Publications of Sandra Calkins

Journal Article (9)

Journal Article
Calkins, Sandra. 2019. Health as growth: bananas, humanitarian biotech, and human-plant histories in Uganda. Medicine Anthropology Theory 6(3): 29–53. DOI:
Journal Article
Beisel, Uli, Sandra Calkins, and Richard Rottenburg. 2018. Divining, testing, and the problem of accountability. HAU 8(1-2): 109–113. DOI:
Journal Article
Calkins, Sandra. 2016. How ‚clean gold’ game to matter: metal detectors, infrastructure, and valuation. HAU 6(2): 173–195. DOI:
Journal Article
Calkins, Sandra, Enrico Ille, Siri Lamoureaux, and Richard Rottenburg. 2015. Rethinking institutional orders in Sudan studies: the case of land access in Kordofan, Blue Nile and Darfur. Canadian Journal of African Studies 49(1): 175–195.
Journal Article
Calkins, Sandra and Richard Rottenburg. 2014. Getting credit for what you write?: conventions and techniques of citation in German anthropology. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 139(1): 99–129.
Journal Article
Calkins, Sandra. 2013. Gemeinschaft neu gedacht: Nomaden als Vorreiter der Globalisierung? Revue 13(12): 122–127.
Journal Article
Calkins, Sandra. 2012. Agricultural encroachment in Wadi Mukabrab area: policies of recompense, differentiation and “tribal” belonging. Meroitica 24: 229–251.
Journal Article
Calkins, Sandra and Guma Kunda Komey. 2011. Umkämpfte Weiden: Landzugang und Überleben im Sudan. Geographische Rundschau 63(7-8): 28–35.
Journal Article
Calkins, Sandra. 2009. Transformed livelihoods in the lower Atbara area: pastoral Rashâyda responses to crisis. Nomadic Peoples 13(1): 45–68. DOI:

Book Chapter (13)

Book Chapter
Calkins, Sandra and Richard Rottenburg. 2017. Evidence, infrastructure and worth. In: Penny Harvey, Casper Brun Jensen, and Atsuro Morita (eds.). Infrastructures and social complexity: a companion. New York; London: Routledge, pp. 253–265.
Book Chapter
Calkins, Sandra and Richard Rottenburg. 2016. Technology, infrastructure and the making of value in gold prospection. In: Sondra Hale and Gada Kadoda (eds.). Networks of knowledge production in Sudan: identities, mobilities, and technologies. Lanham; Boulder; New York; London: Lexington Books, pp. 265–283.
Book Chapter
Calkins, Sandra. 2015. Starvation. In: Mehmet Odekon (ed.). The SAGE encyclopedia of world poverty 4. Los Angeles: SAGE, pp. 1469–1472.
Book Chapter
Calkins, Sandra. 2015. Negotiating distributive orders in rural Sudan: justification and critique of charitable gifts. In: Sandra Calkins, Enrico Ille, and Richard Rottenburg (eds.). Emerging orders in the Sudans. Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG, pp. 197–217.
Book Chapter
Calkins, Sandra, Enrico Ille, and Richard Rottenburg. 2015. Emergence and contestation of orders in the Sudans. In: Sandra Calkins, Enrico Ille, and Richard Rottenburg (eds.). Emerging orders in the Sudans. Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG, pp. 1–22.
Book Chapter
Calkins, Sandra. 2014. Gaining access to land: everyday negotiations and Rashaida ethnic politics in north-eastern Sudan. In: Jörg Gertel, Richard Rottenburg, and Sandra Calkins (eds.). Disrupting territories: land, commodification & conflict in Sudan. Eastern Africa Series. Woodbridge: Currey, pp. 180–205.
Book Chapter
Calkins, Sandra and Enrico Ille. 2014. Territories of gold mining: international investment and artisanal extraction in Sudan. In: Jörg Gertel, Richard Rottenburg, and Sandra Calkins (eds.). Disrupting territories: land, commodification & conflict in Sudan. Eastern Africa Series. Woodbridge: Currey, pp. 52–76.
Book Chapter
Gertel, Jörg, Sandra Calkins, and Richard Rottenburg. 2014. Disrupting territories: commodification and its consequences. In: Jörg Gertel, Richard Rottenburg, and Sandra Calkins (eds.). Disrupting territories: land, commodification & conflict in Sudan. Eastern Africa Series. Woodbridge: Currey, pp. 1–30.
Book Chapter
Calkins, Sandra. 2013. Agricultural encroachment in Wadi Mukabrab area: policies of recompense, differentiation and 'tribal' belonging. In: Cornelia Kleinitz (ed.). "Nihna nâs al-bahar - We are the people of the river": ethnographic research in the Fourth Nile Cataract Region, Sudan. Meroitica: Schriften zur altsudanesischen Geschichte und Archäologie 26. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 229–251.
Book Chapter
Ille, Enrico and Sandra Calkins. 2013. Gold mining concessions in Sudan's written laws, and practices of gold extraction in the Nuba Mountains. In: Elke Grawert (ed.). Forging two nations: insights on Sudan and South Sudan. Addis Ababa: OSSREA, pp. 112–126.
Book Chapter
Calkins, Sandra. 2012. Bauern, Tierhalter und Migranten: Existenzsicherung im marokkanischen Hohen Atlas. In: Jörg Gertel and Sandra Calkins (eds.). Nomaden in unserer Welt: die Vorreiter der Globalisierung; von Mobilität und Handel, Herrschaft und Widerstand. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 148–157.
Book Chapter
Calkins, Sandra. 2012. Dürrejahre im Sudan: neue Formen nomadischer Mobilität. In: Jörg Gertel and Sandra Calkins (eds.). Nomaden in unserer Welt: die Vorreiter der Globalisierung; von Mobilität und Handel, Herrschaft und Widerstand. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 52–59.
Book Chapter
Calkins, Sandra and Jörg Gertel. 2012. Einleitung. In: Jörg Gertel and Sandra Calkins (eds.). Nomaden in unserer Welt: die Vorreiter der Globalisierung; von Mobilität und Handel, Herrschaft und Widerstand. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 8–18.

Other (1)

Laheij, Christian, Sandra Calkins, and John R. Eidson. 2017. Supervision of doctoral candidates: discussion, teaching and exchange. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report: Department 'Integration and Conflict' 2014/2016.

Book Review (4)

Book Review
Calkins, Sandra. 2019. Casciarri, Barbara, Assal, Munzoul A.M. & Ireton, François. Multidimensional change in Sudan (1989‐2011): reshaping livelihoods, conflicts and identities. 374 pp. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 25(3): 629–630. DOI:
Book Review
Calkins, Sandra. 2019. Review essay: infrastructures of citizenship in India. South Asia 42(4): 816–821. DOI:
Book Review
Calkins, Sandra and Tyler Zoanni. 2019. Population (What is it good for?). Anthropological Quarterly 92(3): 919–929. DOI:
Book Review
Calkins, Sandra. 2018. Jennifer Tappan. 2017. The riddle of malnutrition: the long arc of biomedical and public health interventions in Uganda. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press. XX, 218 pp. African Studies Quarterly 18(1): 132–134.

Collected Edition (3)

Collected Edition
Calkins, Sandra, Enrico Ille, and Richard Rottenburg (eds.). 2015. Emerging orders in the Sudans. Mankon: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG.
Collected Edition
Gertel, Jörg, Richard Rottenburg, and Sandra Calkins (eds.). 2014. Disrupting territories: land, commodification & conflict in Sudan. Eastern Africa Series. Woodbridge: Currey.
Collected Edition
Gertel, Jörg and Sandra Calkins (eds.). 2012. Nomaden in unserer Welt: die Vorreiter der Globalisierung; von Mobilität und Handel, Herrschaft und Widerstand. Bielefeld: transcript.

Monograph (1)

Calkins, Sandra. 2016. Who knows tomorrow? Uncertainty in north-eastern Sudan. New York; Oxford: Berghahn.
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