Publications of Agathe Menetrier
All genres
Journal Article (3)
Journal Article
Menetrier, Agathe. 2021. Implementing and interpreting refugee resettlement through a veil of secrecy: a case of LGBT resettlement from Africa. Frontiers in Human Dynamics 3: 594214. DOI:
Journal Article
Agathe Menetrier, and . 2021. L'asile contre la santé? Vie et mort des homosexuels sénégalais réfugiés en Mauritanie. L'Année du Maghreb (25): 95–112. DOI:
, , 3.
Journal Article
Agathe Menetrier, and . 2021. Queer necropolitics of asylum: senegalese refugees facing HIV in Mauritania. Global Public Health 16(5): 746–762. DOI:
, , Book Chapter (4)
Book Chapter
Menetrier, Agathe. 2022. An ethical dilemma: when research becomes expert testimony. In: and (eds.). Queer and trans African mobilities: migration, asylum and diaspora. New York: Bloomsbury, pp. 79–95.
Book Chapter
Knörr, Jacqueline, Maarten Bedert, Jonas Klee, Anaïs Ménard, Agathe Menetrier, William Murphy, David O'Kane, and Wilson Trajano Filho. 2020. Research Group: 'Integration and Conflict along the Upper Guinea Coast of West Africa'. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report: Department 'Integration and Conflict'; International Max Planck Research School on Retaliation, Mediation and Punishment (IMPRS REMEP) 2017/2019.
Book Chapter
Menetrier, Agathe. 2019. Déchiffrer les stéréotypes de genre aux guichets de l’asile. In: , , and (eds.). Les stéréotypes, encore et toujours. Hermès 83. Paris: CNRS éditions, pp. 179–185.
Book Chapter
Menetrier, Agathe. 2017. "It’s a war against our own body": long-term refugee women react to the withdrawal of relief organisations in Dakar, Senegal. In: , , , and (eds.). Witnessing the transition: moments in the long summer of migration. Berlin: Berlin Institute for empirical Integration and Migration Research (BIM), pp. 77–94.
Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Menetrier, Agathe. 2022. "We have to get LGBT refugees out of here!": a study of secrecy along a humanitarian resettlement programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in West Africa. PhD Thesis, École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Université Paris sciences et lettres, Paris.
Book Review (1)
Book Review
Menetrier, Agathe. 2019. Isabelle Coutant: les migrants en bas de chez soi. Emulations. DOI:
Blog Post (1)
Blog Post
Menetrier, A. 2016. Die Stadt als Fluchtort: Langzeitgeflüchtete in Dakar, Senegal. FluchtforschungsBlog. Netzwerk Fluchtforschung.