Publications of Ursula Rao

Journal Article (29)

Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2023. Making informal sacred geographies: spiritual presence, sensual engagement, and wayside shrines in urban India. Space and Culture 26(2): 192–203. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2022. Policy as experimentation: failing 'forward' towards universal health coverage in India. Social Anthropology 30(2): 81–100. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2019. Biometric IDs and the remaking of the Indian (welfare) state. Economic Sociology 21(1): 13–21.
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2019. Response to 'The Aadhaar debate: where are the sociologists?'. Contributions to Indian Sociology 53(3): 431–440. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula and Vijayanka Nair (eds.). 2019. Aadhaar: governing with biometrics. South Asia 42(3): 469–481. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2019. Population meets database: aligning personal, documentary and digital identity in Aadhaar-enabled India. South Asia 42(3): 537–553. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2018. Biometric bodies, or how to make electronic fingerprinting work in India. Body and Society 24(3): 68–94. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2018. Comment on Amita Baviskar "Between violence and desire: space, power, and identity in the making of metropolitan Delhi". International Social Science Journal 68(227-228): 195–198. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2017. Politics, politicking. South Asia 40(2): 382–384. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2017. Nachruf für Klaus Peter Köpping 17.3.1940-17.6.2017. Sociologus 67(2): 219–222. DOI:
Journal Article
Anjaria, Jonathan Shapiro and Ursula Rao. 2014. Talking back to the state: citizens' engagement after neoliberal reform in India. Social Anthropology/Anthropologie sociale 22(4): 410–427. DOI:
Journal Article
Mauksch, Stefanie and Ursula Rao. 2014. Fieldwork as dialogue: reflections on alternative forms of engagement. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 139(1): 23–38.
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2014. Debates in anthropology: introduction. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 139(1): 1–5.
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula and Graham William Greenleaf. 2013. Subverting ID from above and below: the uncertain shaping of India’s new instrument of e-governance. Surveillance and Society 11(3): 287–300. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2013. Biometric marginality: UID and the shaping of homeless identities in the city. Economic and Political Weekly 48(13): 71.
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2013. Tolerated encroachment: resettlement policies and the negotiation of the licit/illicit divide in an Indian metropolis. Cultural Anthropology 28(4): 760–779. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2012. News for consumer citizens: corporate pressure, political criticism and middle class assertion in the Indian media. Portal 9(1): 1–16. DOI: .
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2012. Habits of democracy: newswriting practices and the re-working of democratic traditions in India. Communication, Politics and Culture 45(1): 78–95.
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2011. 'Inter-publics': Hindu mobilization beyond the bourgeois public sphere. Religion and Society 2(1): 90–105. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2011. Reading between the lines: critical social reporting in Indian national newspapers. Human Rights Defender 20(1): 19–22.
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2010. Neoliberalism and the rewriting of the Indian leader. American Ethnologist 37(4): 713–725. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2010. Making the global city: urban citizenship at the margins of Delhi. Ethnos 75(4): 402–424. DOI:
Journal Article
Doron, Assa and Ursula Rao. 2009. From the edge of power: the cultural politics of disadvantage in South Asia. Asian Studies Review 33(4): 419–428. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2009. Arbeit am Ruf: Medienstrategien indischer Patrone. Sociologus 59(2): 199–227. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2009. Caste and the desire for belonging. Asian Studies Review 33(4): 483–499. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2009. Ritual (as) politics. Man in India 89(1-2): 173–188.
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2007. Ritual als Performanz: zur Charakterisierung eines Paradigmenwechsels. Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 59(4): 351–370. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2002. How to prove divinities? Experiencing and defending divine agency in a modern Indian space. Religion 32(1): 3–11. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2000. Eine Frage des Glaubens: "illegale" Tempel und der Kampf um die Gestaltung des öffentlichen Raumes im urbanen Indien. Sociologus 50(2): 145–174.

Book Chapter (40)

Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2020. Remediating the local through localised news making: India's booming multilingual press as agent in political and social change. In: Agnes Gulyas and David Baines (eds.). The Routledge companion to local media and journalism. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 149–157.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2019. Global cities. In: Matthias Middell (ed.). The Routledge handbook of transregional studies. The Routledge History Handbooks. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 188–196.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2019. Re-spatializing social security in India. In: Setha Low and Mark Maguire (eds.). Spaces of security: ethnographies of securityscapes, surveillance, and control. New York: New York University Press, pp. 231–252.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2019. Re-thinking anthropology as engaged practice. In: John Hutnyk, Le Thi Mai, and Dang Thi Kim Phung (eds.). Conference proceedings: International Conference on Innovation in the Social Sciences and Humanities, 2019. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: Ton Duc Thang University, pp. 12–20.
Book Chapter
Jacobsen, Elida K. U. and Ursula Rao. 2018. The truth of the error: making identity and security through biometric discrimination. In: Mark Maguire, Ursula Rao, and Nils Zurawski (eds.). Bodies as evidence: security, knowledge, and power. Global Insecurities. Durham; London: Duke University Press, pp. 24–42.
Book Chapter
Maguire, Mark and Ursula Rao. 2018. Introduction: bodies as evidence. In: Mark Maguire, Ursula Rao, and Nils Zurawski (eds.). Bodies as evidence: security, knowledge, and power. Global Insecurities. Durham; London: Duke University Press, pp. 1–23.
Book Chapter
Maguire, Mark and Ursula Rao. 2018. Conclusion: discontinuities and diversity. In: Mark Maguire, Ursula Rao, and Nils Zurawski (eds.). Bodies as evidence: security, knowledge, and power. Global Insecurities. Durham; London: Duke University Press, pp. 228–236.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2018. Incremental gentrification: upgrading and the predicaments of making India slum-free. In: Setha Low (ed.). The Routledge handbook of anthropology and the city. Routledge Handbooks. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 214–227.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2018. Sacred space. In: Hilary Callan (ed.). The international encyclopedia of anthropology 10. Hoboken; Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 5334–5340.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2017. Writing, typing and scanning: distributive justice and the politics of visibility in the era of e-governance. In: Sahana Udupa and Stephen D. McDowell (eds.). Media as politics in South Asia. Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series 118. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 127–140.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2017. Ethnologische Globalisierungsforschung. In: Bettina Beer, Hans Fischer, and Julia Pauli (eds.). Ethnologie: Einführung in die Erforschung kultureller Vielfalt. 9. ed. Ethnologische Paperbacks. Berlin: Reimer, pp. 55–70.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2017. Vom Paradox der Sinne. In: Bell Flavors and Fragrances GmbH (ed.). 25 Jahre Bell Flavors and Fragrances GmbH. Altenburg: Druckerei zu Altenburg, pp. 82–88.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2016. Urban negotiations and small-scale gentrification in a Delhi resettlement colony. In: Surajit Chakravarty and Rohit Negi (eds.). Space, planning and everyday contestations in Delhi. Exploring Urban Change in South Asia. New Delhi: Springer, pp. 77–89.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2016. Media Hinduism. In: Will Sweetman and Aditya Malik (eds.). Hinduism in India: modern and contemporary movements. Hinduism in India. Los Angeles; London; New Delhi; Singapor; Washington; Melbourne: SAGE, pp. 123–140.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2014. Temporalities of planning and disaster: slum demolition and the rebuilding of lives at the margins of Delhi. In: Minako Sakai, Edwin Jurriëns, Jian Zhang, and Alec Thornton (eds.). Disaster relief in the Asia Pacific: agency and resilience. Routledge contemporary Asia series 44. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 102–115.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2014. Neue Märkte der Entwicklung: Krankenversicherungen, Computer-Technologie und das Risiko der Heilung in Indien. In: Katja Geisenhainer, Lothar Bohrmann, and Bernhard Streck (eds.). 100 Jahre Institut für Ethnologie der Universität Leipzig: eine Anthologie seiner Vertreter. Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Ethnologie der Universität Leipzig: Reihe Institutsgeschichte 4. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, pp. 277–294.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2010. Empowerment through local news making: studying the media/public interface in India. In: S. Elizabeth Bird (ed.). The anthropology of news & journalism: global perspectives. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 100–115.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2010. Embedded/embedding media practices and cultural production. In: Birgit Bräuchler and John Postill (eds.). Theorising media and practice. Anthropology of Media 4. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 147–168.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2009. Contested terrains: the negotiation of modern (religious) identities in urban spaces. In: N. K. Das and V. R. Rao (eds.). Identity, cultural pluralism and state: South Asia in perspective. Macmillan Advanced Research Series. New Delhi: Anthropological Survey of India; Macmillan, pp. 281–290.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2008. Contested spaces: temple buildung and the re-creation of religious boundaries in contemporary urban India. In: Frances Pine and João de Pina-Cabral (eds.). On the margins of religion. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 81–96.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2008. Tempelbau als Widerstand? Überlegungen zum Begriff der Heterotopie. In: Daniel Hechler and Axel Philipps (eds.). Widerstand denken: Michel Foucault und die Grenzen der Macht. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 219–233.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2007. Partition in contemporary struggles over religious spaces in Bhopal. In: Smita Tewari Jassal (ed.). The partition motif in contemporary conflicts. New Delhi: SAGE, pp. 297–320.
Book Chapter
Köpping, Klaus-Peter and Ursula Rao. 2006. Kultur. In: Christoph Auffarth, Hans Gerhard Kippenberg, and Axel Michaels (eds.). Wörterbuch der Religionen. Stuttgart: Kröner, pp. 299–300.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2006. News from the field: the experience of transgression and the transformation of knowledge during research in an expert-site. In: Ursula Rao and John Hutnyk (eds.). Celebrating transgression: method and politics in anthropological studies of cultures; a book in honour of Klaus Peter Köpping. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 23–37.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2006. Ritual in society. In: Jens Kreinath, Joannes A. M. Snoek, and Michael Stausberg (eds.). Theorizing rituals 1. Studies in the history of religions 114. Leiden; Boston: Brill, pp. 143–160.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2006. Einleitung: zwischen Struktur und Kontingenz. In: Ursula Rao (ed.). Kulturelle VerWandlungen: die Gestaltung sozialer Welten in der Performanz. Frankfurt; Berlin; Bern; Bruxelles; New York; Oxford; Wien: Peter Lang, pp. 11–31.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2006. Neta, Medium, Priester: Statuspositionen und die Gestaltung von indischen Tempelritualen. In: Ursula Rao (ed.). Kulturelle VerWandlungen: die Gestaltung sozialer Welten in der Performanz. Frankfurt; Berlin; Bern; Bruxelles; New York; Oxford; Wien: Peter Lang, pp. 235–257.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2006. Funktionalismus. In: Christoph Auffarth, Hans Gerhard Kippenberg, and Axel Michaels (eds.). Wörterbuch der Religionen. Stuttgart: Kröner, pp. 160–160.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2006. Religionsethnologie. In: Christoph Auffarth, Hans Gerhard Kippenberg, and Axel Michaels (eds.). Wörterbuch der Religionen. Stuttgart: Kröner, pp. 433–435.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula and John Hutnyk. 2006. Introduction. In: Ursula Rao and John Hutnyk (eds.). Celebrating transgression: method and politics in anthropological studies of cultures; a book in honour of Klaus Peter Köpping. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 1–10.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2005. Ritualpolitik: die (Nicht-)Emergenz sozialer und politischer Autorität durch rituelle Performanzen. In: Erika Fischer-Lichte (ed.). Diskurse des Theatralen. Theatralität 7. Tübingen; Basel: Francke, pp. 193–209.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2005. Kultur als Verhandlungs(spiel)raum. In: Ilja Srubar, Joachim Renn, and Ulrich Wenzel (eds.). Kulturen vergleichen: sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen und Kontroversen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 354–370.
Book Chapter
Köpping, Klaus-Peter and Ursula Rao. 2003. Zwischenräume. In: Erika Fischer-Lichte, Christian Horn, Sandra Umathum, and Matthias Warstat (eds.). Ritualität und Grenze. Theatralität 5. Tübingen; Basel: Francke, pp. 235–250.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula and Klaus-Peter Köpping. 2003. Einleitung. In: Erika Fischer-Lichte, Christian Horn, Sandra Umathum, and Matthias Warstat (eds.). Ritualität und Grenze. Theatralität 5. Tübingen; Basel: Francke, pp. 211–218.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula and Klaus-Peter Köpping. 2003. Erwartungen an das Unerwartete: gescheiterte Performanzen als Ereignisse. In: Erika Fischer-Lichte, Christian Horn, Sandra Umathum, and Matthias Warstat (eds.). Performativität und Ereignis. Theatralität 4. Tübingen; Basel: Francke, pp. 119–134.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2002. Das Spiel von Nähe und Distanz: Werbung um Beziehungen und Meinungen im journalistischen Feld Nordindiens. In: Herbert Willems (ed.). Die Gesellschaft der Werbung: Kontexte und Texte; Produktionen und Rezeptionen; Entwicklungen und Perspektiven. 1. ed. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, pp. 265–282.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2002. Assessing the past in search for a future: the changing of caste and the writing of caste history in contemporary urban India. In: Axel Harneit-Sievers (ed.). A place in the world: new local historiographies from Africa and South Asia. African Social Studies Series 2. Leiden; Boston; Köln: Brill, pp. 347–366.
Book Chapter
Köpping, Klaus-Peter and Ursula Rao. 2001. Macht und Ohnmacht des Mediums: Transformationen individueller und kollektiver Wahrnehmung durch religiöse Performanzen. In: Erika Fischer-Lichte, Christian Horn, Sandra Umathum, and Matthias Warstat (eds.). Wahrnehmung und Medialität. Theatralität 3. Tübingen; Basel: Francke, pp. 197–211.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2000. Regeln in Bewegung: die Gestaltung indischer Tempelrituale zwischen Formalität und Offenheit. In: Klaus-Peter Köpping and Ursula Rao (eds.). Im Rausch des Rituals: Gestaltung und Transformation der Wirklichkeit in körperlicher Performanz. Performanzen 1. Münster; Hamburg; London: Lit, pp. 45–59.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula and Klaus-Peter Köpping. 2000. Die "performative Wende": Leben - Ritual - Theater. In: Klaus-Peter Köpping and Ursula Rao (eds.). Im Rausch des Rituals: Gestaltung und Transformation der Wirklichkeit in körperlicher Performanz. Performanzen 1. Münster; Hamburg; London: Lit, pp. 1–31.

Working Paper (1)

Working Paper
Rao, Ursula. 2020. The city as secular space and religious territory: accommodating religious activism in urban India. Working Paper Series of the HCAS "Multiple Secularities - Beyond the West, Beyond Modernities" 21. Leipzig: Leipzig University.

Issue (1)

Rao, Ursula (ed.). 2014. Current debates in anthropology. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 139(1).

Other (5)

Rao, Ursula and David Fritzpatrick. 2024. Algorithmic Governance. Curiosity Meets Discovery. Florida: Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience.
Rao, Ursula and Tereza Østbø Kuldova. 2021. Conversation with Ursula Rao on digital identities, biometric technology and bodies of evidence. Black Box 4. Algorithmic Governance Research Network.
Rao, Ursula. 2013. J. Edmond u.a. (Hrsg.): Recentring Asia. H-Soz-Kult.
Rao, Ursula. 2011. E-governance, social welfare and the dream of control in India. Asian Currents.
Rao, Ursula. 2011. The daily newspaper deals. Tehelka.

Book Review (18)

Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2016. Corinna R. Unger: Entwicklungspfade in Indien. Eine internationale Geschichte 1947-1980, Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2015, 319 S. Comparativ 26(3): 134–136.
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2014. Akhil Gupta. Red tape: bureaucracy, structural violence and poverty in India. Durham: Duke University Press, 2012. 348 pp. Asian Studies Review 38(3): 530–532. DOI:
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2014. Thomas Bierschenk, Matthias Krings, Carola Lentz (Hg.): Ethnologie im 21. Jahrhundert. 288 Seiten. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 139(1): 154–155.
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2013. Renu Desai and Romola Sanyal (eds), Urbanizing citizenship: contested spaces in Indian cities (New Delhi: Sage, 2012). South Asia 36(2): 309–311. DOI:
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2012. Akhil Gupta and K. Sivaramakrishnan (eds.) The State in India after liberalization: interdisciplinary perspectives. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2011. 240 pp. Asian Studies Review 36(1): 140–141. DOI:
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2012. Christiane Brosius, India's middle class: new forms of urban leisure, consumption and prosperity (London: Routledge, 2010). South Asia 35(4): 894–896. DOI:
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2011. Gellner David N, 2009, Ethnic activism and civil society in South Asia. Series: Governance, Conflict, and Civil Action, Volume 2. Hardbound. New Delhi: Sage, Gellner, David N, 2010, Varieties of activist experience: civil society in South Asia. Series: Governance, Conflict, and Civil Action, Volume 3. Hardbound. New Delhi: Sage. Australian Journal of Anthropology 22(3): 418–420. DOI:
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2011. Working the night shift: women in India's call center industry; Reena Patel. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2010. 191 pp. American Anthropologist 113(3): 526–527. DOI:
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2010. Photographies east: the camera and its histories in east and southeast Asia; Rosalind C. Morris (Ed.); Durham, Duke University Press, 2009; 328 pp. Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 11(1): 88–90. DOI:
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2010. Media and ethnic identity: Hopi views on media, identity, and communication, Ritva Levo-Henriksson (2007) Series: Indigenous Peoples and Politics: New york and London: Routledge, 272 pp. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics 6(1): 127–129. DOI:
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2008. Beltz, Johannes: Mahar, Buddhist and Dalit: religious conversion and socio-political emancipation. New Delhi: Manohar, 2005. 309 Seiten. Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 103(1): 103–105. DOI: .
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2007. Nadja-Christina Schneider: Zur Darstellung von 'Kultur' und 'kultureller Differenz' im indischen Mediensystem: die indische Presse und die Repräsentation des Islams im Rahmen der Zivilrechtsdebatte, 1985-87 und 2003. Asien 102: 93–95. DOI:
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2006. Andreas Wimmer: Kultur als Prozess: Zur Dynamik des Aushandelns von Bedeutungen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 2005. 225 Seiten. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 58(3): 151–152. DOI:
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2004. B. Hauser-Schäublin u.a. (Hgg.): Kulturelle Räume. H-Soz-Kult.
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2004. Andreas Hepp und Waldemar Vogelgesang (Hg.): Populäre Events: Medienevents, Spielevents, Spaßevents. Band 4 der Reihe: Erlebniswelten. Opladen: Leske + Budrich 2003. 272 Seiten. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 56(3): 588–590. DOI:
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2003. Winfried Gebhardt, Ronald Hitzler und Michaela Pfadenhauer (Hg.): Events: Soziologie des Außergewöhnlichen. Opladen: Leske + Budrich 2000. 441 Seiten. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 55(3): 577–579. DOI:
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2003. Sefik Alp Bahadir (Hg.): Kultur und Region im Zeichen der Globalisierung: Wohin treiben die Regionalkulturen? Neustadt an der Aisch: Verlag Degener & Co. 2000. 544 Seiten. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 55(2): 404–405. DOI:
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2002. Ina Rösing: Religion, Ritual und Alltag in den Anden: die zehn Geschlechter von Amarete, Bolivien; Zweiter Ankari-Zyklus; Kollektivrituale der Kallawaya-Region in den Anden Boliviens. Mundo Ankari Band 6. Berlin: Reimer 2001. 835 Seiten. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 54(2): 390–392. DOI:

Collected Edition (5)

Collected Edition
Marung, Steffi and Ursula Rao. 2023. Spatial entrepreneurs: actors and practices of space-making under the global condition. Dialectics of the Global 7. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Collected Edition
Maguire, Mark, Ursula Rao, and Nils Zurawski (eds.). 2018. Bodies as evidence: security, knowledge, and power. Global Insecurities. Durham; London: Duke University Press.
Collected Edition
Rao, Ursula (ed.). 2006. Kulturelle VerWandlungen: die Gestaltung sozialer Welten in der Performanz. Frankfurt am Main; Berlin; Bern; Bruxelles; New York; Oxford; Wien: Lang.
Collected Edition
Rao, Ursula and John Hutnyk (eds.). 2006. Celebrating transgression: method and politics in anthropological studies of cultures; a book in honour of Klaus Peter Köpping. New York; Oxford: Berghahn.
Collected Edition
Köpping, Klaus-Peter and Ursula Rao (eds.). 2000. Im Rausch des Rituals: Gestaltung und Transformation der Wirklichkeit in körperlicher Performanz. 1. ed. Performanzen: interkulturelle Studien zu Ritual, Spiel und Theater 1. Münster; Hamburg; London: Lit.

Monograph (3)

Rao, Ursula. 2010. News as culture: journalistic practices and the remaking of Indian leadership traditions. Anthropology of Media 3. New York: Berghahn.
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