Publications of Ursula Rao
All genres
Journal Article (29)
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2023. Making informal sacred geographies: spiritual presence, sensual engagement, and wayside shrines in urban India. Space and Culture 26(2): 192–203. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2022. Policy as experimentation: failing 'forward' towards universal health coverage in India. Social Anthropology 30(2): 81–100. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2019. Biometric IDs and the remaking of the Indian (welfare) state. Economic Sociology 21(1): 13–21.
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2019. Response to 'The Aadhaar debate: where are the sociologists?'. Contributions to Indian Sociology 53(3): 431–440. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula and (eds.). 2019. Aadhaar: governing with biometrics. South Asia 42(3): 469–481. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2019. Population meets database: aligning personal, documentary and digital identity in Aadhaar-enabled India. South Asia 42(3): 537–553. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2018. Biometric bodies, or how to make electronic fingerprinting work in India. Body and Society 24(3): 68–94. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2018. Comment on Amita Baviskar "Between violence and desire: space, power, and identity in the making of metropolitan Delhi". International Social Science Journal 68(227-228): 195–198. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2017. Politics, politicking. South Asia 40(2): 382–384. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2017. Nachruf für Klaus Peter Köpping 17.3.1940-17.6.2017. Sociologus 67(2): 219–222. DOI:
Journal Article
Ursula Rao. 2014. Talking back to the state: citizens' engagement after neoliberal reform in India. Social Anthropology/Anthropologie sociale 22(4): 410–427. DOI:
and 12.
Journal Article
Ursula Rao. 2014. Fieldwork as dialogue: reflections on alternative forms of engagement. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 139(1): 23–38.
and 13.
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2014. Debates in anthropology: introduction. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 139(1): 1–5.
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula and . 2013. Subverting ID from above and below: the uncertain shaping of India’s new instrument of e-governance. Surveillance and Society 11(3): 287–300. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2013. Biometric marginality: UID and the shaping of homeless identities in the city. Economic and Political Weekly 48(13): 71.
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2013. Tolerated encroachment: resettlement policies and the negotiation of the licit/illicit divide in an Indian metropolis. Cultural Anthropology 28(4): 760–779. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2012. News for consumer citizens: corporate pressure, political criticism and middle class assertion in the Indian media. Portal 9(1): 1–16. DOI: .
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2012. Habits of democracy: newswriting practices and the re-working of democratic traditions in India. Communication, Politics and Culture 45(1): 78–95.
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2011. 'Inter-publics': Hindu mobilization beyond the bourgeois public sphere. Religion and Society 2(1): 90–105. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2011. Reading between the lines: critical social reporting in Indian national newspapers. Human Rights Defender 20(1): 19–22.
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2010. Neoliberalism and the rewriting of the Indian leader. American Ethnologist 37(4): 713–725. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2010. Making the global city: urban citizenship at the margins of Delhi. Ethnos 75(4): 402–424. DOI:
Journal Article
Ursula Rao. 2009. From the edge of power: the cultural politics of disadvantage in South Asia. Asian Studies Review 33(4): 419–428. DOI:
and 24.
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2009. Arbeit am Ruf: Medienstrategien indischer Patrone. Sociologus 59(2): 199–227. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2009. Caste and the desire for belonging. Asian Studies Review 33(4): 483–499. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2009. Ritual (as) politics. Man in India 89(1-2): 173–188.
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2007. Ritual als Performanz: zur Charakterisierung eines Paradigmenwechsels. Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte 59(4): 351–370. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2002. How to prove divinities? Experiencing and defending divine agency in a modern Indian space. Religion 32(1): 3–11. DOI:
Journal Article
Rao, Ursula. 2000. Eine Frage des Glaubens: "illegale" Tempel und der Kampf um die Gestaltung des öffentlichen Raumes im urbanen Indien. Sociologus 50(2): 145–174.
Book Chapter (40)
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2020. Remediating the local through localised news making: India's booming multilingual press as agent in political and social change. In: and (eds.). The Routledge companion to local media and journalism. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 149–157.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2019. Global cities. In: (ed.). The Routledge handbook of transregional studies. The Routledge History Handbooks. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 188–196.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2019. Re-spatializing social security in India. In: and (eds.). Spaces of security: ethnographies of securityscapes, surveillance, and control. New York: New York University Press, pp. 231–252.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2019. Re-thinking anthropology as engaged practice. In: , , and (eds.). Conference proceedings: International Conference on Innovation in the Social Sciences and Humanities, 2019. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: Ton Duc Thang University, pp. 12–20.
Book Chapter
Ursula Rao. 2018. The truth of the error: making identity and security through biometric discrimination. In: , Ursula Rao, and (eds.). Bodies as evidence: security, knowledge, and power. Global Insecurities. Durham; London: Duke University Press, pp. 24–42.
and 35.
Book Chapter
Ursula Rao. 2018. Introduction: bodies as evidence. In: , Ursula Rao, and (eds.). Bodies as evidence: security, knowledge, and power. Global Insecurities. Durham; London: Duke University Press, pp. 1–23.
and 36.
Book Chapter
Ursula Rao. 2018. Conclusion: discontinuities and diversity. In: , Ursula Rao, and (eds.). Bodies as evidence: security, knowledge, and power. Global Insecurities. Durham; London: Duke University Press, pp. 228–236.
and 37.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2018. Incremental gentrification: upgrading and the predicaments of making India slum-free. In: (ed.). The Routledge handbook of anthropology and the city. Routledge Handbooks. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 214–227.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2018. Sacred space. In: (ed.). The international encyclopedia of anthropology 10. Hoboken; Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 5334–5340.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2017. Writing, typing and scanning: distributive justice and the politics of visibility in the era of e-governance. In: and (eds.). Media as politics in South Asia. Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series 118. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 127–140.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2017. Ethnologische Globalisierungsforschung. In: , , and (eds.). Ethnologie: Einführung in die Erforschung kultureller Vielfalt. 9. ed. Ethnologische Paperbacks. Berlin: Reimer, pp. 55–70.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2017. Vom Paradox der Sinne. In: (ed.). 25 Jahre Bell Flavors and Fragrances GmbH. Altenburg: Druckerei zu Altenburg, pp. 82–88.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2016. Urban negotiations and small-scale gentrification in a Delhi resettlement colony. In: and (eds.). Space, planning and everyday contestations in Delhi. Exploring Urban Change in South Asia. New Delhi: Springer, pp. 77–89.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2016. Media Hinduism. In: and (eds.). Hinduism in India: modern and contemporary movements. Hinduism in India. Los Angeles; London; New Delhi; Singapor; Washington; Melbourne: SAGE, pp. 123–140.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2014. Temporalities of planning and disaster: slum demolition and the rebuilding of lives at the margins of Delhi. In: , , , and (eds.). Disaster relief in the Asia Pacific: agency and resilience. Routledge contemporary Asia series 44. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 102–115.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2014. Neue Märkte der Entwicklung: Krankenversicherungen, Computer-Technologie und das Risiko der Heilung in Indien. In: , , and (eds.). 100 Jahre Institut für Ethnologie der Universität Leipzig: eine Anthologie seiner Vertreter. Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Ethnologie der Universität Leipzig: Reihe Institutsgeschichte 4. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, pp. 277–294.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2010. Empowerment through local news making: studying the media/public interface in India. In: (ed.). The anthropology of news & journalism: global perspectives. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 100–115.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2010. Embedded/embedding media practices and cultural production. In: and (eds.). Theorising media and practice. Anthropology of Media 4. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 147–168.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2009. Contested terrains: the negotiation of modern (religious) identities in urban spaces. In: and (eds.). Identity, cultural pluralism and state: South Asia in perspective. Macmillan Advanced Research Series. New Delhi: Anthropological Survey of India; Macmillan, pp. 281–290.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2008. Contested spaces: temple buildung and the re-creation of religious boundaries in contemporary urban India. In: Frances Pine and (eds.). On the margins of religion. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 81–96.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2008. Tempelbau als Widerstand? Überlegungen zum Begriff der Heterotopie. In: and (eds.). Widerstand denken: Michel Foucault und die Grenzen der Macht. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 219–233.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2007. Partition in contemporary struggles over religious spaces in Bhopal. In: (ed.). The partition motif in contemporary conflicts. New Delhi: SAGE, pp. 297–320.
Book Chapter
Ursula Rao. 2006. Kultur. In: , , and (eds.). Wörterbuch der Religionen. Stuttgart: Kröner, pp. 299–300.
and 53.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2006. News from the field: the experience of transgression and the transformation of knowledge during research in an expert-site. In: and (eds.). Celebrating transgression: method and politics in anthropological studies of cultures; a book in honour of Klaus Peter Köpping. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 23–37.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2006. Ritual in society. In: , , and (eds.). Theorizing rituals 1. Studies in the history of religions 114. Leiden; Boston: Brill, pp. 143–160.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2006. Einleitung: zwischen Struktur und Kontingenz. In: Ursula Rao (ed.). Kulturelle VerWandlungen: die Gestaltung sozialer Welten in der Performanz. Frankfurt; Berlin; Bern; Bruxelles; New York; Oxford; Wien: Peter Lang, pp. 11–31.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2006. Neta, Medium, Priester: Statuspositionen und die Gestaltung von indischen Tempelritualen. In: Ursula Rao (ed.). Kulturelle VerWandlungen: die Gestaltung sozialer Welten in der Performanz. Frankfurt; Berlin; Bern; Bruxelles; New York; Oxford; Wien: Peter Lang, pp. 235–257.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2006. Funktionalismus. In: , , and (eds.). Wörterbuch der Religionen. Stuttgart: Kröner, pp. 160–160.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2006. Religionsethnologie. In: , , and (eds.). Wörterbuch der Religionen. Stuttgart: Kröner, pp. 433–435.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula and . 2006. Introduction. In: Ursula Rao and (eds.). Celebrating transgression: method and politics in anthropological studies of cultures; a book in honour of Klaus Peter Köpping. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 1–10.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2005. Ritualpolitik: die (Nicht-)Emergenz sozialer und politischer Autorität durch rituelle Performanzen. In: (ed.). Diskurse des Theatralen. Theatralität 7. Tübingen; Basel: Francke, pp. 193–209.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2005. Kultur als Verhandlungs(spiel)raum. In: , , and (eds.). Kulturen vergleichen: sozial- und kulturwissenschaftliche Grundlagen und Kontroversen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 354–370.
Book Chapter
Ursula Rao. 2003. Zwischenräume. In: , , , and (eds.). Ritualität und Grenze. Theatralität 5. Tübingen; Basel: Francke, pp. 235–250.
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Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula and . 2003. Einleitung. In: , , , and (eds.). Ritualität und Grenze. Theatralität 5. Tübingen; Basel: Francke, pp. 211–218.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula and . 2003. Erwartungen an das Unerwartete: gescheiterte Performanzen als Ereignisse. In: , , , and (eds.). Performativität und Ereignis. Theatralität 4. Tübingen; Basel: Francke, pp. 119–134.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2002. Das Spiel von Nähe und Distanz: Werbung um Beziehungen und Meinungen im journalistischen Feld Nordindiens. In: (ed.). Die Gesellschaft der Werbung: Kontexte und Texte; Produktionen und Rezeptionen; Entwicklungen und Perspektiven. 1. ed. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, pp. 265–282.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2002. Assessing the past in search for a future: the changing of caste and the writing of caste history in contemporary urban India. In: (ed.). A place in the world: new local historiographies from Africa and South Asia. African Social Studies Series 2. Leiden; Boston; Köln: Brill, pp. 347–366.
Book Chapter
Ursula Rao. 2001. Macht und Ohnmacht des Mediums: Transformationen individueller und kollektiver Wahrnehmung durch religiöse Performanzen. In: , , , and (eds.). Wahrnehmung und Medialität. Theatralität 3. Tübingen; Basel: Francke, pp. 197–211.
and 68.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula. 2000. Regeln in Bewegung: die Gestaltung indischer Tempelrituale zwischen Formalität und Offenheit. In: and Ursula Rao (eds.). Im Rausch des Rituals: Gestaltung und Transformation der Wirklichkeit in körperlicher Performanz. Performanzen 1. Münster; Hamburg; London: Lit, pp. 45–59.
Book Chapter
Rao, Ursula and . 2000. Die "performative Wende": Leben - Ritual - Theater. In: and Ursula Rao (eds.). Im Rausch des Rituals: Gestaltung und Transformation der Wirklichkeit in körperlicher Performanz. Performanzen 1. Münster; Hamburg; London: Lit, pp. 1–31.
Working Paper (1)
Working Paper
Rao, Ursula. 2020. The city as secular space and religious territory: accommodating religious activism in urban India. Working Paper Series of the HCAS "Multiple Secularities - Beyond the West, Beyond Modernities" 21. Leipzig: Leipzig University.
Issue (1)
Rao, Ursula (ed.). 2014. Current debates in anthropology. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 139(1).
Other (5)
Rao, Ursula and . 2024. Algorithmic Governance. Curiosity Meets Discovery. Florida: Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience.
Rao, Ursula and . 2021. Conversation with Ursula Rao on digital identities, biometric technology and bodies of evidence. Black Box 4. Algorithmic Governance Research Network.
Rao, Ursula. 2013. J. Edmond u.a. (Hrsg.): Recentring Asia. H-Soz-Kult.
Rao, Ursula. 2011. E-governance, social welfare and the dream of control in India. Asian Currents.
Rao, Ursula. 2011. The daily newspaper deals. Tehelka.
Book Review (18)
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2016. Corinna R. Unger: Entwicklungspfade in Indien. Eine internationale Geschichte 1947-1980, Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2015, 319 S. Comparativ 26(3): 134–136.
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2014. Akhil Gupta. Red tape: bureaucracy, structural violence and poverty in India. Durham: Duke University Press, 2012. 348 pp. Asian Studies Review 38(3): 530–532. DOI:
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2014. Thomas Bierschenk, Matthias Krings, Carola Lentz (Hg.): Ethnologie im 21. Jahrhundert. 288 Seiten. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 139(1): 154–155.
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2013. Renu Desai and Romola Sanyal (eds), Urbanizing citizenship: contested spaces in Indian cities (New Delhi: Sage, 2012). South Asia 36(2): 309–311. DOI:
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2012. Akhil Gupta and K. Sivaramakrishnan (eds.) The State in India after liberalization: interdisciplinary perspectives. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, 2011. 240 pp. Asian Studies Review 36(1): 140–141. DOI:
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2012. Christiane Brosius, India's middle class: new forms of urban leisure, consumption and prosperity (London: Routledge, 2010). South Asia 35(4): 894–896. DOI:
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2011. Gellner David N, 2009, Ethnic activism and civil society in South Asia. Series: Governance, Conflict, and Civil Action, Volume 2. Hardbound. New Delhi: Sage, Gellner, David N, 2010, Varieties of activist experience: civil society in South Asia. Series: Governance, Conflict, and Civil Action, Volume 3. Hardbound. New Delhi: Sage. Australian Journal of Anthropology 22(3): 418–420. DOI:
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2011. Working the night shift: women in India's call center industry; Reena Patel. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2010. 191 pp. American Anthropologist 113(3): 526–527. DOI:
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2010. Photographies east: the camera and its histories in east and southeast Asia; Rosalind C. Morris (Ed.); Durham, Duke University Press, 2009; 328 pp. Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology 11(1): 88–90. DOI:
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2010. Media and ethnic identity: Hopi views on media, identity, and communication, Ritva Levo-Henriksson (2007) Series: Indigenous Peoples and Politics: New york and London: Routledge, 272 pp. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics 6(1): 127–129. DOI:
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2008. Beltz, Johannes: Mahar, Buddhist and Dalit: religious conversion and socio-political emancipation. New Delhi: Manohar, 2005. 309 Seiten. Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 103(1): 103–105. DOI: .
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2007. Nadja-Christina Schneider: Zur Darstellung von 'Kultur' und 'kultureller Differenz' im indischen Mediensystem: die indische Presse und die Repräsentation des Islams im Rahmen der Zivilrechtsdebatte, 1985-87 und 2003. Asien 102: 93–95. DOI:
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2006. Andreas Wimmer: Kultur als Prozess: Zur Dynamik des Aushandelns von Bedeutungen. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 2005. 225 Seiten. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 58(3): 151–152. DOI:
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2004. B. Hauser-Schäublin u.a. (Hgg.): Kulturelle Räume. H-Soz-Kult.
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2004. Andreas Hepp und Waldemar Vogelgesang (Hg.): Populäre Events: Medienevents, Spielevents, Spaßevents. Band 4 der Reihe: Erlebniswelten. Opladen: Leske + Budrich 2003. 272 Seiten. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 56(3): 588–590. DOI:
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2003. Winfried Gebhardt, Ronald Hitzler und Michaela Pfadenhauer (Hg.): Events: Soziologie des Außergewöhnlichen. Opladen: Leske + Budrich 2000. 441 Seiten. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 55(3): 577–579. DOI:
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2003. Sefik Alp Bahadir (Hg.): Kultur und Region im Zeichen der Globalisierung: Wohin treiben die Regionalkulturen? Neustadt an der Aisch: Verlag Degener & Co. 2000. 544 Seiten. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 55(2): 404–405. DOI:
Book Review
Rao, Ursula. 2002. Ina Rösing: Religion, Ritual und Alltag in den Anden: die zehn Geschlechter von Amarete, Bolivien; Zweiter Ankari-Zyklus; Kollektivrituale der Kallawaya-Region in den Anden Boliviens. Mundo Ankari Band 6. Berlin: Reimer 2001. 835 Seiten. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 54(2): 390–392. DOI:
Collected Edition (5)
Collected Edition
Ursula Rao. 2023. Spatial entrepreneurs: actors and practices of space-making under the global condition. Dialectics of the Global 7. Berlin: De Gruyter.
and 96.
Collected Edition
Ursula Rao, and (eds.). 2018. Bodies as evidence: security, knowledge, and power. Global Insecurities. Durham; London: Duke University Press.
, 97.
Collected Edition
Rao, Ursula (ed.). 2006. Kulturelle VerWandlungen: die Gestaltung sozialer Welten in der Performanz. Frankfurt am Main; Berlin; Bern; Bruxelles; New York; Oxford; Wien: Lang.
Collected Edition
Rao, Ursula and (eds.). 2006. Celebrating transgression: method and politics in anthropological studies of cultures; a book in honour of Klaus Peter Köpping. New York; Oxford: Berghahn.
Collected Edition
Ursula Rao (eds.). 2000. Im Rausch des Rituals: Gestaltung und Transformation der Wirklichkeit in körperlicher Performanz. 1. ed. Performanzen: interkulturelle Studien zu Ritual, Spiel und Theater 1. Münster; Hamburg; London: Lit.
and Monograph (3)
Rao, Ursula. 2010. News as culture: journalistic practices and the remaking of Indian leadership traditions. Anthropology of Media 3. New York: Berghahn.