Publications of Günther Schlee
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Journal Article (52)
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 2021. Animal production for a more sustainable economy. Nomadic Peoples 25(1): 107–109. DOI:
Journal Article
Eidson, John R., Dereje Feyissa, Veronika Fuest, Markus Virgil Hoehne, Boris Nieswand, Günther Schlee, and Olaf Zenker. 2017. From identification to framing and alignment: a new approach to the comparative analysis of collective identities. Current Anthropology 58(3): 340–351. DOI:
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 2017. Omaha terminologies: global distribution patterns and how they may have come about. Cross-Cultural Research 51(2): 117–141. DOI:
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 2017. Gewalt und Vertreibung: theoretische, methodische und forschungsethische Probleme der Ethnographie in Konfliktlagen. Journal für Religionsphilosophie 6: 128–133.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 2017. "Civilizations", Eurasia and the Hochkulturgürtel: an essay about how to subdivide the world in terms of cultural history and what to explain with the units thereby created. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 142(2): 205–224.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 2016. How terrorists are made. Max Planck Research 2016(1): 10–15.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 2016. Comment on Chris Hann "A Concept of Eurasia". Current Anthropology 57(1): 18–19. DOI:
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 2015. Wie Terroristen gemacht werden. Max-Planck-Forschung 2015(4): 10–15.
Journal Article
Finke, Peter and Günther Schlee. 2014. Vvedenie. Ėtnografičeskoe Obozrenie (4): 3–10.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 2013. Customary law and the joys of statelessness: idealised traditions versus Somali realities. Journal of Eastern African Studies 7(2): 258–271.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 2013. Territorializing ethnicity: the imposition of a model of statehood on pastoralists in northern Kenya and southern Ethiopia. Ethnic and Racial Studies 36(5): 857–874. DOI:
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 2013. Why states still destroy pastoralism and how they can learn that in their own interest they should not. Nomadic Peoples 17(2): 6–19.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther and . 2012. Ghanaische und Somali-Migranten in Europa: ein Vergleich zweier Diasporen. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 137(1): 1–22.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 2008. The "Five Drums", Proto-Redille-Somali, and Oromo nationalism: a response to Aneesa Kassam. Ethnohistory 55(2): 321–330. DOI:
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 2008. Comment on Susan A. Crate "Gone the bull of winter? Grappling with the cultural implications of and anthropology's role(s) in global climate change". Current Anthropology 49(4): 589. DOI:
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 2007. Brothers of the Boran once again: on the fading popularity of certain Somali identities in northern Kenya. Journal of Eastern African Studies 1(3): 417–435. DOI:
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther and Krisztina Kehl-Bodrogi. 2007. Pilgerfahrten als Feier von Communitas und als Arena. Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 15: 155–178.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 2006. Comment on Nathalie Peutz "Embarking on an anthropology of removal". Current Anthropology 47(2): 236–237.
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina, Boris Nieswand, Günther Schlee, Tsypylma Darieva, Lale Yalçın-Heckmann, and László Fosztó. 2005. Pathways of migrant incorporation in Germany. Transit 1(1).
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 2005. Language and kinship: introductory remarks on a debate. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 130(1): 317–322.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 2004. Comment on Jon Holtzman "The local in the local: models of time and space in Samburu District, Northern Kenya". Current Anthropology 45(1): 79–80.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 2004. Taking sides and constructing identities: reflections on conflict theory. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 10(1): 135–156.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 2003. Comment on Sandra Gray et al.: Cattle raiding, cultural survival, and adaptability of East African pastoralists. Current Anthropology 44(Suppl.): S23–S24.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 2003. Integration und Konflikt. Entwicklungsethnologie 12(1/2): 74–95.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 2003. Introduction: identification in violent settings and situations of rapid change. Africa 73(3): 333–342.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 2003. Redrawing the map of the Horn: the politics of difference. Africa 73(3): 343–368.
Journal Article
Martine Guichard, and Günther Schlee. 2003. Freundschaft und Verwandtschaft als Gegenstand interdisziplinärerer Forschung. Sozialer Sinn 1: 3–20.
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Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 2002. Régularités dans le chaos: traits récurrents dans l'organisation politico-religieuse et militaire des Somali. L'Homme 161(1): 17–49.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 2000. Identitätskonstruktionen und Parteinahme: Überlegungen zur Konflikttheorie. Sociologus 50(1): 64–89.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 2000. Die soziale Konstruktion von Feindschaft. Max-Planck-Forschung (JV): 96–102.
Journal Article
Schlee, G. 1999. Pronizaemost' granic v teorii konflikta. Zurnal Sociologii i Social'Noj Antropologii 2(1): 36–47.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1999. Comment on Martin Sökefeld "Debating self, identity and culture in anthropology". Current Anthropology 40(4): 439–440.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1998. Identidades múltiples y cross-cutting ties (nexos transversales) en la teoría de los conflictos: aspectos somalí y oromo. Revista Mexicana de Sociologia 60(3): 197–244.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1997. Neue Literatur zur Ethnizität in Ost- und Nordost-Afrika. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 122(2): 229–242.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1995. Ethnizität und interethnische Beziehungen in Kenia: Vorbemerkungen zu den Fallstudien von Falkenstein und Odak. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 120(2): 191–200.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1995. Regelmäßigkeiten im Chaos: Elemente einer Erklärung von Allianzen und Frontverläufen in Somalia. Africa Spectrum 30(3): 274–292.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther and . 1995. Ernährungssicherung in Nomadengebieten Nordkenias: Ergebnisse einer Lehrforschung. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 120(1): 89–109.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther and . 1995. Local war and its impact on ethnic and religious identification in Southern Ethiopia. GeoJournal 36(1): 7–17.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1994. Der Islam und das Gada-System als konfliktprägende Kräfte in Nordost-Afrika. Sociologus 44(2): 112–135.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1994. Die Generationslänge in Darfur und anderswo: ein methodisches Problem am Beispiel der Ethnographie von Ulrich Braukämper. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 119(2): 273–279.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1994. Gumi Gaayo: some introductory remarks. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 119(1): 17–25.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1993. Inter-ethnic clan identities, ethnicity, centrisms and biases: a response to Paul Spencer. Africa 63(4): 591–600.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1991. Les réseaux de relation intra & inter-ethniques chez les nomades du nord Kenya. Bulletin des Études Africaines de l'INALCO 8.1988(16): 73–95.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1989. Nomadische Territorialrechte: das Beispiel des kenianisch-äthiopischen Grenzlandes. Die Erde 120: 131–138.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1989. Zum Ursprung des Gada-Systems. Paideuma 35: 231–246.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1988. The causative in Rendille. Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere (15): 5–65.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1987. Rendille ornaments as identity markers. Kenya Past and Present 20: 31–37.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1985. Interethnic clan identities among Cushitic-speaking pastoralists. Africa 55(1): 17–38.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1984. Intra- und interethnische Beziehungsnetze nordkenianischer Wanderhirten. Paideuma 30: 69–80.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1984. Nomaden und Staat: das Beispiel Nordkenia. Sociologus 34(2): 140–161.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1984. Une société pastorale pluriethnique: Oromo et Somalis au Nord du Kenya. Production Pastorale et Société 15(automne): 21–39.
Journal Article
Schlee, Günther. 1973. Sprachlich gesteuertes Verhalten: die grafische Reproduktion abstrakter Zeichen in Abhängigkeit von deren Benennungen. Sociologus 23(2): 127–164.
Book Chapter (129)
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2024. Categories, identifications and emotions. In: , , and Soňa Mikulová (eds.). Migrant emotions: inclusion and exclusion in transnational spaces. Migrations and Identities. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, pp. 223–240.
Book Chapter
2023. Interview with Günther Schlee, Halle (Saale), 10 December 2018. In: Markus Virgil Hoehne, Echi Christina Gabbert, and John R. Eidson (eds.). Dynamics of identification and conflict: anthropological encounters. New York, Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 357–376.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2023. Individual choice and collective identities. In: and (eds.). The Palgrave handbook of methodological individualism: vollume II 2. Cham: Palgrave Macmillian; Springer Nature, pp. 297–323.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2022. Retaliation, mediation and punishment in Ankole: revisiting the chapter by Oberg. In: and Günther Schlee (eds.). African political systems revisited: changing perspectives on statehood and power. Integration and Conflict Studies 26. New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 122–138.
Book Chapter
Günther Schlee, and . 2021. Introduction. The nation state: a wrong model for the Horn of Africa. Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge 14. Berlin: Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, pp. 9–18.
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Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2021. Unequal citizenship and one-sided communication: anthropological perspectives on collective identification in the context of large-scale land transfers in Ethiopia. In: Echi Christina Gabbert, , , and Günther Schlee (eds.). Lands of the future: anthropological perspectives on pastoralism, land deals and tropes of modernity in Eastern Africa. Integration and Conflict Studies 23. New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 59–77.
Book Chapter
Härter, Karl, Carolin Hillemanns, and Günther Schlee. 2020. On mediation: historical, legal, anthropological and international perspectives on alternative modes of conflict regulation. In: Karl Härter, Carolin Hillemanns, and Günther Schlee (eds.). On mediation: historical, legal, anthropological and international perspectives. Integration and Conflict Studies 22. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 1–11.
Book Chapter
Härter, Karl, Carolin Hillemanns, and Günther Schlee. 2020. Conclusion. In: Karl Härter, Carolin Hillemanns, and Günther Schlee (eds.). On mediation: historical, legal, anthropological and international perspectives. Integration and Conflict Studies 22. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 219–221.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2020. Department 'Integration and Conflict'. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report: Department 'Integration and Conflict'; International Max Planck Research School on Retaliation, Mediation and Punishment (IMPRS REMEP) 2017/2019.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2020. Mediation and truth. In: Karl Härter, Carolin Hillemanns, and Günther Schlee (eds.). On mediation: historical, legal, anthropological and international perspectives. Integration and Conflict Studies 22. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 116–131.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2020. 导言:论差异性与共同性作为社会整合的方式 [Introduction: difference and sameness as modes of integration]. In: Günther Schlee and (eds.). 再造异同:人类学视域下的整合模式 [Difference and sameness as modes of integration]. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, pp. 1–49.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2020. 国家认同与国家给予的身份认同 [Identification with the state and identifications by the state]. In: Günther Schlee and (eds.). 再造异同:人类学视域下的整合模式 [Difference and sameness as modes of integration]. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, pp. 109–127.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2020. 双族群共存:三种情形的比较研究 [Three dyads compared]. In: Günther Schlee and (eds.). 再造异同:人类学视域下的整合模式 [Difference and sameness as modes of integration]. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, pp. 238–263.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2020. 存异而治:一项关于帝国的比较研究 [Ruling over ethnic and religious differences: a comparative essay on empires]. In: Günther Schlee and (eds.). 再造异同:人类学视域下的整合模式 [Difference and sameness as modes of integration]. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, pp. 264–313.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther, , and John R. Eidson. 2020. 结语 [Epilogue]. In: Günther Schlee and (eds.). 再造异同:人类学视域下的整合模式 [Difference and sameness as modes of integration]. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, pp. 314–321.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther and Keebet von Benda-Beckmann. 2019. Introduction. In: Timm Sureau and (eds.). Understanding retaliation, mediation and punishment: collected results of the International Max Planck Research School on Retaliation, Mediation and Punishment (IMPRS REMEP). Field Notes and Research Projects/Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Department Integration and Conflict 25. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, pp. 1–18.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther and . 2019. Die Anfänge der Sozialanthropologie in Bielefeld: Günther Schlee im Gespräch mit Joanna Pfaff-Czarnecka. In: and (eds.). Die Fakultät für Soziologie in Bielefeld: eine Oral History. Sozialtheorie. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 101–114.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2018. Introduction: difference and sameness as modes of integration. In: Günther Schlee and Alexander Horstmann (eds.). Difference and sameness as modes of integration: anthropological perspectives on ethnicity and religion. 1. ed. Integration and Conflict Studies 16. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 1–32.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2018. Identification with the state and identifications by the state. In: Günther Schlee and Alexander Horstmann (eds.). Difference and sameness as modes of integration: anthropological perspectives on ethnicity and religion. 1. ed. Integration and Conflict Studies 16. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 78–91.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2018. Three dyads compared: Nuer/Anywaa (Ehtiopia), Maasai/Kamba (Kenya) and Evenki/Buryat (Siberia). In: Günther Schlee and Alexander Horstmann (eds.). Difference and sameness as modes of integration: anthropological perspectives on ethnicity and religion. 1. ed. Integration and Conflict Studies 16. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 173–190.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2018. Ruling over ethnic and religious differences: a comparative essay on empires. In: Günther Schlee and Alexander Horstmann (eds.). Difference and sameness as modes of integration: anthropological perspectives on ethnicity and religion. 1. ed. Integration and Conflict Studies 16. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 191–224.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther, Alexander Horstmann, and John R. Eidson. 2018. Epilogue. In: Günther Schlee and Alexander Horstmann (eds.). Difference and sameness as modes of integration: anthropological perspectives on ethnicity and religion. 1. ed. Integration and Conflict Studies 16. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 225–231.
Book Chapter
Ismailbekova, Aksana and Günther Schlee. 2017. El parentesco en Asia Central desde una perspectiva comparatista. In: Soledad Jiménez Tovar (ed.). Pertenencias múltiples, identidades cruzadas: nuevas perspectivas sobre Asia Central. 1. ed. México: El Colegio de México, pp. 49–86.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2017. Customary law and the joys of statelessness: Somali realities beyond libertarian fantasies. In: Bertram Turner and Günther Schlee (eds.). On retaliation: towards an interdisciplinary understanding of a basic human condition. 1. ed. Integration and Conflict Studies 15. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 208–235.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2017. Zum Zusammenhang von Förderungsformen und akademischer Kultur. In: (ed.). Unvermeidliche Königsdisziplinen?: zur forschungspolitischen Relevanz des Selbstverständnisses von Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften im norddeutschen Raum. Loccumer Protokolle 16. Rehburg-Loccum: Evangelische Akademie Loccum, pp. 105–113.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2017. Prólogo. In: Soledad Jiménez Tovar (ed.). Pertenencias múltiples, identidades cruzadas: nuevas perspectivas sobre Asia Central. México: El Colegio de México, pp. 9–11.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2017. Interethnische Beziehungen. In: , , and (eds.). Ethnologie: Einführung in die Erforschung kultureller Vielfalt. 9. ed. Ethnologische Paperbacks. Berlin: Reimer, pp. 213–228.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2017. Preface. In: Fazil Moradi, , and (eds.). Memory and genocide: on what remains and the possibility of representation. Memory Studies: Global Constellations. London; New York: Routledge, pp. XIV-XVI.
Book Chapter
Günther Schlee. 2015. Conflict: anthropological aspects. In: (ed.). International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences 4. 2. ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 620–626.
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Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2015. Competing forms of land use and incompatible identifications of who is to benefit from policies in the south of the north: pastoralists, agro-industry and farmers in the Blue Nile Region. In: Sandra Calkins, Enrico Ille, and Richard Rottenburg (eds.). Emerging orders in the Sudans. Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG, pp. 121–137.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2015. Wie Terroristen gemacht werden. Jahresbericht 2014. München: Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, pp. 18–22.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2015. Language and ethnicity. In: (ed.). International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences 13. 2. ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 251–255.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther and Echi Christina Gabbert. 2015. Dynamics of identification: research on Northeast Africa at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle/Saale. In: and Sophia Thubauville (eds.). Cultural research in Northeastern Africa: German histories and stories. Ityopis: Northeast African Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities; Extra Issue 1. Frankfurt/Main; Addis Abeba; Mekelle: Frobenius-Institut; Goethe-Institut; Mekelle University, pp. 229–237.
Book Chapter
Günther Schlee. 2015. Nomads and nomadism in history. In: (ed.). International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences 16. 2. ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 838–843.
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Book Chapter
Günther Schlee. 2014. Hausa and Fulbe on the Blue Nile: land conflicts between farmers and herders. In: , Richard Rottenburg, and Sandra Calkins (eds.). Disrupting territories: land, commodification & conflict in Sudan. Eastern Africa Series. Woodbridge; Rochester: Currey, pp. 206–225.
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Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2014. Regional political history and the production of diasporas. In: and (eds.). Diasporas, development and peacemaking in the Horn of Africa. Africa Now. London: ZED, pp. 28–50.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2014. The construction of life phases and some facts of life. In: Sophie Roche (ed.). Domesticating youth: youth bulges and their socio-political implications in Tajikistan. Integration and Conflict Studies 8. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. IX-XVII.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2014. How terrorists are made. Annual Report 2014. Munich: Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science, pp. 23–26.
Book Chapter
Finke, Peter and Günther Schlee. 2013. Introduction. In: Peter Finke and Günther Schlee (eds.). CASCA: Centre for Anthropological Studies on Central Asia; framing the research, initial projects. Field Notes and Research Projects/Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Department Integration and Conflict 6. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, pp. VI-IX.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2013. Préface. In: Remadji Hoinathy (ed.). Pétrole et changement social au Tchad: rente pétrolière et monétisation des relations économiques et sociales dans la zone pétrolière de Doba. Paris: Karthala, pp. 9–10.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2013. Kollektivnaja identičnost' gorožan: razmyšlenija o masštabach goroda i razmere gruppy. In: (ed.). X Kongress ėtnografov i antropologov Rossii: Moskva, 2-5 ijulja 2013 g.; tezisy dokladov. Moskva: IĖA RAN, pp. XIII-XXII.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther and Martine Guichard. 2013. Fulbe and Uzbeks compared. In: Peter Finke and Günther Schlee (eds.). CASCA: Centre for Anthropological Studies on Central Asia; framing the research, initial projects. Field Notes and Research Projects/Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Department Integration and Conflict 6. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, pp. 25–62.
Book Chapter
Günther Schlee. 2012. Introduction. In: and Günther Schlee (eds.). Who owns the stock? Collective and multiple forms of property in animals. Integration and Conflict Studies 5. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 1–26.
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Book Chapter
Günther Schlee. 2012. (Ehemalige) Nomaden und pastorale Landnutzung im Wandel von Macht- und Marktbeziehungen: Ost-Buchara/Süd-Tadschikistan, 1868-2008. Differenz und Integration: Wechselwirkungen zwischen nomadischen und sesshaften Lebensformen in Zivilisationen der Alten Welt; Abschlussbericht 01.07.2008 - 30.06.2012. Leipzig: Univ., Sonderforschungsbereich 586, pp. 231–246.
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Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2012. Preface. In: and Tilo Graetz (eds.). Mining frontiers in Africa: anthropological and historical perspectives. Mainzer Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung 32. Köln: Köppe, pp. 7–7.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2012. Neue Technologien in der Tundra: High-Tech-Geräte, Raumwahrnehmung und Raumorientierung der nomadischen und sesshaften Bevölkerung in der russischen Arktis. Differenz und Integration: Wechselwirkungen zwischen nomadischen und sesshaften Lebensformen in Zivilisationen der Alten Welt; Abschlussbericht 01.07.2008 - 30.06.2012. Leipzig: Univ., Sonderforschungsbereich 586, pp. 319–346.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2012. Interethnische Beziehungen. In: Bettina Beer and Hans Fischer (eds.). Ethnologie: Einführung und Überblick. Ethnologische Paperbacks. Berlin: Reimer, pp. 429–444.
Book Chapter
Schlee, Günther. 2012. Multiple rights in animals: an East African overview. In: and Günther Schlee (eds.). Who owns the stock? Collective and multiple forms of property in animals. Integration and Conflict Studies 5. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 247–294.