Journal Article (4)
Journal Article
Franziska Nicolaisen. 2024. Narrative and framing of a pandemic: public health communication in the Vietnamese public sphere. Southeast Asian Studies 13(1): 35–71. DOI:
and 2.
Journal Article
Nicolaisen, Franziska. 2023. The Politicization of mobility infrastructures in Vietnam: the Hanoi Metro project at the nexus of urban development, fragmented mobilities, and national security. Advances in Southeast Asian Studies 16(2): 209–231. DOI:
Journal Article
Franziska Nicolaisen. 2022. Tensions in local-global production of tourist spaces in Vietnam: heritage, global flows, and local identities. Asien 162/163: 34–57. DOI:
and 4.
Journal Article
Nicolaisen, Franziska, , and . 2022. Between memories and taboos: the formation of alternative Vietnamese and Myanmarese spaces of citizenship and belonging. Asien 164/165: 117–139. DOI: .
Book Chapter (2)
Book Chapter
Nicolaisen, Franziska and . 2022. State-society relations as cooperative partnership and the COVID-19 response in Vietnam. In: , , and (eds.). Public health in Asia during the COVID-19 pandemic: global health governance, migrant labour, and international health crises. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 197–213.
Book Chapter
Nicolaisen, Franziska and . 2021. Conflicted citizenship in Vietnam: between grassroots mobilization and state repression. In: , , and (eds.). Vietnam at the vanguard: new perspectives across time, space, and community. Asia in Transition 15. Singapur: Springer, pp. 33–51.