Publications of Jennifer R. Cash
All genres
Journal Article (11)
Journal Article
Cash, Jennifer R. 2020. A nation of united villages? Demographics and identity in Moldova since independence. Balkanistic Forum 1: 90–101.
Journal Article
Cash, Jennifer R. 2018. Risking debt for honor: marital godparenthood in Moldova. Journal of Family History 43(1): 51–71. DOI:
Journal Article
Vasile, Monica, Jennifer R. Cash, and Patrick Heady. 2018. Contemporary godparenthood in Central and Eastern Europe: introduction. Journal of Family History 43(1): 3–11. DOI:
Journal Article
Cash, Jennifer R. 2016. History, memory, morality: Moldova's missing Germans. RECEO 47(1-2): 199–229.
Journal Article
Cash, Jennifer R. 2016. Cultural revival and the persistence of identity in Moldova: from the folkloric movement to hospitality. PLURAL IV(1): 76–95.
Journal Article
Cash, Jennifer R. 2014. What do peasants want?: equality and differentiation in post-socialist Moldova. Martor (19): 163–174.
Journal Article
Cash, Jennifer R. 2013. Performing hospitality in Moldova: ambiguous, alternative, and undeveloped models of national identity. History and Anthropology 24(1): 56–77.
Journal Article
Cash, Jennifer R. 2013. Transformations of the ritual cycle in postsocialist Moldova. Interstitio 5(1-2 (9-10): 30–50.
Journal Article
Jennifer R. Cash. 2013. Approaching festive culture after socialism: historical ruptures, continuities of memory. Interstitio 5(1-2 (9-10): 5–15.
and 10.
Journal Article
Cash, Jennifer R. 2011. Capitalism, nationalism, and religious revival: transformations of the ritual cycle in postsocialist Moldova. Anthropology of East Europe Review 29(2): 181–203.
Journal Article
Cash, Jennifer R. 2009. "The communists cannot take us to Europe": negotiating Moldova's place in the post-socialist world. Journal of Cultural Geography 26(3): 259–279. DOI:
Book Chapter (8)
Book Chapter
Cash, Jennifer R. 2019. The changing value of food: calculating Moldova's poverty. In: and (eds.). Food values in Europe. 1. ed. London; New York; Oxford; New Delhi; Sydney: Bloomsbury, pp. 178–192.
Book Chapter
Cash, Jennifer R. 2016. Limitele renaşterii culturale: viaţa sătească şi mişcarea folclorică din Republica Moldova. In: , , and (eds.). Republica Moldova la 25 de ani: o încercare de bilanț. Chişinău: Cartier, pp. 338–357.
Book Chapter
Cash, Jennifer R. 2015. How much is enough? Household provisioning, self-sufficiency, and social status in rural Moldova. In: Stephen Gudeman (ed.). Oikos and market: explorations in self-sufficiency after socialism. Max Planck Studies in Anthropology and Economy 2. New York: Berghahn, pp. 47–76.
Book Chapter
Cash, Jennifer R. 2015. Economy as ritual: the problems of paying in wine. In: Stephen Gudeman (ed.). Economy and ritual: studies of postsocialist transformations. Max Planck Studies in Anthropology and Economy 1. New York: Berghahn, pp. 31–51.
Book Chapter
Cash, Jennifer R. 2015. Who is a real Russian?: revisiting the Moldovan question. In: , , and (eds.). Romanica et Balcanica: Wolfgang Dahmen zum 65. Geburtstag. Jenaer Beiträge zur Romanistik 7. München: AVM, pp. 725–742.
Book Chapter
Cash, Jennifer R. 2015. Between starvation and security: poverty and food in rural Moldova. In: Ida Harboe Knudsen and (eds.). Ethnographies of grey zones in Eastern Europe: relations, borders and invisibilities. Anthem Series on Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies. London: Anthem Press, pp. 41–56.
Book Chapter
Cash, Jennifer Renea. 2010. Moldova. In: , , and (eds.). East Europe, Russia, and the Caucasus. Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion 9. Oxford: Berg, pp. 473–480.
Book Chapter
Cash, Jennifer R. 2008. Memories of states past: identity salience and the challenges of citizenship. In: Monica Heintz (ed.). Weak state, uncertain citizenship: Moldova. Gesellschaften und Staaten im Epochenwandel 16. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang, pp. 73–87.
Working Paper (1)
Working Paper
Cash, Jennifer R. 2013. Charity or remembrance?: practices of Pomană in rural Moldova. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 144. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.
Issue (2)
Vasile, Monica, Jennifer R. Cash, and Patrick Heady (eds.). 2018. Contemporary godparenthood in Central and Eastern Europe. Journal of Family History 43(1).
Cash, Jennifer R. and (eds.). 2014. Postsocialist festive culture. Interstitio (Winter).
Other (1)
Gudeman, Stephen, Chris Hann, Jennifer Cash, Nathan Light, Miladina Monova, Detelina Tocheva, Monica Vasile, and Bea Vidacs. 2010. Economy and Ritual. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report: Dapertment II 'Resilience and Transformation in Eurasia' 2008/2009(1).
Book Review (2)
Book Review
Cash, Jennifer R. 2016. Gwénola Sebaux, (post)colonisation - (post)migration: these Germans between Germany and Romania. RECEO 47(1-2): 333–335.
Book Review
Cash, Jennifer. 2008. Building new states in old societies: minority policies in post-socialist Eurasia. Identities 15(2): 240–260. DOI:
Collected Edition (2)
Collected Edition
Cash, Jennifer R. (ed.). 2014. Resilience and Transformation in Eurasia: 1999 - 2014. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.
Collected Edition
Jennifer Cash, and (eds.). 2013. Southeast European (post)modernities 2: changing forms of identity, religiosity, law and labour. Ethnologia Balkanica 16. Münster: LIT.
, Monograph (1)
Cash, Jennifer R. 2011. Villages on stage: folkore and nationalism in the Republic of Moldova. Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia: HSAE 26. Münster: LIT.