Climate Change, War, Terrorism: Three Lectures during Science Night in Halle

June 08, 2022

Climate change and how it is affecting coastal regions, the effects of the war in Ukraine in Halle, and patterns of international terrorism: three MPI researchers take on current and pressing topics as part of Science Night (Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften) in Halle. Arne Harms, Deborah Jones, and Carolin Görzig will speak about their work and its relevance on Friday, 1 July, 2022 in the Melanchthonianum. The lectures, which will be held in German, start at 17:00.

Arne Harms: In stürmischen Gewässern – Klimawandel an südasiatischen Küsten
17:00–18:00, Melanchthonianum am Uniplatz, lecture hall D

Coastal areas are under threat due to climate change. The densely populated coasts of Asia are particularly at risk. The images are all too familiar. But what does this mean for the people who live there? How are these dangers connected with other problems such as poverty or inadequate access to medical care? How do decisions made locally affect how crises play out? And what can be done about it? Drawing on long-term research in coastal regions of eastern India, Harms looks at the problem of climate change and coasts – and offers insights into the practice of anthropological research and why it matters.

Deborah Jones: 100 Tage ukrainische Geflüchtete in Halle
18:00–19:00, Melanchthonianum am Uniplatz, lecture hall D

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has left millions of refugees in its wake: around 6 million Ukrainians have fled the country; more than 600,000 are registered in Germany, with nearly 4,000 of them living in Halle. Who are they and what drove their decision to come to Germany and Halle in particular? Is their stay just temporary, or will they end up settling down here? Who have they been able to turn to for help? And what intercultural misunderstandings arise in the process? What lessons have Germans – and Ukrainians – learned from the “refugee crisis” of 2015? Jones, who has carried out research in Ukraine for many years and now is in close contact with Ukrainian refugees in Halle, explores these questions and offers practical ideas for those wondering how to support the local refugees.

Carolin Görzig: Terror incognita: Kann man Terrorismus verstehen?
19:00–20:00, Melanchthonianum am Uniplatz, lecture hall D

Leaders of terrorist organizations who admit to making mistakes. Right-wing radicals without empathy who seek recognition. Terrorists organizations which imitate their enemies. Radicalization of the educated and well-off. Members of terrorist organizations must grapple with innumerable contradictions. Some of them manage to capitalize on this, creating their own world in which there is only black and white. Others, however, find a way to turn their backs on violence. It is often difficult to comprehend why terrorists do what they do, and what dynamics shape their actions. It is hard to access reliable information and data because they operate in secret. Nevertheless, it is possible to identify patterns. This lecture tries to untangle the mystery of terrorism and understand the contradictions that shape its workings.