Current Project | Publications

Research Interests
The politics of wellbeing, personhood and value, religion, kinship, aesthetics, social and political theory, medical anthropology, visual anthropology

Research Areas
East-Central Africa (Uganda); Indian Ocean (Mauritius)

Departmental Activities
Working Group: Political Assembly
Research Topics: Well-being | Techno-optimism


I am a sociocultural anthropologist with broad interests in politics, religion, kinship, aesthetics, medical anthropology, and visual anthropology, all grounded in fieldwork in Great Lakes and Indian Ocean Africa.

I received my PhD from New York University in 2019 and was subsequently a postdoctoral lecturer and researcher at the University of Bayreuth. At present, I am completing a book on religion and disability in Uganda, while launching new work on the politics of population in Africa. My work has been generously supported by a range of funders and has appeared in Anthropological Quarterly, Cambridge Journal of Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, Medical Anthropology, and Somatosphere.

Finally, I am an ethnographic filmmaker and my first film, The Ladies (13 min; Ukrainian with English subtitles), is distributed by DER.

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