C.V. | Current Project | Publications

Research Interests
constitutional law, environmental policies and civil society

Research Area(s)
Oromia Region, Gambella Region (Ethiopia)


Abduletif Kedir taught various courses with significant relations with constitutional law including administrative procedure and federalism at St Mary’s University College and Addis Ababa University School of Law and published multiple academic journal articles and book chapters. He joined AAU Center for Human Rights as a Lecturer in February 2012, where he has assumed, in addition to teaching responsibility, various administrative roles including the coordination of research and publications as well as the MA program the center runs. He has also worked as consultant for the World Bank to assess the Ethiopia regulatory policy environment including the role of participation by civil society in shaping regulatory proposals. Abudletif has also worked as part of a team evaluating a civil society support projects funded by Swedish Sida, and as a consultant for the UNICEF to evaluate the national child justice system, doing extensive filed work in Oromia and Gambella Regional States. He has been involved in coordinating and contributing to the legal and justice sector reform activities under the Federal Attorney General of Ethiopia subsequent to the political opening in April 2018.

Abduletif Kedir holds a bachelors and master’s degree in law from the Addis Ababa University and the University of Alabama respectively. Currently, he is a PhD Candidate at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle (Saale), Germany.

His language abilities comprise an excellent command of the Amharic, Afaan Oromo, English, and Arabic Languages.

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