Publications of Peter Finke
All genres
Journal Article (8)
Journal Article
Peter Finke. 2014. Explanatory models in anthropology: methodological refinements, cross-cultural comparison and theoretical developments. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 139(1): 39–54.
and 2.
Journal Article
Finke, Peter and . 2014. Novye transnacionalʹnye svjazi: slučaj kazachov Ganʹsu. Ėtnografičeskoe Obozrenie (4): 66–76.
Journal Article
Finke, Peter and Günther Schlee. 2014. Vvedenie. Ėtnografičeskoe Obozrenie (4): 3–10.
Journal Article
Finke, Peter. 2013. Historical homelands and transnational ties: the case of the Mongolian Kazaks. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 138(2): 175–194.
Journal Article
Finke, Peter, Rita Sanders, and . 2013. Mobility and identity in Central Asia: an introduction. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 138(2): 129–138.
Journal Article
Finke, Peter and Meltem Sancak. 2012. To be an Uzbek or not to be a Tajik: ethnicity and locality in the Bukhara Oasis. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 137(1): 47–70.
Journal Article
Finke, Peter. 2006. On A. Ilkhamov's "Archeology of Uzbek identity". Anthropology and Archeology of Eurasia 44(4): 75–79.
Journal Article
Finke, Peter. 2003. Le pastoralisme dans l'Ouest de la Mongolie: contraintes, motivations et variations. Cahiers d'Asie Centrale 11-12: 245–265.
Book Chapter (18)
Book Chapter
Finke, Peter. 2017. Changing food habits in Western Mongolia. In: Aida Alymbaeva (ed.). CASCA: Centre for Anthropological Studies on Central Asia; food and identity in Central Asia 2. Field Notes and Research Projects/Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Department Integration and Conflict 19. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, pp. 141–153.
Book Chapter
Finke, Peter. 2017. A brief outline of evolutionary cultural ecology. In: (ed.). Traditions of systems theory: major figures and contemporary developments. Routledge Studies in Library and Information Science 11. New York; London: Routledge, pp. 293–308.
Book Chapter
Finke, Peter. 2017. Be(com)ing Uzbek: patterns of identification and processes of assimilation. In: (ed.). Constructing the Uzbek state: narratives of post-Soviet years. Contemporary Central Asia: Societies, Politics, and Culture. Lanham; Boulder; New York; London: Lexington Books, pp. 239–260.
Book Chapter
Finke, Peter and Meltem Sancak. 2017. ¿Ser un uzbeco o no ser un tayiko?: etnicidad y localidad en el oasis de Bujará. In: Soledad Jiménez Tovar (ed.). Pertenencias múltiples, identidades cruzadas: nuevas perspectivas sobre Asia Central. 1. ed. México: El Colegio de México, pp. 139–176.
Book Chapter
Peter Finke. 2013. The Kazak oralman: comparing migratory decisions, integration patterns and transnational ties in three different settings. In: Peter Finke and Günther Schlee (eds.). CASCA: Centre for Anthropological Studies on Central Asia; framing the research, initial projects. Field Notes and Research Projects/Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Department Integration and Conflict 6. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, pp. 75–83.
and 14.
Book Chapter
Finke, Peter. 2013. Patterns of identification and ethnic differentiation in Central Asia: the case of the Uzbeks. In: Peter Finke and Günther Schlee (eds.). CASCA: Centre for Anthropological Studies on Central Asia; framing the research, initial projects. Field Notes and Research Projects/Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Department Integration and Conflict 6. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, pp. 1–24.
Book Chapter
Finke, Peter and Günther Schlee. 2013. Introduction. In: Peter Finke and Günther Schlee (eds.). CASCA: Centre for Anthropological Studies on Central Asia; framing the research, initial projects. Field Notes and Research Projects/Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Department Integration and Conflict 6. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, pp. VI-IX.
Book Chapter
Peter Finke. 2013. Pastoralism in Western Mongolia: current challenges and coping strategies. In: Peter Finke and Günther Schlee (eds.). CASCA: Centre for Anthropological Studies on Central Asia; framing the research, initial projects. Field Notes and Research Projects/Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Department Integration and Conflict 6. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, pp. 123–131.
and 17.
Book Chapter
Finke, Peter. 2012. Property rights in livestock among Mongolian pastoralists: categories of ownership and categories of control. In: and Günther Schlee (eds.). Who owns the stock? Collective and multiple forms of property in animals. Integration and Conflict Studies 5. New York: Berghahn, pp. 159–175.
Book Chapter
Finke, Peter. 2011. Central Asian attitudes towards Afghanistan: perceptions of the Afghan War in Uzbekistan. In: and (eds.). Ethnicity, authority, and power in Central Asia: new games great and small. Central Asian Studies 24. London: Routledge, pp. 61–76.
Book Chapter
Sancak, Meltem and Peter Finke. 2007. Konstitutsiya Buzildi!: gender relations in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. In: and (eds.). Everyday life in Central Asia: past and present. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp. 160–177.
Book Chapter
Finke, Peter. 2005. Contemporary pastoralism in Central Asia. In: and (eds.). Central Asia on display: proceedings of the VII. Conference of the European Society for Central Asian Studies. Wien: LIT, pp. 397–410.
Book Chapter
Finke, Peter and Meltem Sancak. 2005. Migration and risk-taking: a case study from Kazakstan. In: (ed.). Migration and economy: global and local dynamics. Society for Economic Anthropology Monographs 22. Walnut Creek: AltaMira Press, pp. 127–161.
Book Chapter
Finke, Peter. 2003. Does privatisation mean commoditisation?: market exchange, barter and gift-giving in post-socialist Mongolia. In: and (eds.). Anthropological perspectives on economic development and integration. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 199–223.
Book Chapter
Finke, Peter. 2002. Wandel sozialer Strukturen im ländlichen Mittelasien. In: , , , and (eds.). Zentralasien und Islam = Central Asia and Islam. Mitteilungen des Deutschen Orient-Instituts 63. Hamburg: Deutsches Orient-Institut, pp. 137–149.
Book Chapter
Finke, Peter. 2001. Kasachstan und Kirgiztan im 20. Jahrhundert: Tradition und Wandel. In: Peter Finke (ed.). Zwischen Markt- und Mangelwirtschaft: Berichte eines Feldforschungsaufenthaltes im ländlichen Kasachstan und Kirgizstan im Jahre 1999. Almaty: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, pp. 10–15.
Book Chapter
Finke, Peter. 2001. Zwischen Markt und Mangel: die Neuordnung ökonomischer und sozialer Beziehungen im ländlichen Kasachstan und Kirgizstan. Zwischen Markt- und Mangelwirtschaft: Berichte eines Feldforschungsaufenthaltes im ländlichen Kasachstan und Kirgizstan im Jahre 1999. Almaty: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, pp. 104–107.
Book Chapter
Finke, Peter and Meltem Sancak. 2001. Nurli: Glanz und Verfall eines sowjetischen Musterbetriebes. Zwischen Markt- und Mangelwirtschaft: Berichte eines Feldforschungsaufenthaltes im ländlichen Kasachstan und Kirgizstan im Jahre 1999. Almaty: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, pp. 96–103.
Thesis - Habilitation (1)
Thesis - Habilitation
Finke, Peter. Variations on Uzbek identity: concepts, constraints and local configurations. Habilitation Thesis, Universität Leipzig, Leipzig.
Working Paper (1)
Working Paper
Finke, Peter. 2000. Changing property rights systems in Western Mongolia: private herd ownership and communal land tenure in bargaining perspective. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 3.
Issue (2)
Finke, Peter and Günther Schlee (eds.). 2014. Strategii identifikacii v Srednej/Central'noj Azii. Ėtnografičeskoe Obozrenie (4).
Finke, Peter, Rita Sanders, and (eds.). 2013. Mobility and identity in Central Asia. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 138(2).
Other (5)
Finke, Peter. 2017. Report on the activities of the Centre for Anthropological Studies on Central Asia. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report: Department 'Integration and Conflict' 2014/2016.
Schlee, Günther, Christian Laheij, Jacqueline Knörr, Peter Finke, and Patrick Heady. 2017. Department 'Integration and Conflict'. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report: Department 'Integration and Conflict' 2014/2016.
Finke, Peter and Günther Schlee. 2014. Centre for Anthropological Studies on Central Asia (CASCA). Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report 2012/2013(1).
Finke, Peter. 2006. Integration und Konflikt in Zentralasien. Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Jahrbuch 2006.
Finke, Peter. 2005. Zentralasienforschung: Mitarbeiter und Projekte. Bericht/Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung: Sonderausgabe 2005.
Book Review (1)
Book Review
Finke, Peter. 2017. Sinophobia: anxiety, violence, and the making of Mongolian identity by Franck Billé. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2015. 272 pp. American Anthropologist 119(2): 370–371. DOI:
Collected Edition (2)
Collected Edition
Finke, Peter and Günther Schlee (eds.). 2013. CASCA: Centre for Anthropological Studies on Central Asia; framing the research, initial projects. Field Notes and Research Projects/Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Department Integration and Conflict 6. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.
Collected Edition
Finke, Peter and M. Sancak (eds.). 2001. Zwischen Markt- und Mangelwirtschaft: Berichte eines Feldforschungsaufenthaltes im ländlichen Kasachstan und Kirgizstan im Jahre 1999. Almaty: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.
Monograph (2)
Finke, Peter. 2014. Variations on Uzbek identity: strategic choices, cognitive schemas and political constraints in identification processes. Integration and Conflict Studies 7. New York: Berghahn.
Finke, Peter. 2004. Nomaden im Transformationsprozess: Kasachen in der post-sozialistischen Mongolei. Kölner ethnologische Studien 29. Münster: LIT.
Interview (1)
Finke, Peter. 2018. 10 questions for Peter Finke. Interview by Stefan Schwendtner. The Alumni Interview. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.