Jennifer Holdaway
University of Leiden
Chair of the Committee

Jennifer Holdaway is a political scientist with regional expertise on China. However, her professional role has primarily been to catalyse and facilitate interdisciplinary approaches to complex social issues, initially in the field of migration studies and more recently also in the field of environment and health. Holdaway is currently an Affiliated Fellow of the International Institute of Asian Studies at Leiden University, the Netherlands, a Researcher at the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Co-Director of the Forum on Health, Environment and Development (FORHEAD). From 2002-2016 she was a Program Officer, and later Director, at the Social Science Research Council, where she was responsible for working groups on migration and gender, migration and development, and migration and education. Holdaway’s work has been published in The China Quarterly, the Journal of Contemporary Chinese Studies, Social Science and Medicine, and Ecology and Resources and she has edited or co-edited numerous volumes and special journal issues. She is currently working on a book on Health and Wellbeing in China.