Publications of Chris M. Hann
All genres
Journal Article (142)
Journal Article
Hann, Chris M. 2003. Creeds, cultures and the 'witchery of music'. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 9(2): 223–239.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris M. 2003. Is Balkan civil society an oxymoron?: from Königsberg to Sarajevo, via Przemyśl. Ethnologia Balkanica 7: 63–78.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris M. 2003. Modell der Toleranz und Ökumene? Ost-West Gegeninformation 15(4): 3–9.
Journal Article
Hann, C. M. 2001. The plight of the eastern East. Times Literary Supplement 5118(May 4th): 14–15.
Journal Article
Hann, Christopher. 2001. Letter from... Lublin. Times Literary Supplement (5145): 16–16.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 2001. Comment on Michel-Rolph Trouillot "The anthropology of the state in the age of globalization: close encounters of the deceptive kind". Current Anthropology 42(1): 133–134.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 2001. From Volksgeist to radical humanism: culture and value in economic anthropology. Reviews in Anthropology 30(1): 1–30.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 2001. Gellner's Structural-Functional-Culturalism. Czech Sociological Review 9(2): 173–181.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris M. and . 2001. Mazlum olan kim?: rize’de cay üreticeleri örnegi.’ Toplum ve Bilim 88: 55–68.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 2000. Problems with the (de)privatisation of religion. Anthropology Today 16(6): 14–20.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1999. Peasants in an era of freedom: property and market economy in southern Xinjiang. Inner Asia 1(2): 195–219.
Journal Article
Hann, C. M. and . 1999. Peasants and officials in southern Xinjiang: subsistence, supervision, subversion. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 124: 1–32.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1998. Ukrainian epiphany in southeast Poland. Ethnologia Europaea 28(2): 151–167. DOI:
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1998. Postsocialist nationalism: rediscovering the past in Southeast Poland. Slavic Review 57(4): 840–863.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1998. Religion, trade and trust in South-East Poland. Religion, State and Society 26(3/4): 235–250.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1998. Drama postkomunizmu: rozvytok pol'skoho hromadjan'skoho suspil'stva j dosvid hreko-katolic'koї menšyny. Ljudyna i Svit (4): 9–14.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1998. Proper peasants in the 'longue durée'. Budapest Review of Books 8(3-4): 145–148.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1997. The nation-state, religion, and uncivil society: two perspectives from the periphery. Daedalus 126(2): 27–45.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1996. "It's out there, like Mount Everest": thoughts on the Gellner legacy. Cambridge Anthropology 19(2): 35–49.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1996. Ethnic cleansing in Eastern Europe: Poles and Ukrainians beside the Curzon Line. Nations and Nationalism 2(3): 389–406.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1995. Subverting strong states: the dialectics of social engineering in Hungary and Turkey. Daedalus 124(2): 133–153.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1994. After Communism: reflections on East European anthropology and the 'transition'. Social Anthropology 2(3): 229–249.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1994. Sources of Identity in the Laz Region. Turkish Studies Association Bulletin 18(1): 54–57.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1993. From comrades to lawyers: continuity and change in local political culture in rural Hungary. Anthropological Journal on European Cultures 2(1): 75–104.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1993. From production to property: decollectivization and the family-land relationship in contemporary Hungary; the Curl Prize Essay 1991. Man 28(2): 299–320.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1993. Elvtársaktól jogászokig: Szociálantropológiai jegyzet a rendszerváltásról. Valóság 36(3): 26–37.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1993. Culture and anti-culture: the spectre of orientalism in new anthropological writing on Turkey. Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford 24(3): 223–243.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1993. Religion and nationality in central Europe: the case of the Uniates. Ethnic Studies 10(1-3): 201–213.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1992. Radical functionalism: the life and work of Karl Polanyi. Dialectical Anthropology 17(2): 141–166.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris and . 1992. Samovars and sex on Turkey's Russian markets. Anthropology Today 8(4): 3–6.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1991. Notes on the transition in Tázlár. Cambridge Anthropology 15(3): 1–21.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1990. Second thoughts on smallholders: tea production, the state and social differentiation in the Rize region. New Perspectives on Turkey 4: 57–79.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1990. Socialism and King Stephen's right hand. Religion in Communist Lands 18(1): 4–24.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1990. Second economy and civil society. Journal of Communist Studies 6(2): 21–44.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1990. Introduction. Journal of Communist Studies 6(2): 1–20.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1988. Christianity's internal frontier: the case of Uniates in South-East Poland. Anthropology Today 4(3): 9–13.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1986. Notes from a medical college. Cambridge Anthropology 11(3): 104–108.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1985. Rural transformation on the East Black Sea coast of Turkey: a note on Keyder. Journal of Peasant Studies 12(4): 101–110.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1982. Kisüzemi gazdálkodás Tázláron a hetvenes években. Ethnographia 93(1): 33–72.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1980. Rural change in Hungary and Poland. Cambridge Anthropology 6(1/2): 142–150.
Journal Article
Hann, Chris. 1980. Tázlár: the frontier community since 1945. New Hungarian Quarterly 21(78): 139–147.
Journal Article
Hann, C. M. 1979. Tázlár: the frontier community on the Great Plain. New Hungarian Quarterly 20(74): 116–121.
Book Chapter (148)
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2024. Introduction: Argonauts revisited. In: Chris Hann and (eds.). One hundred years of Argonauts: Malinowski, ethnography, and economic anthropology. Max Planck Studies in Anthropology and Economy 13. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 1–22.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2024. Colonial encounters: from Caliban and Owain Glyndŵr to Ilham Tohti and Petra Köpping (2022). In: Chris Hann and Han Vermeulen (eds.). Jack Goody between social anthropology and world history. Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia 50. Berlin; Zürich: Lit, pp. 265–281.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2024. John Rankine Goody, 1919-2015. In: Chris Hann and Han Vermeulen (eds.). Jack Goody between social athropology and world history. Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia 50. Berlin; Zürich: Lit, pp. 285–309.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2023. The rise and fall of Red Halas, 1944–2019. In: , , and (eds.). State socialism in Eastern Europe: history, theory, anti-capitalist alternatives. Marx, Engels, and Marxisms. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 183–202.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2023. Afterword. In: (ed.). Family firms and business families in cross-cultural perspective. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 305–310.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2022. A critique of Gellner's neo-liberalism: economy, equality, epistemology. In: (ed.). Ernest Gellners legacy and social theory today. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 127–154.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2022. Afterword. In: and (eds.). Thrift and its paradoxes: from domestic to political economy. Max Planck Studies in Anthropology and Economy 10. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 208–212.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2021. Introduction: work and ethics in anthropology. In: Chris Hann (ed.). Work, society, and the ethical self. Max Planck Studies in Anthropology and Economy 7. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 1–25.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2021. Civilizational analysis. In: and (eds.). The Blackwell encyclopedia of sociology. Malden: Wiley Blackwell.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2021. Populism and moral economy. In: and (eds.). The SAGE handbook of cultural anthropology. The Sage Handbook of the Social Sciences. Los Angeles; London; New Delhi; Singapore; Washington; Melbourne: SAGE, pp. 612–618.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2021. Voyages around fathers: class, community, and mobility in industrial South Wales. In: and (eds.). Social anthropologies of the Welsh: past and present. The RAI Country Series 5. Canon Pyon: Sean Kingston Publishing, pp. 241–259.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2021. The heirs of ethnologia: the missing homeland and three imperial suburbs. In: (ed.). Anthropology in motion: encounters with current trajectories of scholarship from Austria. The RAI Country Series 4. Canon Pyon: Sean Kingston Publishing, pp. 203–217.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2021. L'avenir est noir: un guide-couleur de la politique de la Covid-19 en Allemagne. In: , , , and (eds.). Covid-19: tour du monde. Paris: Éditions Manucius, pp. 102–103.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2020. Preface. In: Chris Hann and Don Kalb (eds.). Financialization: relational approaches. Max Planck Studies in Anthropology and Economy 6. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. IX-XII.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2020. "A frontier crossed in the breath": the Polish kresy and the Welsh marches compared. In: , , and (eds.). Diversities: theories and practices; Festschrift for Reinhard Johler. Untersuchungen 123. Tübingen: Tübinger Vereinigung für Volkskunde, pp. 197–210.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2019. Conceit and deceit in the European Union: imaginaries of Europe and a pan-Eurasian alternative. In: (ed.). European integration: historical trajectories, geopolitical contexts. Annual of European and Global Studies. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 201–220.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2019. Socialism: ethics, ideologies, and outcomes. In: (ed.). Exotic no more: anthropology for the contemporary world. 2. ed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 121–136.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2019. Azok a 90-es évek, Kiskunhalason: külföldi szemmel. In: and (eds.). Kiskunhalas Története: Tanulmányok Kiskunhalasról a 20. század második feléből 4. Kiskunhalas: Kiskunhalas Város Önkormányzata; Halasi Múzeum Alapítvány; Thorma János Múzeum, pp. 551–565.
Book Chapter
Hann, C. M. 2018. Afterword: anthropology, Eurasia and global history. In: and Chris Hann (eds.). Anthropology and civilizational analysis: Eurasian explorations. SUNY Series: Pangaea II; Global/Local Studies. Albany: SUNY Press, pp. 339–353.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2018. "Countryside – soul of the nation": ideals and realities in contemporary Hungary. In: , , and (eds.). Über Land: aktuelle literatur- und kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf Dorf und Ländlichkeit. Rurale Topografien 3. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 187–200.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2018. Preface. In: Chris Hann and Jonathan Parry (eds.). Industrial labor on the margins of capitalism: precarity, class, and the neoliberal subject. 1. ed. Max Planck Studies in Anthropology and Economy 4. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. IX-XI.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2018. Economic anthropology. In: (ed.). The international encyclopedia of anthropology 4. Hoboken; Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 1708–1723.
Book Chapter
Bellér-Hann, Ildikó and Chris Hann. 2017. Feudalism, socialism, and the present mixed economy in rural eastern Xinjiang. In: Kirsten W. Endres and Chris Hann (eds.). Socialism with neoliberal characteristics. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, pp. 45–50.
Book Chapter
Endres, Kirsten W. and Chris Hann. 2017. Preface. In: Kirsten W. Endres and Chris Hann (eds.). Socialism with neoliberal characteristics. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, pp. VII-VIII.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2017. The human economy of pálinka in Hungary: a case study in longue durée lubrication. In: and (eds.). Economies of favour after socialism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 117–139.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2017. Introduction. In: Kirsten W. Endres and Chris Hann (eds.). Socialism with neoliberal characteristics. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, pp. 3–9.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2017. Migration und Integration aus der Perspektive der Visegrád-Staaten und -Gesellschaften. In: (ed.). Migration - Integration: Streitgespräche in den Wissenschaftlichen Sitzungen der Versammlung der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften am 10. Juni 2016 und am 9. Juni 2017. Debatte 18. Berlin: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, pp. 59–66.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris and Ildikó Bellér-Hann. 2017. Magic, science, and religion in Eastern Xinjiang. In: Ildikó Bellér-Hann, , and (eds.). Kashgar revisited: Uyghur studies in memory of Ambassador Gunnar Jarring. Brill's Inner Asian Library 34. Leiden; Boston: Brill, pp. 256–275.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2016. Postsocialist populist malaise: the elections of 2014 and the return to political monopoly in rural Hungary. In: and (eds.). Transiciones culturales: perspectivas desde Europa central y del este. Biblioteca de dialectología y tradiciones populares 54. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, pp. 25–45.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2016. Eurovision identities: or, how many collective identities can one anthropologist possess? In: and (eds.). Identity destabilised: living in an overheated world. London: Pluto Press, pp. 240–249.
Book Chapter
Gudeman, Stephen and Chris Hann. 2015. Introduction: Self-sufficiency as reality and as myth. In: Stephen Gudeman (ed.). Oikos and market: explorations in self-sufficiency after socialism. Max Planck Studies in Anthropology and Economy 2. New York: Berghahn, pp. 1–23.
Book Chapter
Gudeman, Stephen and Chris Hann. 2015. Introduction: ritual, economy, and the institutions of the base. In: Stephen Gudeman (ed.). Economy and ritual: studies of postsocialist transformations. Max Planck Studies in Anthropology and Economy 1. New York: Berghahn, pp. 1–30.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2015. Minderheiten, Mehrsprachigkeit und Kofferpacken im 20. Jahrhundert: in Osteuropa und anderswo. In: and (eds.). Leipziger Zugänge zur rechtlichen, politischen und kulturellen Verflechtungsgeschichte Ostmitteleuropas: [anlässlich des 60. Geburtstages von Stefan Troebst]. Leipzig: Leipziger Universitätsverlag, pp. 279–290.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2015. Ungarn: ein Land Mitteleuropas oder Mitteleurasiens? In: , , and (eds.). Mitteleuropa?: zwischen Realität, Chimäre und Konzept. Europaeana Pragensia 7. Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická Fakulta: Filosofia, pp. 115–131.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2015. Why postimperial trumps postsocialist: crying back the national past in Hungary. In: and (eds.). Anthropology and nostalgia. New York: Berghahn, pp. 96–122.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2015. Carpathian Rusyns: an unresolved problem for Eurasia in the heart of the European macro-region. In: and (eds.). A jubilee collection: essays in honor of Paul Robert Magocsi on his 70th birthday. Uzhhorod; Prešov; New York: Valerii Padiak Publishers, pp. 247–257.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2015. Wo und wann war Eurasien?: kontrastierende Geschichtskonstruktionen auf kontinentaler Ebene. In: , , , , and (eds.). Dekonstruieren und doch erzählen: polnische und andere Geschichten. Göttingen: Wallstein, pp. 285–292.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2015. (Kultur-)Kämpfe der Gegenwart: Deutschland, Ukraine, Europa, Eurasien. In: and (eds.). Das Unbehagen an der Kultur. Hamburg: Argument Verlag, pp. 157–179.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2015. Property: anthropological aspects. In: (ed.). International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences 19. 2. ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 153–159.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris and . 2015. Agrarian ideology and local governance: continuities in postsocialist Hungary. In: and (eds.). Knight from Komárov: to Petr Skalník for his 70th birthday. Praha: AntropoWeb, pp. 93–115.
Book Chapter
Alexander, Catherine, Chris Hann, and Jonathan Parry. 2014. Economic anthropology: Industry and Inequality in Eurasia. In: Jennifer R. Cash (ed.). Resilience and Transformation in Eurasia: 1999 - 2014. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, pp. 31–40.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2014. Hierarchies of knowledge and the gold standard for anthropology in Eurasia. In: Jennifer R. Cash (ed.). Resilience and Transformation in Eurasia: 1999 - 2014. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, pp. 3–8.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2014. Kinship and Social Support in China and Vietnam. In: Jennifer R. Cash (ed.). Resilience and Transformation in Eurasia: 1999 - 2014. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, pp. 11–21.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2014. Realising Eurasia: moral economy and civilisational pluralism in the twenty-first century. In: Jennifer R. Cash (ed.). Resilience and Transformation in Eurasia: 1999 - 2014. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, pp. 59–67.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2014. Varieties of capitalism and varieties of economic anthropology. In: , , , , and (eds.). Balkan border crossings: third annual of the Konitsa Summer School. Balkan Border Crossings: Contributions to Balkan Ethnography 4. Wien: LIT, pp. 9–30.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2014. Harmonious or homogenous?: language, education and social mobility in rural Uyghur society. In: and Ildikó Bellér-Hann (eds.). On the fringes of the harmonious society: Tibetans and Uyghurs in socialist China. NIAS Studies in Asian Topics 53. Copenhagen: NIAS, pp. 183–208.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2014. Beyond Cold War, beyond otherness: some implications of socialism and postsocialism for anthropology. In: , , and (eds.). Does east go west?: anthropological pathways through postsocialism. Freiburger Sozialanthropologische Studien 38. Münster: LIT, pp. 35–56.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2014. Birds, crowns and Christian Europe: the ritual symbolism of the postsocialist Hungarian nation-state. In: (ed.). Kultura, tożsamość, integracja europejska. Kraków: Nomos, pp. 71–84.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2013. The universal and the particular in rural Xinjiang: ritual commensality and the mosque community. In: and (eds.). Articulating Islam: anthropological approaches to Muslim worlds. Muslims in Global Societies Series 6. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 171–191.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2013. Introduction: nations and nationalism, societies and socialism, fields and wars. In: and Chris Hann (eds.). The anthropological field on the margins of Europe, 1945-1991. Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia: HSAE 29. Berlin: LIT, pp. 1–28.
Book Chapter
Bellér-Hann, Ildikó and Chris Hann. 2012. Mágia és vallás a politika árnyékában Kelet-Xinjiangban. In: and (eds.). Az elkerülhetetlen: vallásantropológiai tanulmányok Vargyas Gábor tiszteletére. Budapest: L'Harmattan, pp. 151–170.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2012. Europe in Eurasia. In: , , and (eds.). A companion to the anthropology of Europe. Blackwell Companions to Anthropology 17. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 88–102.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2012. Laiklik and legitimation in rural Eastern Xinjiang. In: and (eds.). Varieties of secularism in Asia: anthropological explorations of religion, politics and the spiritual. Anthropology of Asia Series 18. London: Routledge, pp. 121–141.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2012. Big revolutions, two small disciplines, and socialism. In: (ed.). Archaeology and anthropology: past, present and future. ASA Monographs 48. London: Berg, pp. 19–39.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2011. Auf der Suche nach Europa: zwei Beispiele aus der Peripherie einer peripheren Halbinsel. In: (ed.). Where is Europe?/ Wo ist Europa?/ Où est l'Europe?: Dimensionen und Erfahrungen des neuen Europa. Studien und Materialien. Tübingen: Institut für empirische Sozialforschung, pp. 221–240.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2011. Ostchristentum und westliche Sozialtheorie. In: (ed.). Logos im Dialogos: auf der Suche nach der Orthodoxie; Gedenkschrift für Hermann Goltz (1946-2010). Forum Orthodoxe Theologie 11. Münster: LIT, pp. 583–593.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2011. Zivilgesellschaft. In: , , and (eds.). Lexikon der Globalisierung. Global Studies. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 447–450.
Book Chapter
Hann, Chris. 2011. Predely konstruktivizma v teorii etničnosti: razdum'ja po povodu "četvertoj Rusi" i "vtoroj Germanii". In: and (eds.). Antropologija social'nych peremen: sbornik statej; k 70-letiju Valerija Aleksandroviča Tiškova. Moskva: ROSSPĖN, pp. 115–128.