Publications of Katrin Seidel
All genres
Journal Article (7)
Journal Article
Hoehne, Markus Virgil, Tabea Scharrer, and Katrin Seidel. 2022. Somalia und Südsudan: Demokratieexport in der Sackgasse. Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik 67(4): 29–32.
Journal Article
Seidel, Katrin. 2022. Justitia ohne Schwert? Zum Spannungsfeld von Mediation und Justiz. Rechtswissenschaften 13(3): 381–402.
Journal Article
Seidel, Katrin. 2016. Normative space production in translation, or how to analytically grasp migration of normative ideas. Global Dialogues 13: 19–22.
Journal Article
Seidel, Katrin. 2015. State formation through constitution making in emerging South Sudan: unveiling the technicity of the rule of law. Recht in Afrika 18(1): 3–16.
Journal Article
Seidel, Katrin and Timm Sureau. 2015. Introduction: Peace and constitution making in emerging South Sudan on and beyond the negotiation tables. Journal of Eastern African Studies 9(4): 612–633. DOI:
Journal Article
Seidel, Katrin. 2012. State-recognised legal pluralism in Ethiopia: the relationship between Islamic family law and state law. Recht in Afrika 15(2): 223–237.
Journal Article
Seidel, Katrin. 2011. Die Transitional Constitution of the Republic of South Sudan: ein kontroverses Dokument des jüngsten Mitglieds der Staatengemeinschaft. GAIR-Mitteilungen 3: 92–97.
Book Chapter (18)
Book Chapter
Seidel, Katrin. 2023. Geschlechter(un)gleichheit und patriarchale Strukturen im islamischen Familienrecht. In: and (eds.). Rechtshandbuch für Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragte. Hamburg: DasHöfer.
Book Chapter
Seidel, Katrin. 2022. Migration law and governance in Africa between aspiration and realities: insights from South Africa, Nigeria, Ethiopia, and Morocco. In: and (eds.). Encyclopedia of contemporary constitutionalism. Cham: Springer, pp. 1–18.
Book Chapter
van Lier, Felix-Anselm and Katrin Seidel. 2022. Constitution making. In: Marie-Claire Foblets, , Maria Sapignoli, and (eds.). The Oxford handbook of law and anthropology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 573–591.
Book Chapter
Seidel, Katrin. 2021. Comparative methods in legal anthropology: 'thick' comparison through (cultural) translation. In: and (eds.). Comparative methods in law, humanities and social sciences. Cheltenham; Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 96–120.
Book Chapter
Seidel, Katrin. 2020. Local law and dispute resolution mechanisms under negotiation in emerging South Sudan. In: , , and (eds.). Comparative Dispute Resolution. Research Handbooks in Comparative Law. Cheltenham; Northampton: Edward Elgar, pp. 543–555.
Book Chapter
Seidel, Katrin and Hatem Elliesie. 2020. Normative spaces in Africa: constructing, contesting, renegotiating, and adapting dynamics. In: Katrin Seidel and Hatem Elliesie (eds.). Normative spaces and legal dynamics in Africa. Law and Anthropology. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 1–16.
Book Chapter
Seidel, Katrin. 2019. Constitutional recognition of Islamic family law and Shariʿa courts in Ethiopia: governmental strategies to co-regulate the plural family law arena. In: , , and (eds.). Legal pluralism in Muslim contexts. 1. ed. Studies in Islamic Law and Society 49. Leiden; Boston: Brill, pp. 139–171.
Book Chapter
Seidel, Katrin. 2018. The promotion of Rule of Law in translation: technologies of normative knowledge transfer in South Sudan's constitution making. In: and (eds.). World politics in translation: power, relationality and difference in global cooperation. Routledge Global Cooperation Series. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 76–92.
Book Chapter
Seidel, Katrin. 2018. The process of drafting a citizen-driven constitution in South Sudan: which role for the public? In: , , and (eds.). Public participation in African constitutionalism. Routledge Global Cooperation Series. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 210–226.
Book Chapter
Seidel, Katrin. 2018. When the state is forced to deal with local law: approaches of and challenges for state actors in emerging South Sudan. In: Olaf Zenker and Markus Virgil Hoehne (eds.). The state and the paradox of customary law in Africa. Cultural Diversity and Law. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 109–138.
Book Chapter
Seidel, Katrin. 2018. When the state is forced to deal with local law: approaches of and challenges for state actors in emerging South Sudan. In: Olaf Zenker and Markus Virgil Hoehne (eds.). The state and the paradox of customary law in Africa. 1. ed. Cultural Diversity and Law. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 109–138.
Book Chapter
Seidel, Katrin. 2017. The constitution of Zol Meskin?: zur verfahrensmäßigen Erzeugung gefühlter Legitimität im internationalisierten Verfassungsprozess im Südsudan. In: and (eds.). Gerechtigkeitsgefühle: zur affektiven und emotionalen Legitimität von Normen. EmotionsKulturen 3. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 191–213.
Book Chapter
Seidel, Katrin. 2017. Legal systems of Ethiopia. In: , , and (eds.). Ethiopia: history, culture and challenges. Afrikanische Studien 58. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, pp. 258–260.
Book Chapter
Seidel, Katrin and Martin Ramstedt. 2017. Heterogenität normativer Ordnungen: wessen Recht gilt es zu erhalten?; Überlegungen zu den Grenzen eines normativen Pluralismus. In: and (eds.). Neue Konflikte, neue Friedensethik?: Tagung der Evangelischen Akademie Loccum, 26. – 28. Februar 2016. Dokumentation: Evangelischer Pressedienst 8. Rehburg-Loccum: Evangelische Akademie Loccum, pp. 28–41.
Book Chapter
Seidel, Katrin. 2015. Egypt’s constitution-making process: a bumpy road. In: and (eds.). Legal transformation in Northern Africa and South Sudan. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing, pp. 23–38.
Book Chapter
Seidel, Katrin and Hatem Elliesie. 2014. The current state of research on contemporary Islam in Ethiopia: a critical assessment. In: Hatem Elliesie (ed.). Multidisciplinary views on the Horn of Africa: Festschrift in honour of Rainer Voigt’s 70th birthday. Studien zum Horn von Afrika 1. Köln: Köppe, pp. 73–89.
Book Chapter
Seidel, Katrin. 2009. Results of the Ethiopian reform in language and education policy. In: (ed.). On results of the reform in ethiopian language and education policies. Asien- und Afrika-Studien der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 32. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 59–126.
Book Chapter
Seidel, Katrin and . 2009. Changes in Ethiopia’s language and education policy: pioneering reforms? In: , , , and (eds.). Proceedings of the 16th international conference of Ethiopian studies 4. Trondheim: NTNU-trykk, pp. 1125–1138.
Thesis - Habilitation (1)
Thesis - Habilitation
Seidel, Katrin. 2020. Internationalised constitution-making as tool for negotiating statehood and rule of law: South Sudan's and Somaliland's constitutional genesis in the context of plural legal (dis-)ordering. Habilitation Thesis, Martin-Luther-Universität, Halle/Saale.
Working Paper (1)
Working Paper
Seidel, Katrin. 2017. Involvement and impact of external actors on constitution making in South Sudan and Somaliland: a comparative study. Global Cooperation Research Papers 18. Duisburg: Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research.
Other (1)
Seidel, Katrin. 2019. 'They cannot influence by remote control bringing money here and there': brief reflections on international rule-of-law engagement in emerging South Sudan. Global Cooperation Research 1(3). Centre for Global Cooperation Research.
Book Review (3)
Book Review
Seidel, Katrin. 2016. Bruno Menhofer / Dirk Otto (Hgg.): Recht nach dem Arabischen Frühling, Beiträge zum islamischen Recht IX. Zeitschrift für Recht und Islam 8: 315–321.
Book Review
Seidel, Katrin. 2015. Manfred Öhm (2014), War and statehood in South Sudan, Baden-Baden: Nomos. Africa Spectrum 50(3): 148–150.
Book Review
Seidel, Katrin. 2008. Charles Mwalimu: the Nigerian legal system. Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 103(1): 141–146.
Collected Edition (1)
Collected Edition
Seidel, Katrin and Hatem Elliesie. 2020. Normative spaces and legal dynamics in Africa. Law and Anthropology. London; New York: Routledge.
Monograph (1)
Seidel, Katrin. 2013. Rechtspluralismus in Äthiopien: Interdependenzen zwischen islamischem Recht und staatlichem Recht. Recht in Afrika 4. Köln: Köppe.
Blog Post (1)
Blog Post
Hoehne, Markus Virgil, Tabea Scharrer, and Katrin Seidel. 2023. Misguided external engagements in Somalia and South Sudan: time to rethink political interventions. Tabea Scharrer: Social Anthropologist.