Publications of Kirill Istomin
All genres
Journal Article (11)
Journal Article
Istomin, Kirill. 2015. The sooner you drink it all, the more time you will have thereafter. Folklore 61: 27–46. DOI:
Journal Article
Istomin, Kirill, Jaroslava Panáková, and Patrick Heady. 2014. Culture, perception, and artistic visualization: a comparative study of children’s drawings in three Siberian cultural groups. Cognitive Science 38(1): 76–100. DOI:
Journal Article
Istomin, Kirill. 2012. Once again on the problem of alcoholism and suicide among the indigenous peoples of the Russian North: can attribution style be a factor? Sibirica 11(3): 1–19. DOI:
Journal Article
Istomin, Kirill V. 2011. "Atributivnyj stil'" i problema p'janstva i samoubijstv sredi maločislennych korennych narodov Severa i Sibiri. Ėtnografičeskoe Obozrenie 2: 89–106.
Journal Article
Donahoe, Brian and Kirill Istomin. 2010. Izmenenie praktiki regulirovanija dostupa k prirodnym resursam u nekotorych olenevodčeskich narodov Sibiri: popytka teoretičeskogo obobščenija. Novye Issledovanija Tuvy 4: 55–119.
Journal Article
Istomin, Kirill V. and Mark J. Dwyer. 2010. Dynamic mutual adaptation: human-animal interaction in reindeer herding pastoralism. Human Ecology 38(5): 613–623. DOI:
Journal Article
Dwyer, Mark J. and Kirill V. Istomin. 2009. Komi reindeer herding: the effects of socialist and post-socialist change on mobility and land use. Polar Research 28(2): 282–297. DOI:
Journal Article
Istomin, Kirill V. and Mark J. Dwyer. 2009. Finding the way: a critical discussion of anthropological theories of human spatial orientation with reference to reindeer herders of Northeastern Europe and Western Siberia. Current Anthropology 50(1): 29–49. DOI:
Journal Article
Dwyer, Mark J. and Kirill V. Istomin. 2008. Theories of nomadic movement: a new theoretical approach for understanding the movement decisions of Nenets and Komi reindeer herders. Human Ecology 36(4): 521–533. DOI:
Journal Article
Donahoe, Brian and Kirill Istomin. 2007. Izmenenie praktik regulirovanija dostupa k prirodnym resursam u olenevodčeskich narodov Sibiri. Rasy i Narody 33: 128–163.
Journal Article
Dwyer, Mark James and Kirill Vladimirovich Istomin. 2006. Mobility and technology: understanding the vulnerability of two groups of nomadic pastoralists to reindeer losses. Nomadic Peoples 10(2): 142–165.
Book Chapter (14)
Book Chapter
Istomin, Kirill. 2013. From invisible float to the eye for a snowstorm: the introduction of GPS by Nenets reindeer herders of Western Siberia and its impact on their spatial cognition and navigation methods. In: , Joachim Otto Habeck, , and (eds.). Nomadic and indigenous spaces: productions and cognitions. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 203–220.
Book Chapter
Istomin, Kirill. 2012. The land to herd and the space to travel: comparing the categorizations of landscape among Komi and Nenets reindeer herding nomads. In: (ed.). Nomadismus in der 'Alten Welt': Formen der Repräsentation in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Kultur: Forschung und Wissenschaft 16. Münster: LIT, pp. 232–255.
Book Chapter
Istomin, Kirill. 2012. Kognitivnyj analiz navykov interpretacii i predskazanija povedenija olenej na primere lokal'nych grupp olenevodov komi i nencev na Severe Rossijskoj Federacii. In: (ed.). Evropejskij Sever: lokal'nye gruppy i etničeskie granicy. Trudy Instituta jazyka, literatury i istorii Komi naučnogo centra UrO RAN 71. Syktyvkar: Redakcionno-izdatel'skij otdel Komi naučnogo centra UrO RAN, pp. 205–226.
Book Chapter
Donahoe, Brian, Kirill Istomin, Joachim Otto Habeck, Agnieszka Halemba, István Sántha, and Virginie Vaté. 2011. Research design and methodology of the comparative research project "The social significance of the House of Culture.” In: Brian Donahoe and Joachim Otto Habeck (eds.). Reconstructing the House of Culture: community, self and the makings of culture in Russia and beyond. New York: Berghahn, pp. 277–291.
Book Chapter
Habeck, Joachim Otto and Kirill V. Istomin. 2011. Komi. In: (ed.). Kleines ABC des Nomadismus: [Publikation zur Ausstellung "Brisante Begegnungen. Nomaden in einer Sesshaften Welt" vom 17.11.2011 - 20.05.2012 im Museum für Völkerkunde Hamburg]. Hamburg: Museum für Völkerkunde, pp. 124–124.
Book Chapter
Habeck, Joachim Otto and Kirill V. Istomin. 2011. Nenzen. In: (ed.). Kleines ABC des Nomadismus: [Publikation zur Ausstellung "Brisante Begegnungen. Nomaden in einer Sesshaften Welt" vom 17.11.2011 - 20.05.2012 im Museum für Völkerkunde Hamburg]. Hamburg: Museum für Völkerkunde, pp. 136–136.
Book Chapter
Habeck, Joachim Otto and Kirill V. Istomin. 2011. Taiga und Tundra. In: (ed.). Kleines ABC des Nomadismus: [Publikation zur Ausstellung "Brisante Begegnungen. Nomaden in einer Sesshaften Welt" vom 17.11.2011 - 20.05.2012 im Museum für Völkerkunde Hamburg]. Hamburg: Museum für Völkerkunde, pp. 208–208.
Book Chapter
Habeck, Joachim Otto, Kirill V. Istomin, and . 2011. Orientierung. In: (ed.). Kleines ABC des Nomadismus: [Publikation zur Ausstellung "Brisante Begegnungen. Nomaden in einer Sesshaften Welt" vom 17.11.2011 - 20.05.2012 im Museum für Völkerkunde Hamburg]. Hamburg: Museum für Völkerkunde, pp. 150–151.
Book Chapter
Istomin, Kirill V. and Joachim Otto Habeck. 2011. Sowjetunion. In: (ed.). Kleines ABC des Nomadismus: [Publikation zur Ausstellung "Brisante Begegnungen. Nomaden in einer Sesshaften Welt" vom 17.11.2011 - 20.05.2012 im Museum für Völkerkunde Hamburg]. Hamburg: Museum für Völkerkunde, pp. 196–198.
Book Chapter
Istomin, Kirill V. and . 2011. Rentier. In: (ed.). Kleines ABC des Nomadismus: [Publikation zur Ausstellung "Brisante Begegnungen. Nomaden in einer Sesshaften Welt" vom 17.11.2011 - 20.05.2012 im Museum für Völkerkunde Hamburg]. Hamburg: Museum für Völkerkunde, pp. 182–182.
Book Chapter
Istomin, Kirill V. 2010. Komi-ižemskoe olenevodstvo Bolšezemelskoj tundry. In: and John P. Ziker (eds.). Pripolarnaja perepis 1926/27 gg. na Evropejskom Severe. St. Petersburg: MPSS, pp. 317–339.
Book Chapter
Dwyer, Mark J. and Kirill V. Istomin. 2009. Technological carrying capacity renders ecological carrying capacity a redundant concept in pastoralist systems? A case study of "overgrazing" amongst Komi and Nenets reindeer herders. In: and (eds.). Sustainability in Karamoja? Rethinking the terms of global sustainability in a crisis region of Africa. Topics in African Studies 12. Köln: Köppe, pp. 271–287.
Book Chapter
Istomin, Kirill Vladimirovich. 2006. My smotrim na mir, mir smotrit na nas: predmetno-prostranstvennye otnosenija i ich oboznacenie kak element semioticeskoj kartiny mira. Semiosis i kul'tura: sbornik naucnych statei. Syktyvkar: Komi Naucnyj Centr, pp. 130–136.
Book Chapter
Istomin, Kirill Vladimirovich. 2005. Komi-izemskoe olenevodstvo: istoriografija dvuch vekov izučenija. Studia Juvenalia. Syktyvkar: Komi Naučnyj Centr, pp. 88–102.
Working Paper (1)
Working Paper
Bagdasarova, Jaroslava and Kirill V. Istomin. 2011. Cultural influences and visualisation: what can we tell from drawings? Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 131. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.