Publications of István Sántha

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Safonova, Tatiana and István Sántha. 2010. Being local outsiders: a study of Chinese ethos in East Siberia. Inner Asia 12(2): 347–364. DOI:
Journal Article
Safonova, Tatiana and István Sántha. 2010. Different risks, different biographies: the roles of reversibility for Buryats and circularity for Evenki people. Forum Qualitative Social Research 11(1): 1–16. DOI: .
Journal Article
Safonova, Tatiana and István Sántha. 2010. Gender distinctions in an egalitarian society: the case of Evenki people of the Baikal region. Anthropology of East Europe Review 28(2): 120–139.
Journal Article
Sántha, István. 2009. "Bright future?" The knowledge, practices and strategies of the young people in a South Siberian Evenki village. Folklore 41: 163–188. DOI:
Journal Article
Donahoe, Brian, Joachim Otto Habeck, Agnieszka Halemba, and István Sántha. 2008. Size and place in the construction of indigeneity in the Russian Federation. Current Anthropology 49(6): 993–1020. DOI:
Journal Article
Sántha, István. 2003. The Siberian journeys and legacy of Vilmos Diószegi. Acta Ethnographica Hungarica 48(3-4): 313–325.

Book Chapter (3)

Book Chapter
Donahoe, Brian, Kirill Istomin, Joachim Otto Habeck, Agnieszka Halemba, István Sántha, and Virginie Vaté. 2011. Research design and methodology of the comparative research project "The social significance of the House of Culture.” In: Brian Donahoe and Joachim Otto Habeck (eds.). Reconstructing the House of Culture: community, self and the makings of culture in Russia and beyond. New York: Berghahn, pp. 277–291.
Book Chapter
Santha, Istvan and Tatiana Safonova. 2011. Pokazuhka in the House of Culture: the pattern of behavior in Kurumkan, eastern Buriatiia. In: Brian Donahoe and Joachim Otto Habeck (eds.). Reconstructing the House of Culture: community, self and the makings of culture in Russia and beyond. New York: Berghahn, pp. 75–96.
Book Chapter
Safonova, Tatiana and István Sántha. 2010. Walking mind: the pattern that connects Evenki land, companionship and person. In: Arno Bammé, Günter Getzinger, and Bernhard Wieser (eds.). Yearbook 2009 of the Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society. Technik- und Wissenschaftsforschung 60. München; Wien: Profil, pp. 311–323.

Working Paper (1)

Working Paper
Safonova, Tatiana and István Sántha. 2007. Companionship among the Evenki of Eastern Buryatia: a study of flexible and stable cultural elements. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 99.

Other (1)

Diallo, Youssouf and István Sántha. 2005. Rituals, forms of behaviour, and solidarity among hunters' groups in West Africa and South Siberia. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report 2004/2005.

Monograph (1)

Safonova, Tatiana and István Sántha. 2011. Az evenkik földjén: kulturális kontaktusok a Bajkál-vidéken. Budapest: Balassi Kiadó.