Publications of Paul Wenzel Geissler

Journal Article (17)

Journal Article
Chantler, Tracey, Faith Otewa, Peter Onyango, Ben Okoth, Frank Odhiambo, Michael Parker, and Paul Wenzel Geissler. 2013. Ethical challenges that arise at the community interface of health research: village reporters' experiences in Western Kenya. Developing World Bioethics 13(1): 30–37.
Journal Article
Geissler, Paul Wenzel. 2013. Public secrets in public health: knowing not to know while making scientific knowledge. American Ethnologist 14(1): 13–34.
Journal Article
Geissler, Paul Wenzel, Ann Kelly, John Manton, Ruth Jane Prince, and Noemi Tousignant. 2013. Introduction: sustaining the life of the polis. Africa 83(4): 531–538.
Journal Article
Kamuya, Dorcas, Vicki Marsh, Francis Kombe, Paul Wenzel Geissler, and Sassy Molyneux. 2013. Engaging communities to strengthen research ethics in low-income settings: selection and perceptions of members of a network of representatives in coastal Kenya. Developing World Bioethics 13(1): 10–20.
Journal Article
Madiega, Philister Adhiambo, Gemma Jones, Ruth Jane Prince, and Paul Wenzel Geissler. 2013. 'She's my sister-in-law, my visitor, my friend': challenges of staff identity in home follow-up in an HIV trial in Western Kenya. Developing World Bioethics 13(1): 21–29.
Journal Article
Geissler, Paul Wenzel. 2011. 'Transport to where?': reflections on the problem of value and time à propos an awkward practice in medical research. Journal of Cultural Economy 4(1): 45–64.
Journal Article
Kelly, Ann H. and Paul Wenzel Geissler. 2011. Introduction: the value of transnational medical research. Journal of Cultural Economy 4(1): 3–10.
Journal Article
Malowany, Maureen, Paul Wenzel Geissler, and Albred Lwoba. 2011. "Go back to the land!“: negotiating space, framing governmentality in Lambwe Valley, Kenya 1954-75. Canadian Journal of African Studies 45(3): 440–479.
Journal Article
Geissler, Paul Wenzel and Ruth J. Prince. 2009. Active compounds and atoms of society: plants, bodies, minds and cultures in the work of Kenyan ethnobotanical knowledge. Social Studies of Science 39(4): 599–634. DOI:
Journal Article
Nam, Sara Liane, Katherine Fielding, Ava Avalos, Tendani Gaolathe, Diana Dickinson, and Paul Wenzel Geissler. 2009. Discussing matters of sexual health with children: what issues relating to disclosure of parental HIV status reveal. AIDS Care 21(3): 389–395. DOI:
Journal Article
Geissler, Paul Wenzel, N. Hakamies, and M. Borchert. 2008. Providing reproductive health care to internally displaced persons: barriers experienced by humanitarian agencies. Reproductive Health Matters 16(31): 33–43.
Journal Article
Geissler, Paul Wenzel, A. Kelly, B. Imoukhuede, and R. Pool. 2008. 'He is now like a brother, I can even give him some blood': relational ethics and material exchanges in a Malaria vaccine 'trial community' in the Gambia. Social Science and Medicine 67(5): 696–707. DOI:
Journal Article
Geissler, Paul Wenzel and S. Molyneux. 2008. Ethics and the ethnography of medical research in Africa. Social Science and Medicine 67(5): 685–695. DOI:
Journal Article
Nam, Sara Liane, Katherine Fielding, Ava Avalos, Diana Dickinson, Tendani Gaolathe, and Paul Wenzel Geissler. 2008. The relationship of acceptance or denial of HIV-status to antiretroviral adherence among adult HIV patients in urban Botswana. Social Science and Medicine 67(2): 301–310. DOI:
Journal Article
Becker, Felicitas and Paul Wenzel Geissler. 2007. Searching pathways in a landscape of death: religion and AIDS in East Africa. Journal of Religion in Africa 37(1): 1–15. DOI:
Journal Article
Geissler, Paul Wenzel and Ruth Prince. 2007. Life seen: touch and vision in the making of sex in western Kenya. Journal of Eastern African Studies 1(1): 123–149. DOI:
Journal Article
Geissler, Paul Wenzel and R. Pool. 2006. Popular concerns with medical research projects in Africa: a critical voice in debates about overseas research ethics. Tropical Medicine and International Health 11(7): 975–982.

Book Chapter (11)

Book Chapter
Geissler, Paul Wenzel. 2012. "We are not paid - they just give us": liberalisation and the longing for biopolitical discipline around an African HIV prevention trial. In: Paul Wenzel Geissler, Richard Rottenburg, and Julia Zenker (eds.). Rethinking biomedicine and governance in Africa: contribution from anthropology. MatteRealities/VerKörperungen: Perspectives from Empirical Science Studies 15. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 197–227.
Book Chapter
Geissler, Paul Wenzel. 2012. ‘Transport to where?’: reflections on the problem of value and time à propos an awkward practice in medical research. In: Ann H. Kelly and Paul Wenzel Geissler (eds.). The value of transnational medical research: labour, participation and care. London: Routledge, pp. 73–92.
Book Chapter
Geissler, Paul Wenzel, Ann H. Kelly, Babatunde Imoukhuede, and Robert Pool. 2012. Substantial transactions and an ethics of kinship in recent collaborative malaria vaccine trials in The Gambia. In: Monica Konrad (ed.). Collaborators collaborating: counterparts in anthropological knowledge and international research relations. New York: Berghahn, pp. 61–85.
Book Chapter
Geissler, Paul Wenzel, Richard Rottenburg, and Julia Zenker. 2012. 21st century African biopolitics: fuzzy fringes, cracks and undersides, neglected backwaters, and returning politics. In: Paul Wenzel Geissler, Richard Rottenburg, and Julia Zenker (eds.). Rethinking biomedicine and governance in Africa: contributions from anthropology. MatteRealities/VerKörperungen: Perspectives from Empirical Science Studies 15. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 7–19.
Book Chapter
Kelly, Ann H. and Paul Wenzel Geissler. 2012. Investigating the ethics and economics of medical experimentation. In: Ann H. Kelly and Paul Wenzel Geissler (eds.). The value of transnational medical research: labour, participation and care. London: Routledge, pp. 1–12.
Book Chapter
Geissler, Paul Wenzel. 2011. Parasite lost: remembering modern times with Kenyan government medical scientists. In: Paul Wenzel Geissler and Catherine Molyneux (eds.). Evidence, ethos and experiment: the anthropology and history of medical research in Africa. New York: Berghahn, pp. 297–332.
Book Chapter
Geissler, Paul Wenzel. 2011. Studying trial communities: anthropological and historical inquiries into ethos, politics and economy of medical research in Africa. In: Paul Wenzel Geissler and Catherine Molyneux (eds.). Evidence, ethos and experiment: the anthropology and history of medical research in Africa. New York: Berghahn, pp. 1–28.
Book Chapter
Geissler, Paul Wenzel and Ruth Prince. 2010. Purity is danger: ambiguities of touch around sickness and death in Western Kenya. In: Hansjörg Dilger and Ute Luig (eds.). Morality, hope and grief: anthropologies of AIDS in Africa. New York: Berghahn, pp. 240–269.
Book Chapter
Geissler, Paul Wenzel and Ruth Jane Prince. 2010. Persons, plants and relations: treating childhood illness in a western Kenyan village. In: Elisabeth Hsu and Stephen Harris (eds.). Plants, health and healing: on the interface of ethnobotany and medical anthropology. Epistemologies of Healing 6. New York: Berghahn, pp. 179–223.
Book Chapter
Becker, Felicitas and Paul Wenzel Geissler. 2009. Introduction: searching for pathways in a landscape of death; religion and AIDS in Africa. In: Felicitas Becker and Paul Wenzel Geissler (eds.). AIDS and religious practice in Africa. Studies of Religion in Africa 36. Leiden: Brill, pp. 1–25.
Book Chapter
Geissler, Paul Wenzel and Ruth Prince. 2007. Christianity, tradition, AIDS, and pornography: knowing sex in western Kenya. In: R. Littlewood (ed.). On knowing and not knowing in the anthropologies of medicine. London: UCL Press, pp. 87–116.

Collected Edition (4)

Collected Edition
Geissler, Paul Wenzel, Richard Rottenburg, and Julia Zenker (eds.). 2012. Rethinking biomedicine and governance in Africa: contributions from anthropology. MatteRealities/VerKörperungen: Perspectives from Empirical Science Studies 15. Bielefeld: transcript.
Collected Edition
Kelly, Ann H. and Paul Wenzel Geissler (eds.). 2012. The value of transnational medical research: labour, participation and care. London: Routledge.
Collected Edition
Geissler, Paul Wenzel and Catherine Molyneux (eds.). 2011. Evidence, ethos and experiment: the anthropology and history of medical research in Africa. New York: Berghahn.
Collected Edition
Becker, Felicitas and Wenzel Geissler (eds.). 2009. AIDS and religious practice in Africa. Studies of Religion in Africa. Leiden: Brill.

Monograph (2)

Geissler, Paul Wenzel and Ruth Jane Prince. 2010. The land is dying: contingency, creativity and conflict in Western Kenya. Epistemologies of Healing. New York: Berghahn.
Geissler, Paul Wenzel. 2006. Public perception of risk and risk-control-anthropological perspectives from Africa: review for Forsight Project. London: Department of Trade and Industry.
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