C.V. | Current Project | Publications
Research Interests
Social and environmental (in)justice, materiality, urban/coastal infrastructure, city-making, politics of everyday life, decolonization of knowledge production
Research Area(s)
Mombasa, Kenya; Cape Town, South Africa
Teresa Cremer is a PhD candidate at the Max Planck Insitute for Social Anthropology and a member of the Emmy Noether Group on “Sand: the Future of Coastal Cities in the Indian Ocean“.
Teresa holds Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees in Geography (B.A.) and Social and Cultural Anthropology from the University of Cologne, Germany. For her Master’s thesis, Teresa conducted ethnographic fieldwork in Cape Town, South Africa, at the height of the so-called “water crisis.“ Teresa examined the production of the water crisis by focussing through the lived experiences, improvised practices, and social interactions at a Water Collection Point, where a diverse public came together at an emerging space.
Before joining the Max Planck Institute, Teresa worked as a research assistant in the Emmy Noether Junior Research Group „DELTA - Volatile Waters and the Hydrosocial Anthropocene in Major River Deltas,“ located at the Department of Anthropology of the University of Cologne. She has worked alongside team members exploring questions of how global crises - in water, economics and climate - manifest themselves in people’s everyday lives, and how delta inhabitants negotiate the ongoing and accelerating volatility of water.
Since 2019, Teresa is part of the literature series stimmen afrikas hosted by Allerweltshaus Köln e.V., which is presenting and promoting literary work written by authors from the African continent and the African diasporas. This work has allowed her to deeply engage with postcolonial, feminist, intersectional and decolonial literature as well as thoughts.