Book Chapter (198)

Book Chapter
Donahoe, Brian, Marie-Claire Foblets, and Maria Sapignoli. 2024. Legal practitioners and anthropologists in dialogue: returning to the spirit of complementarity and collaboration. In: Marie-Claire Foblets, Maria Sapignoli, and Brian Donahoe (eds.). Anthropological expertise and legal practice: in conversation. Law and Anthropology Series. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 1–20.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2024. Individual personhood in anthropological approaches to international law. In: Tom Sparks and Anne Peters (eds.). The individual in international law: history and theory. The History and Theory of International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 363–386.
Book Chapter
Elliesie, Hatem and Marie-Claire Foblets. 2023. Islam in Europe: balancing between conflicting values and interests; the case of unanaesthetised slaughter of animals. In: Adam Possamai, James T. Richardson, and Bryan S. Turner (eds.). The sociology of Shari'a: case studies from around the world. 2. ed. Boundaries of Religious Freedom: Regulating Religion in Diverse Societies. Cham: Springer, pp. 239–252.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire, Katayoun Alidadi, and Dominik Müller. 2023. Introduction: the search for justice in plural societies; the opportunities and pitfalls of accommodative law and practices. In: Marie-Claire Foblets, Katayoun Alidadi, and Dominik Müller (eds.). Redesigning justice for plural societies: case studies of minority accommodation from around the globe. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 1–17.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire and Jan Velaers. 2023. Article 22: diversité culturelle, religieuse et linguistique. In: Fabrice Picod, Cecilia Rizcallah, and Sébastien Van Drooghenbroeck (eds.). Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne: commentaire article par article. Bruxelles: Bruylant, pp. 653–674.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2022. Foreword. In: Jessika Eichler and Kyriaki Topidi (eds.). Minority recognition and the diversity deficit: comparative perspectives. Oxford: Bloomsbury, pp. v-vi.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2022. Kinship through the twofold prism of law and anthropology. In: Marie-Claire Foblets, Mark Goodale, Maria Sapignoli, and Olaf Zenker (eds.). The Oxford handbook of law and anthropology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 532–549.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2022. Het verbod op onbedwelmd slacten van dieren: inmenging in de godsdienstvrijheid? In: Cedric Jenart (ed.). De Grondwet en Jan Velaers: Deel IV; Een vriedschapsgewijze commentar 4. Brugge: Die Keure, pp. 89–102.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire and Jean-Yves Carlier. 2022. Law and migration in a changing world: general report. In: Marie-Claire Foblets and Jean-Yves Carlier (eds.). Law and migration in a changing world. Ius Comparatum: Global Studies in Comparative Law 31.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire, Mark Goodale, Maria Sapignoli, and Olaf Zenker. 2022. Introduction: mapping the field of law and anthropology. In: Marie-Claire Foblets, Mark Goodale, Maria Sapignoli, and Olaf Zenker (eds.). The Oxford handbook of law and anthropology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 1–15.
Book Chapter
Yassari, Nadjma and Marie-Claire Foblets. 2022. Diverse families: a challenge to family law? A comparative exercise. In: Nadjma Yassari and Marie-Claire Foblets (eds.). Normativity and diversity in family law: lessons from comparative law. Ius Comparatum – Global Studies in Comparative Law 57. Cham: Springer, pp. 1–27.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2021. The multicultural society and the democratic state under the rule of law: how do we pave the way for social cohesion? In: Gabriele Buchholtz, Johanna Croon-Gestefeld, and Andreas Kerkemeyer (eds.). Integratives Recht. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 191–218.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire and Katayoun Alidadi. 2020. Between sovereignty and transnationalism: the European Union as an incomplete 'transnational legal space'. In: Carol J. Greenhouse and Christina L. Davis (eds.). Landscapes of law: practicing sovereignty in transnational terrain. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, pp. 216–249.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire and Jan Velaers. 2020. Article 22.: diversité culturelle, religieuse et linguistique. In: Fabrice Picod, Sébastien van Drooghenbroeck, and Cecilia Rizcallah (eds.). Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne: commentaire article par article. Bruxelles: Bruylant, pp. 609–628.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire and Larissa Vetters. 2020. The pluralization of European societies and the role of the judiciary. In: Luis Efrén Ríos Vega, Ilenia Ruggiu, and Irene Spigno (eds.). Justice and culture: theory and practice concerning the use of culture in courtrooms. Diritti Umani e Comparazione Giuridica 2. Napoli: Editoriale Scientifica, pp. 77–98.
Book Chapter
Leboeuf, Luc and Marie-Claire Foblets. 2020. Introduction: humanitarian admission to Europe; from policy developments to legal controversies and litigation. In: Marie-Claire Foblets and Luc Leboeuf (eds.). Humanitarian admission to Europe: the law between promises and constraints. Schriften zum Migrationsrecht 30. Baden-Baden; Oxford: Nomos; Hart, pp. 11–46.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2019. Identité et migration. In: Institut canadien d'études juridiques supérieures (ed.). Droits de la personne: ordre juridique et désordre social, politique et économique; actes des Journées Strasbourgeoises de l’Institut canadien d’études juridiques supérieures 2016. Montréal: Éditions Yvon Blais, pp. 173–180.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2019. Religionsfreiheit heute in Europa: kostbarer denn je. In: Burkhard Josef Berkmann (ed.). Hat religiöses Recht eine Existenzberechtigung in säkularer Gesellschaft? Kirche & Recht 1. Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, pp. 51–74.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire and Jan Velaers. 2019. Religious diversity in Europe: a shared responsibility of courts, parliament and society. In: Koen Lemmens, Stephan Parmentier, and Louise Reyntjens (eds.). Human rights with a human touch: liber amicorum Paul Lemmens. Cambridge; Antwerp; Chicago: Intersentia, pp. 755–773.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2018. Recht in de multiculturele samenleving: recht, religie en cultuur in een democratische rechtsstaat. In: Susan Rutten, Elles Ramakers, and Mariken Lenaerts (eds.). Recht in een multiculturele samenleving. 1. ed. Antwerpen; Cambridge: Intersentia, pp. 5–41.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2018. Recht, cultuur en individuele zelfbeschikking. In: Eric Dirix and Jura Falconis (eds.). Interdisciplinariteit in het recht: law and...-bewegingen in het privaatrecht. 1. ed. Jura Falconis Libri 20. Antwerpen; Cambridge: Intersentia, pp. 55–76.
Book Chapter
Alidadi, Katayoun and Marie-Claire Foblets. 2018. Introduction: a retrospective on diversity commissions; from set-up and working methods to impacting policy. In: Katayoun Alidadi and Marie-Claire Foblets (eds.). Public commissions on cultural and religious diversity: national narratives, multiple identities and minorities. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 1–19.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2018. The round tables on interculturalism: a successful experiment in deliberative democracy? In: Katayoun Alidadi and Marie-Claire Foblets (eds.). Public commissions on cultural and religious diversity: national narratives, multiple identities and minorities. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 183–203.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2018. Foreword. In: Kyriaki Topidi (ed.). Normative pluralism and human rights: social normativities in conflict. London; New York: Routledge, pp. XVI-XIX.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2018. Recht in de multiculturele samenleving: recht, religie en cultuur in een democratische rechtsstaat. In: Susan Rutten, Elles Ramarkers, and Mariken Lenaerts (eds.). Recht in een multiculturele samenleving. Antwerpen; Cambridge: Intersentia, pp. 5–41.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire, Michele Graziadei, and Alison Dundes Renteln. 2018. Introduction: individual autonomy in contemporary plural societies; how to reconcile competing normative standards? In: Marie-Claire Foblets, Michele Graziadei, and Alison Dundes Renteln (eds.). Personal autonomy in plural societies: a principle and its paradoxes. 1. ed. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 1–18.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire, Dirk Hanschel, and Armin Höland. 2018. Das Recht hat seine Grenzen: Blicke aus unterschiedlichen Richtungen auf eine vernachlässigte Wirklichkeit. In: Marie-Claire Foblets and Armin Höland (eds.). Grenzen des Rechts. 1. ed. Halle/Saale: Universitätsverlag Halle-Wittenberg, pp. 13–38.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire and Maria Sapignoli. 2018. Law and anthropology. In: Hilary Callan (ed.). The international encyclopedia of anthropology 7. Hoboken; Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 3644–3662.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2017. Assessing individual autonomy in the face of cultural diversity: views of bodily integrity. In: Christian Bumke (ed.). Autonomie im Recht: Gegenwartsdebatten über einen rechtlichen Grundbegriff. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 387–410.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2017. Freedom of religion in Europe: finding the golden mean between too little and too much protection. In: Anna Triandafyllidou (ed.). The problem of religious diversity: European challenges, Asian approaches. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 111–138.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2017. Körper, Recht und Kultur: eine innige Beziehung. In: Rüdiger Fikentscher (ed.). Gemeinschaftskulturen in Europa. mdv aktuell 13. Halle/Saale: Mitteldeutscher Verlag, pp. 18–28.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire and Jan Velaers. 2017. Article 22.: diversité culturelle, religieuse et linguistique. In: Fabrice Picod, Sébastien van Drooghenbroeck, and Cecilia Rizcallah (eds.). Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne: commentaire article par article. Bruxelles: Bruylant, pp. 515–534.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2016. The body as identity marker: circumcision of boys caught between contrasting views on the best interests of the child. In: Maarit Jänterä-Jareborg (ed.). The child's interests in conflict: the intersections between society, family, faith and culture. European Family Law 41. Cambridge: Intersentia, pp. 125–162.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2016. Introduction: new family law codes in Middle Eastern countries; reforms that are faithful to Islamic tradition? In: Nadjma Yassari (ed.). Changing God's law: the dynamics of Middle Eastern family law. Islamic Law in Context. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 1–14.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-C. 2016. Le code et les vies des familles marocaines en Europe: promesse tenue ou espoirs déçus? In: Marie-Claire Foblets (ed.). Le code marocain de la famille en Europe: bilan comparé de dix ans d'application. Brüssel: La Charte Professional Publishing, pp. 23–68.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-C. 2016. Introduction - analyse comparée de l'application du code marocain de la famille dans cinq pays européens et au Maroc (2004-2015). In: Marie-Claire Foblets (ed.). Le code marocain de la famille en Europe: bilan comparé de dix ans d'application. Brüssel: La Charte Professional Publishing, pp. 13–20.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2016. Gender, Islam and family law in Europe: the broken promises of human rights. In: Irene Schneider and Thoralf Hanstein (eds.). Beiträge zum Islamischen Recht XI. Leipziger Beiträge zur Orientforschung 34. Frankfurt/Main; Berlin; Bern; Wien: PL Academic Research, pp. 125–149.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2015. The challenges of (new) religious diversity in Europe. In: Pauline Kruiniger (ed.). Op gespannen voet?: Islamitische verwantschappen, huwelijken en echtscheidingen in Nederland. Recht van de Islam 29. Den Haag: Boom Juridische uitgevers, pp. 85–97.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2015. Assessing impact: Armin Höland’s understanding of law and justice and his pioneering role for Germany. In: Wolfhard Kohte and Nadine Absenger (eds.). Menschenrechte und Solidarität im internationalen Diskurs: Festschrift für Armin Höland. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 89–100.
Book Chapter
Renteln, Alison Dundes and Marie-Claire Foblets. 2015. Analyzing "authenticity" in the litigation of cultural claims: reflections on the role of expertise. In: Geoffrey Brahm Levey (ed.). Authenticity, autonomy and multiculturalism. Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought 103. New York: Routledge, pp. 163–183.
Book Chapter
Valaers, Jan and Marie-Claire Foblets. 2015. Religion and the state in Belgian law. In: Donlu Thayer (ed.). Religion and the secular state: national reports = La religion et l'État laique: rapports nationaux. Madrid: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, pp. 109–135.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2014. Preface: family, religion and law in Europe; embracing diversity from the perspective of 'cultural encounters'. In: Prakash Shah, Marie-Claire Foblets, and Mathias Rohe (eds.). Family, religion and law: cultural encounters in Europe. Cultural Diversity and Law in Association with RELIGARE. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. XI-XVI.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2014. Transnational family relations involving Moroccan nationals living abroad: an analysis of the implementation of the Moroccan family code; brief report on research in progress. In: Katharina Boele-Woelki , Nina Dethloff, and Werner Gephart (eds.). Family law and culture in Europe: developments, challenges and opportunities; [contributions delivered at CEFL's fifth international conference]. European Family Law 35. Cambridge: Intersentia, pp. 335–345.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire and Katayoun Alidadi. 2014. The RELIGARE report: religion in the context of the European Union; engaging the interplay between religious diversity and secular models. In: Marie-Claire Foblets, Katayoun Alidadi, Jørgen S. Nielsen , and Zeynep Yanasmayan (eds.). Belief, law and politics: what future for a secular Europe? Cultural Diversity and Law in Association with RELIGARE. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 11–50.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire, Katayoun Alidadi, Jørgen S. Nielsen, and Zeynep Yanasmayan. 2014. Introduction. In: Marie-Claire Foblets, Katayoun Alidadi, Jørgen S. Nielsen , and Zeynep Yanasmayan (eds.). Belief, law and politics: what future for a secular Europe? Cultural Diversity and Law in Association with RELIGARE. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 3–10.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire and Jan Velaers . 2014. In search of the right balance: recent discussions in Belgium and the Netherlands on religious freedom and the slaughter of animals without prior stunning. In: Brigitte Schinkele , René Kuppe , and Stefan Schima (eds.). Recht – Religion – Kultur: Festschrift für Richard Potz zum 70. Geburtstag. Wien: Facultas, pp. 67–85.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2013. Accommodating Islamic family law(s): a critical analysis of some recent developments and experiments in Europe. In: Maurits Berger (ed.). Applying shari'a in the West: facts, fears and the future of Islamic rules on family relations in the West. Debates on Islam and Society. Leiden: Leiden University Press, pp. 207–226.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2013. Inleiding. In: Marie-Claire Foblets and Jean-Philippe Schreiber (eds.). Les Assises de l'Interculturalité = De Rondetafels van de Interculturaliteit = The Round Tables on Interculturalism. Bruxelles: Larcier, pp. 9–18.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2013. Introduction. In: Marie-Claire Foblets and Jean-Philippe Schreiber (eds.). Les Assises de l'Interculturalité = De Rondetafels van de Interculturaliteit = The Round Tables on Interculturalism. Bruxelles: Larcier, pp. 19–28.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2013. Inleiding. In: Marie-Claire Foblets (ed.). Les assises de l'interculturalité / De Rondetafels van de Interculturaliteit / The Round Tables on Interculturalism. Brüssel: Larcier, pp. 9–18.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire and Nadjma Yassari. 2013. Cultural diversity in the legal framework: modes of operation. In: Marie-Claire Foblets and Nadjma Yassari (eds.). Approches juridiques à la diversité culturelle. Les Livres de Droit de l'Académie. Leiden: Nijhoff, pp. 3–56.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire and Nadjma Yassari. 2013. Avant-propos. In: Marie-Claire Foblets and Nadjma Yassari (eds.). Approches juridiques à la diversité culturelle. Les Livres de Droit de l'Académie. Leiden: Nijhoff, pp. XXXI-XXXV.
Book Chapter
Agten, Toon and Marie-Claire Foblets. 2012. Het neutraliteitsbeginsel op de tocht?: quo vadis na het tweede Lautsi-arrest van het EHRM. In: Willem Debeuckelaere, Serge Gutwirth, Mark Lambrechts, Mieke Santens, and Dirk Voorhoof (eds.). Ontmoetingen met Koen Raes. Tegenspraak-cahier 29. Brugge: die Keure, pp. 21–33.
Book Chapter
Alidadi, Katayoun, Marie-Claire Foblets, and Jogchum Vrielink. 2012. Introduction. In: Katayoun Alidadi, Marie-Claire Foblets, and Jogchum Vrielink (eds.). A test of faith?: religious diversity and accommodation in the European workplace. Cultural Diversity and Law in Association with RELIGARE. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 1–10.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2012. Les juges belges et l’application de la loi étrangère en droit de la famille. In: Nathalie Bernard-Maugiron and Baudouin Dupret (eds.). Ordre public et droit musulman de la famille: en Europe et en Afrique du Nord. Bruxelles: Bruylant, pp. 409–437.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2012. De Belgische nationaliteit in eer hersteld?: nieuwe wendingen in de appreciatie van integratie, Europees burgerschap en procedures van nationaliteitsverkrijging. In: Marie-Claire Foblets, Mireille Hildebrandt, and Jacques Steenbergen (eds.). Liber amicorum René Foqué. Gent: Larcier, pp. 321–350.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2012. L'Islam définitivement installé en Belgique, atout pour un droit de la famille repensé. In: Brigitte Marèchal and Farid El Asri (eds.). Islam Belge au pluriel. Islams contemporains. Louvain-la-Neuve: Presses Universitaires de Louvain, pp. 291–317.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2012. Diversité religieuse en Europe: une approche innovante conjuguant l’approche juridique et sociologique. In: Frédérique Ast and Bernadette Duarte (eds.). Les discriminations religieuses en Europe: droit et pratiques. Droit, société et risque. Paris: L'Harmattan, pp. 105–119.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2012. Religion and rethinking the public-private divide: introduction. In: Silvio de Ferrari and Sabrina Pastorelli (eds.). Religion in public spaces: a European perspective. Cultural Diversity and Law in Association with RELIGARE. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 1–21.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2012. Woord vooraf. In: Jinske Verhellen (ed.). Het Belgisch wetboek IPR in familiezaken: wetgevende doelstellingen getoetst aan de praktijk. Brugge: die Keure, pp. XI-XIV.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2012. Woord vooraf. In: Jinske Verhellen (ed.). Het Belgisch wetboek IPR in familiezaken: wetgevende doelstellingen getoetst aan de praktijk. Brügge: La Charte Professional Publishing, pp. XI-XIV.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire, Mireille Hildebrandt, and Jacques Steenbergen. 2012. Voorwoord. In: Marie-Claire Foblets, Mireille Hildebrandt, and Jacques Steenbergen (eds.). Liber amicorum René Foqué. Gent: Larcier, pp. I-II.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire and Jan Velaers. 2012. Godsdienstvrijheid en het onbedwelmd slachten van dieren. In: Dave De Ruysscher, Paul De Hert, and Machteld De Metsenaere (eds.). Een leven van inzet: liber amicorum Michel Magits. Mechelen: Kluwer, pp. 375–401.
Book Chapter
Yanasmayan, Zeynep and Marie-Claire Foblets. 2012. Pros and cons of compulsory 'inburgering': mapping the views of newcomers in Flanders and in Brussels. In: Yves Pascouau and Tineke Strik (eds.). Which integration policies for migrants?: interaction between the EU and its member states. Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers, pp. 255–281.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2011. Wat als verblijfsprocedures mislukken?: verwijdering, of de keerzijde van migratie. In: Marie-Claire Foblets, Dirk Vanheule, and Marleen Maes (eds.). Dertig jaar vreemdelingenwet. Migratie- en migrantenrecht: recente ontwikkelingen 14. Brugge: die Keure, pp. 551–613.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2011. Droit international privé. In: Francis Messner (ed.). Droit des religions. Dictionnaire. Paris: CNRS Éditions, pp. 225–236.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2011. Le droit face à la multiplication des revendications identitaires: pluriculturalité et pluralisme juridique au départ de l'expérience belge. In: Julie Ringelheim (ed.). Le droit et la diversité culturelle. Collection du Centre des Droits de l'Homme de l'Université Catholique de Louvain 10. Bruxelles: Bruylant, pp. 877–906.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire and Petra Heyse. 2011. Een analyse van het spanningsveld binnen het Belgische gezinsherenigingsbeleid. Mintegratie, over nieuwe vormen van migratie en integratie.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire and Dirk Vanheule. 2011. Circulaire migratie: ambivalenties van een nieuwe aanpak in het migratiebeleid. In: Michele Morel and Cedric Ryngaert (eds.). Migratie: winnaars en verliezer. Reeks wereldvisie 10. Leuven: Acco, pp. 67–81.
Book Chapter
Heyse, Petra and Marie-Claire Foblets. 2011. Een analyse van het spanningsveld binnen het Belgische gezinsherenigingsbeleid. In: Christiane Timmerman, Ina Lodewyckx, Els Vanderwaeren, and Dirk Vanheule (eds.). Mintegratie: over nieuwe vormen van migratie en integratie. Antwerp: University Press Antwerp, pp. 163–190.
Book Chapter
Maes, Marleen, Dirk Vanheule, Jan Wouters, and Marie-Claire Foblets. 2011. The international dimension of EU asylum and migration policy: framing the issues. In: Marleen Maes, Marie-Claire Foblets, Philippe De Bruycker, Dirk Vanheule, and Jan Wouters (eds.). External dimensions of EU migration and asylum law and policy = Dimensions externes du droit et de la politique d'immigration et d'asile de l'UE. Bruxelles: Bruylant, pp. 9–60.
Book Chapter
Velaers, Jan and Marie-Claire Foblets. 2011. Le fait religieux dans ses rapports avec l'État en droit belge. In: Eric Dirix and Yves-Henri Leleu (eds.). The Belgian reports at the Congress of Washington of the International Academy of Comparative Law. Bruxelles: Bruylant, pp. 37–86.
Book Chapter
Velaers, Jan and Marie-Claire Foblets. 2011. Het voorzorgsbeginsel in de legisprudentie van de Raad van State, Afdeling Wetgeving. In: Caroline Van Schoubroeck, Wouter Devroe, Koen Geens, and Jules Stuyck (eds.). Over grenzen: liber amicorum Herman Cousy. Antwerpen: Intersentia, pp. 967–982.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2010. Europa frente a una creciente diversidad de culturas: análisis crítico de algunos desarrollos y experimentos recientes en el ámbito del derecho de familia. In: Eduardo Javier Ruiz Vieytez and Gorka Urrutia Asua (eds.). Derechos humanos en contextos multiculturales: ¿acomodo de derechos o derechos de acomodo? Derechos Humanos 18. [Donostia]: Departamento de Deportes y Acción Exterior de la Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, pp. 141–162.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2010. Diversité et catégories de personnes dans les sociétés contemporaines. In: Jean-Yves Carlier (ed.). L'étranger face au droit: XXes journées d'études juridiques Jean Dabin. Bibliothèque de la Faculté de Droit de l'Université Catholique de Louvain 49. Bruxelles: Bruylant, pp. 125–149.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2010. Foreword and acknowledgements: Islam and the requirements of liberal democratic principles. In: Marie-Claire Foblets and Jean-Yves Carlier (eds.). Islam & Europe: crises are challenges; [Forum A. & A. Leysen for Intercultural Relations]. UPL in Context. Leuven: Leuven University Press, pp. 7–12.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2010. Introduction to part III. In: Marie-Claire Foblets, Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBiens, and Alison Dundes Renteln (eds.). Cultural diversity and the law: state responses from around the world; proceedings of the Colloquium "The Response of State Law to the Expression of Cultural Diversity", Brussels, September 2006 (with the support of the Francqui Foundation). Bruxelles: Bruylant, pp. 505–520.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire, Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBiens, and Alison Dundes Renteln. 2010. Introduction. In: Marie-Claire Foblets, Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBiens, and Alison Dundes Renteln (eds.). Cultural diversity and the law: state responses from around the world; proceedings of the Colloquium "The Response of State Law to the Expression of Cultural Diversity", Brussels, September 2006 (with the support of the Francqui Foundation). Bruxelles: Bruylant, pp. XIII-XXI.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire and Michele Graziadei. 2010. Droit en croyances: regain d'intérêt pour le pluralisme religieux et philosophique. In: Centre de Droit Civil et Comparé du Québec, Centre International de la Common Law en Français, Instituut voor Vreemdelingenrecht en Rechtsanthropologie, and Istituto Subalpino per l'Analisi e l'Insegnamento del Diritto delle Attività Transnazionali (eds.). Convictions philosophiques et religieuses et droits positifs: textes présentés au Colloque International de Moncton (24-27 août 2008). Bruxelles: Bruylant, pp. 1–16.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire and Zeynep Yanasmayan. 2010. Language and integration requirements in Belgium: discordances between the Flemish policy of 'inburgering' and the federal legislator's view(s) on the integration of newcomers and migrants. In: R. v. Oers, E. Ersbøll, and D. Kostakopolou (eds.). A re-definition of belonging?: language and integration tests in Europe. Leiden: Nijhoff, pp. 271–305.
Book Chapter
Velaers, Jan and Marie-Claire Foblets. 2010. Religion and the secular state in Belgium. In: Javier Martínez-Torrón and W. Cole Durham (eds.). Religion and the secular state: interim national reports issued for the occasion of the XVIIIth International Congress of Comparative Law [Washington, D.C., july 2010]. Provo: Brigham Young University, pp. 103–128.
Book Chapter
Bosset, Pierre and Marie-Claire Foblets. 2009. Accommodating diversity in Quebec and Europe: different legal concepts, similar results? In: Council of Europe (ed.). Institutional accomodation and the citizen: legal and political interaction in a pluralist society. Trends in Social Cohesion 21. Strasbourg: Council of Europe publ., pp. 37–65.
Book Chapter
Deklerck, Stijn, Ellen Desmet, Marie-Claire Foblets, Joke Kusters, and Jogchum Vrielink. 2009. Limits of human rights protection from the perspective of legal anthropology. In: Erik Claes, Wouter Devroe, and Bert Keirsbilck (eds.). Facing the limits of the law. Berlin: Springer, pp. 375–414.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2009. The fragmented development of EU immigration and integration policy: which status for third-country nationals in Europe? In: Jan Wouters, Luc Verhey, and Philipp Kiiver (eds.). European constitutionalism beyond Lisbon. Antwerp: Intersentia, pp. 81–109.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2009. Mariage et divorce dans le nouveau code marocain de la famille: quelles implications pour les Marocains en Europe? In: Marc Aoun (ed.). Les statuts personnels en droit comparé: évolutions récentes et implications pratiques. Law and Religion Studies 5. Leuven: Peeters, pp. 197–237.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2009. Migration and integration of third-country nationals in Europe: the need for the development of an efficient, effective and legitimate system of governance. In: Franz von Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, and Julia Eckert (eds.). Rules of law and laws of ruling: on the governance of law. Law, Justice and Power. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 191–216.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2009. La régulation des vies de famille(s) sur arrière-fond de société plurielle: le droit entre libéralisme et individualisme. In: Hugues Fulchiron (ed.). Mariage-conjugalité, parenté-parentalité. Thèmes et commentaires: actes. Paris: Dalloz, pp. 297–321.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2009. Perspective 1: legal anthropology. In: Christoph Castelein, René Foqué, and Alain Verbeke (eds.). Imperative inheritance law in a late-modern society: five perspectives. European Family Law 26. Antwerp: Intersentia, pp. 39–63.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2009. Vervlogen of bedrogen beleidsvisies?: 30 jaar Belgische vreemdelingenwet (1980-2010). In: Willy Bruggeman, Eveline De Wree, Johan Goethals, Paul Ponsaer, Patrick Van Calster, Tom Vander Beken, and Gert Vermeulen (eds.). Van pionier naar onmisbaar: 30 jaar Panopticon. Panopticon Libri 1. Antwerpen: Maklu, pp. 680–729.
Book Chapter
Overbeeke, Adriaan, Marie-Claire Foblets, and Eva Brems. 2009. Woord vooraf. Culturele diversiteit in het onderwijs: een werkboek. Leuven: Acco, pp. 9–10.
Book Chapter
Renteln, Alison Dundes and Marie-Claire Foblets. 2009. Introduction. In: Marie-Claire Foblets and Alison Dundes Renteln (eds.). Multicultural jurisprudence: comparative perspectives on the cultural defense. Oñati International Series in Law and Society. Oxford: Hart, pp. 1–4.
Book Chapter
Renteln, Alison Dundes and Marie-Claire Foblets. 2009. Conclusion. In: Marie-Claire Foblets and Alison Dundes Renteln (eds.). Multicultural jurisprudence: comparative perspectives on the cultural defense. Oñati International Series in Law and Society. Oxford: Hart, pp. 335–338.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2008. Migrant women caught between Islamic family law and women's rights: the search for the appropriate 'connecting factor' in international family law [Reprint]. In: Ann Laquer Estin (ed.). The multi-cultural family. The Family, Law and Society. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 79–102.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2008. Marriage and divorce in the new Moroccan family code: implications for Moroccans residing in Europe. In: Rubya Mehdi, Hanne Petersen, Erik Reenberg Sand, and Gordon R. Woodman (eds.). Law and religion in multicultural societies. Copenhagen: DJØF Publishing, pp. 145–175.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2008. Sociaal-wetenschappelijk rechtsonderzoek op het terrein van migratie en integratie: het pionierswerk van Kees Groenendijk. In: Anita Bröcker (ed.). Migratierecht en rechtssociologie, gebundeld in Kees' studies = Migration law and sociology of law, collected essays in honour of Kees Groenendijk. Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers, pp. 549–558.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire and Steven Bouckaert. 2008. Het Belgische vreemdelingenrecht ingrijpend hertekend: een overzicht van de wetswijzigingen 2006-2007. In: Hans Van Houtte (ed.). Internationaal privaatrecht. Themis 46. Brugge: die Keure, pp. 5–45.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire, Badra Djait, and Katie Pieters. 2008. Jeugddelinquentie, gezien vanuit de belevingswereld van jongeren. In: Ido Weijers and Christian Eliaerts (eds.). Jeugdcriminologie: achtergronden van jeugdcriminaliteit. Den Haag: Boom Juridische uitgevers, pp. 301–313.
Book Chapter
Ceuppens, Bambi and Marie-Claire Foblets. 2007. The Flemish case: a monolingual region in a multilingual federal state. In: David M. Smith and Enid Wistrich (eds.). Regional identity and diversity in Europe: experience in Wales, Silesia and Flanders. London: Federal Trust for Education and Research, pp. 102–158.
Book Chapter
Foblets, Marie-Claire. 2007. The admissibility of repudiation: requirements in private international law; recent developments in France, Belgium and The Netherlands. In: Rubya Mehdi (ed.). Integration & retsudvikling. København: Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag, pp. 151–170.
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