Publications of Carolien Jacobs
All genres
Journal Article (4)
Journal Article
Vetters, Larissa, Carolien Jacobs, and Sophie Andreetta. 2024. Legal pluralism and the production of (un)certainty in lived migration orders. Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis 56(3): 557–582. DOI:
Journal Article
Jacobs, Carolien. 2012. From truth seeking to verdict in Mozambique: (in)formal procedures and spirit consultations. Recht in Afrika 15(1): 79–96.
Journal Article
Jacobs, Carolien and . 2011. Violence against violence: in search of security and justice. Etnofoor 23(2): 17–36.
Journal Article
Jacobs, Carolien. 2010. Navigating through a landscape of powers or getting lost on Mount Gorongosa. Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 61: 81–108.
Book Chapter (4)
Book Chapter
Jacobs, Carolien. 2013. Toward reconciliation: religiously oriented disputing processes in Mozambique. In: Franz von Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, Martin Ramstedt, and Bertram Turner (eds.). Religion in disputes: pervasiveness of religious normativity in disputing processes. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 93–110.
Book Chapter
Jacobs, Carolien. 2012. Spirits at the police station and the district court. In: , , , and (eds.). The dynamics of legal pluralism in Mozambique. Maputo: CESAB, pp. 196–213.
Book Chapter
Jacobs, Carolien. 2012. Espíritos na esquadra da polícia e no tribunal distrital. In: , , , and (eds.). A dinâmica do pluralismo jurídico em Moçambique. Maputo: CESAB, pp. 207–226.
Book Chapter
Jacobs, Carolien and . 2011. "Justice with our own hands": lynching, poverty, witchcraft, and the state in Mozambique. In: Manfred Berg and (eds.). Globalizing lynching history: vigilantism and extralegal punishment from an international perspective. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 225–241.
Other (1)
Benda-Beckmann, Franz von, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, Judith Beyer, Carolien Jacobs, Martin Ramstedt, and Bertram Turner. 2012. Religion in disputes. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report 2010/2011(1).
Monograph (1)
Jacobs, Carolien. 2010. Plurality of religion, plurality of justice: exploring the role of religion in disputing processes in Gorongosa, Central Mozambique. African Studies Collection 28. Leiden: African Studies Centre.