–27 May.

‘Civil society’ and the hegemonic project of ‘Europeanization’ of Serbia. Post-Yugoslav Spaces through the Post-Colonial Prism. Manchester, 1–2 June.

NGO-like nationalist groups in ever-transitional Serbia: Fantasizing the state and society while reproducing a ‘messy’ democracy. EASA 2012. Paris, 10–13 July.

Civil-society building, liberal subjects and the state in Serbia. Democracy, Governance and Development: Between the Institutional and the Political? Oxford, 27 June.

The distant democratizer: Representations of the EU and their political uses in Serbia. RRPP 2011. Sveti Stefan, 25–26 May.

Mediating civil society and European integration: Postsocialist-to-postsocialist development projects in Serbia. 1st Joint PhD Symposium on Modern and Contemporary South East Europe. London, 18 June.

Transnacionálne siete a diskurzy v participatívnej ochrane morských korytnačiek na Komorách. Sítě v antropologické perspektivě: elektronické sociální sítě, genealogie a transnacionalismus. Plzeň, 12–13 November. [‘Transnational networks and discourses in participative sea turtles conservation in the Comoros’]

Debating, contesting and (re-) regulating household debt in in post–credit boom Croatia: toward a historical anthropology of peripheral financialization. Capitalism for Anthropologists. University of Bergen, 26–28 June.


Panel ‘Area Studies from an Everyday Perspective’. 5th Annual Conference of the Graduate School for East and South East European Studies. Munich, 25–27 October.

Panel ‘Moving Money and Everyday Life – Understanding Debt and the Digitalization of Credit’. 15th EASA Biennial Conference. Stockholm, 14–17 August.

Risk-taking and deservingness in migration: the case of irregular migration in Turkey, by Esra S. Kaytaz. Deservingness – Power, Morality and Inequality in Contemporary Europe and Beyond. Vienna, 27–28 October.

Semi-reform of higher vocational education in Serbia: exploring the grey zones of academic capitalism and policy knowledge transfer, by Tijana Morača. Translating Policy in the Semi-periphery. Regensburg, 4–6 May.

Experimenty v teréne a etnografia: metodologické prístupy. Student conference. Bratislava, 16–17 June. [‘Field Experiments and Ethnography: Methodological Approaches’]

Shirking the basha: Youth encounters with the everyday security state in Cairo, by James Sunday. Democracy, Governance and Development: Between the Institutional and the Political? Oxford, 27 June.


Peripheral debt: money, risk and politics in Eastern Europe. Werkstatt Ethnologie. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, 12 November.

State financialization in Croatia: preliminary findings of an interview-based case study. Department of Geography, Trinity College Dublin, 19 September.

The contentious politics of household finance in Croatia: the double movement of financialization in European peripheries. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, 25 October.

‘From patient to citizen’? Human rights, disability politics and transformation of the welfare state in Serbia. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, 20 April.

Politika ‘transparentnosti’ a ‘efektivity’: o antropológii neoliberalizmu a istých reformách v Srbsku. Institute of Social Anthropology, Comenius University, Bratislava, 7 April. [‘The politics of “transparency” and “efficiency”: On the anthropology of neoliberalism and certain reforms in Serbia’]


Institute for Social Anthropology, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
The Anthropology of the State (Winter Term 2017/2018)
Debt and Neoliberalism in Contemporary Anthropology (Summer Term 2015/2016)

Institute of Social Anthropology, Comenius University
Applied Anthropology (Winter Term 2014/2015)
Anthropological Texts (Summer Term 2013/2014, Winter Term 2014/2015)
Introduction to Political Anthropology (Summer Term 2014/2015)
Introduction to the Methodology of Social Sciences (Summer Term 2014/2015)
Political Anthropology (Summer Term 2014/2015)
Social Analysis and Interpretation (Summer Term 2013/2014)


Interview-based fieldwork (May–June 2019). Zagreb, Croatia.
Postdoc fieldwork (November 2016–March 2017). Zagreb, Croatia.
Doctoral fieldwork (August 2010–December 2011). Belgrade and other sites in Serbia, Belgium, Czech Republic and Slovakia.
MSc thesis fieldwork (July–September 2009). Hoani (Mohéli) and others sites in the Comoros.
Mgr. thesis fieldwork (2007–09). Government offices and NGOs working with the Roma in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Roma Settlements Comprehensive Development Program evaluation (July 2005). Collaborative fieldwork in various sites in eastern Slovakia.
Mid-Mgr. thesis fieldwork (September 2004). Šumiac, Slovakia.


Member of the Editorial Board of Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU and New Perspectives: Interdisciplinary Journal of Central & East European Politics and International Relations. Member of the Journal Council of Sociologija i prostor. Member of the Academic Advisory Panel for ‘Western Banks in Eastern Europe: New Geographies of Financialisation’ (GEOFIN).
Article reviews for Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Social Anthropology, East European Societies and Politics, Economic Anthropology and other journals.
Peer reviewer and rapporteur on funding applications for the Slovenian Research Agency.


Collaboration on the documentary film Ivana (1982.-2011.) (Croatia, 2017).
A talk on my research at the Centre for Queer Studies, Belgrade. 3 December 2011.
Two talks on political anthropology and anthropology of postsocialism for high school students at the Science Centre Petnica, Serbia. 24–25 March 2011.
Three recurrent talks on the relationships between Romani identities, ethnopolitics and political and academic discourses for the students of the course European Policy and Practice towards the Roma, Faculty of Humanities, Charles University. 2007–09.


Nova slovačka predsjednica označava prekid trenda? by Nikola Vukobratović. Bilten, 1 April 2019.

Het bewijs is geleverd, Servië ligt in Europa, by Joost van Egmond. De Groene Amsterdammer, 1 March 2012. [‘The proof is delivered: Serbia lies in Europe’]


Consultant for Anthropology; Mouseion Ltd, London

Media Analyst; Newton Media Ltd, Prague

Media and PR Officer; Social Integration Programs, People in Need, Prague

Expert Intern (paid); Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic for Roma Communities


Slovak: native in reading, speaking and writing.
English: fluent in reading, speaking and writing.
Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, Montenegrin: fluent in reading and speaking, advanced in writing.
Czech: fluent in reading and speaking, advanced in writing.
French: good in reading and speaking, basic in writing.
German: basic in reading, speaking and writing

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