C.V. | Current Project | Publications | Previous Project
Research Interests
mobility; infrastructure; post-socialist cities; urban anthropology; urban assemblages; embodied memory
Research Area(s)
Poland; Uzbekistan
I am a social anthropologist interested in infrastructure and mobility across the post-socialist space, and in particular Central Asia and Poland. In my doctoral thesis (University of Copenhagen, 2018), I explored the ways in which the interaction of humans with three urban infrastructural systems – i.e., the informal taxi industry, centralised district heating, and urban trees – generates embodied memory processes in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, and showed how this co-functioning results in the enactment of memoryscapes. In January 2019, I joined the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, where my current project, situated within the framework of the Visegrád Anthropologists’ Network (V4 Net), focuses on cable ferries and everyday cross-river mobility in rural Poland.