Publications of Markus Schlecker
All genres
Journal Article (5)
Journal Article
Schlecker, Markus. 2012. Legend, legacy and the French 12/01 Raid in 1948. History and Anthropology 23(3): 323–347.
Journal Article
Schlecker, Markus. 2011. Technology keepsakes from the pre-reform era and family individuation in late 1990s Hanoi [in Korean language]. Studies in Urban Humanities 3(2): 269–296.
Journal Article
Schlecker, Markus. 2011. Universalist rationality and Simmel's sacrifice model of value. Anthropological Theory 11(3): 309–325.
Journal Article
Schlecker, Markus and Kirsten W. Endres. 2011. Psychic experience, truth, and visuality in post-war Vietnam. Social Analysis 55(1): 1–22. DOI:
Journal Article
Schlecker, Markus and Kirsten Endres. 2010. "Psychics", science et vérité dans le Vietnam d’après-guerre. Péninsule 60: 249–279.
Book Chapter (3)
Book Chapter
Schlecker, Markus. 2017. Mutuality: social support in the background. In: Kirsten W. Endres and Chris Hann (eds.). Socialism with neoliberal characteristics. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, pp. 76–80.
Book Chapter
Schlecker, Markus. 2013. Life, labor, and merit: war martyrdom as support encounters in late socialist Vietnam. In: Markus Schlecker and Friederike Fleischer (eds.). Ethnographies of social support. 1. ed. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 161–175.
Book Chapter
Schlecker, Markus. 2012. Apparitions of sapiocracy: Vietnam's emergent welfare state and the restless dead of Thanh Ha. In: , , , and (eds.). Southeast Asian perspectives on power. The Modern Anthropology of Southeast Asia. London: Routledge, pp. 151–164.
Working Paper (1)
Working Paper
Schlecker, Markus. 2010. Context and value: anti-contextualist rationality and resistance; the case of burial customs in late socialist Vietnam. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 128.
Other (2)
Giovanni Da Col, Ayxem Eli, Kirsten Endres, Friederike Fleischer, Chris Hann, Helena Obendiek, Sawut Pawan, Sarah Schefold, Markus Schlecker, Johannes Steinmüller, and Xiujie Wu. 2010. Kinship and Social Support in China and Vietnam. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report: Department II 'Socialist and Postsocialist Eurasia' 2008/2009(1).
, 11.
Ayxem Eli, Friederike Fleischer, Helena Obendiek, Sawut Pawan, Sarah Schefold, Markus Schlecker, and Xiujie Wu. 2008. Kinship and social support in China and Vietnam. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report 2006/2007.
, Collected Edition (1)
Collected Edition
Schlecker, Markus and Friederike Fleischer (eds.). 2013. Ethnographies of social support. 1. ed. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.