
Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Eckert, Julia, Nina Glick Schiller, and Stephen P. Reyna. 2015. Editors' note to the Lempert-Lambek dialogue. Anthropological Theory 15(2): 127–127. DOI:
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2015. Explanatory frameworks in transnational migration studies: the missing multi-scalar global perspective. Ethnic and Racial Studies 38(13): 2275–2282. DOI:

Book Chapter (3)

Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2015. Whose cosmopolitanism? And whose humanity? In: Nina Glick Schiller and Anrdew Irving (eds.). Whose cosmopolitanism? Critical perspectives, relationalities and discontents. New York; London: Berghahn, pp. 31–33.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2015. Diasporic cosmopolitanism: migrants, sociabilities and city making. In: Nina Glick Schiller and Anrdew Irving (eds.). Whose cosmopolitanism?: critical perspectives, relationalities and discontents. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 103–120.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina and Andrew Irving. 2015. Introduction: what's in a word?; what's in a question? In: Nina Glick Schiller and Andrew Irving (eds.). Whose cosmopolitanism?: critical perspectives, relationalities and discontents. New York: Berghahn, pp. 1–22.

Collected Edition (1)

Collected Edition
Glick Schiller, Nina and Andrew Irving (eds.). 2015. Whose cosmopolitanism? Critical perspectives, relationalities and discontents. New York: Berghahn.
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