Curriculum Vitae
2015 PhD Social Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, University of Manchester
2009 MA Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Belgrade
2007 BA Psychology, Department of Psychology, University of Belgrade
2017 - Postdoctoral Research Fellow Research Group ‘Realising Eurasia: Civilisation and moral economy in the 21st century’, Department 'Resilience and Transformation in Eurasia', Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology
2015 - 2017 Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London
2017 ‘Beyond the virtue of precarity: state pay, mock-labour and demoralization in a Serbian enterprise’. Social Anthropology Departmental Seminar, University of Kent.
2017 ‘Protiv rada: socijalno pitanje i leva kritika u kontekstu nezaposlenosti. Istorijska etnografija preduzeća Zastava Automobili, 1988-2012’. Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, Belgrade.
2016 ‘State pay, mock-labour and unfreedom in a Serbian firm: for an anthropology of the demoralized’. Institute of Culture and Memory Studies, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana.
2014 ‘Delegitimizing employment in Zastava Cars’ firms: the case of Zastava Spare Parts’. Brownbag Seminar, Centre for Southeast European Studies, University of Graz.
2011 ‘Methodological problems in studying corruption’. Social Anthropology Seminar, Petnica Research Station, Serbia.
2010 ‘Cultural positioning of graduates in Belgrade at the beginning of professional life’, Social Anthropology Seminar, Petnica Research Station, Serbia.
2016 'Reconnecting work and distribution: entanglements of labour, finance and welfare after Yugoslavia', SSEES, UCL.
2016 'Works that matter (not): valuing productivity through and against the market'. Panel at the European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA) Biennial Conference, Milan. Co-convened with André Thiemann.
2015 'Righteous scroungers: distribution, reciprocity and fairness after full employment'. Panel organised at the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth Annual Conference, Exeter.
2017 ‘Desire for a Stranger Master: foreign privatizations, work ethos and national salvation in the Balkans’. At the conference 'Sovereignty, Contestation and ‘the Economy’, University of Utrecht.
2016 ‘Beyond virtue of precarity: state encompassment, mock-labour and demoralisation in a Serbian enterprise’. At the panel ‘Politics of indignation, resistance, and reconstitution of the moral self’, Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), Minneapolis.
2016 ‘Mock-labour: clashing valuations of (un)productivity in a dilapidated Serbian factory’. At the Biennial Conference of European Association of Social Anthropologists (EASA), University of Milano-Bicocca, Milano.
2016 ‘“We should now gather as Serbs, to become workers again”: foreign privatisations as national redemption in Serbia’. At the Annual Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN), Harriman Institute, University of Columbia, New York.
2015 ‘“We should now gather as Serbs, to become workers again”: labour, morality and national redemption in neoliberal Serbia’. At the SSSES centenary conference 'Socialism, Capitalism and the Alternatives: Lessons from Russia and Eastern Europe', UCL, London.
2015 ‘“Labour, now!”: tracing industrial slowdown, unproductive employment and calls for work ethic in postsocialist Serbia’. At the panel ‘The History of Labour in Yugoslav Late Socialism’, at the conference 'Socialism: Construction and Deconstruction', Pula.
2015 ‘Make do and mock-labour: ambiguous distinctions of work and non-work in a slowdown of production in Serbia’. At 51st Annual International Conference of Labour and Social History ‘Work and Non-Work’, Berlin.
2015 ‘(In)comparable parasites: claiming social worth in the context of 'mock-work' in Serbia’ at the panel 'Righteous scroungers: distribution, reciprocity and fairness after full employment', panel on the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK and Commonwealth Annual Conference, Exeter.
2014 ‘“If you are being fucked, then at least relax”: state encompassment, mock-labour and ethical failure in Zastava Spare Parts’. Anthropology Showcase, University of Manchester, Manchester.
2014 ‘Familiarly political: intimacy of interest and problems with belonging in Kragujevac, Serbia’. Workshop 'Doing Politics – Making Kinship: Back towards a Future Anthropology of Social Organisation and Belonging', University of Vienna, University of Bayreuth, DFG and re:work, Berlin.
2013 ‘”Depends what number you are”: inhabiting the architecture of distribution in Serbia’. At the workshop 'Balkan Precariat: Mediating the Global Economic Crisis in Southeast Europe', Centre for Southeast European Studies and Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Marija Bistrica.
2013 ‘Falling with a mark: stories about the Balkans, power and complicity from Zastava Spare Parts’. At the workshop 'Post-Yugoslav Spaces through Postcolonial Prism', University of Manchester, Manchester.
Departmental seminars
2017 ‘Disembedding labour: (de)commodification and the social question after Yugoslav socialism’. Werkstatt seminar, Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle/Saale.
2018 Conference ‘Workers beyond socialist glorification and post-socialist disavowal: new perspectives on Eastern European labour history’, Vienna.
2017 Summer school ‘The New Left’, University of Rijeka.
2017 Book launch of “Economies of favour after socialism” (eds. Henig, D. & N. Makovicky, Oxford University Press), FRINGE, UCL.
Reviewer for Anthropology Matters, Central Asian Survey, Glasnik Etnografskog Instituta SANU, History and Anthropology
Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian native speaker
English proficient academic
French intermediate