Publications of Martin Ramstedt

Journal Article (15)

Journal Article
Ramstedt, Martin. 2022. Tracing associations, revisiting nodes, assembling an institute: an introduction to the IISL memory papers. Oñati Socio-Legal Series 12(1): 1–25. DOI:
Journal Article
Ramstedt, Martin. 2022. Religious proselytization of indigenous peoples. Quaderni di diritto e politica ecclesiastica 2: 389–411.
Journal Article
Ramstedt, Martin. 2021. Tolerancia y acomodo de la diferencia. Cuestiones de Pluralismo 1(2). DOI:
Journal Article
Ramstedt, Martin. 2017. Cultural translation, traveling law, and the transposition of indigenous rights to Indonesian contexts. Translation and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts 3(1): 47–63. DOI:
Journal Article
Ramstedt, Martin. 2014. Discordant temporalities in Bali's new village jurisdictions. Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 46(1): 60–78. DOI:
Journal Article
Ramstedt, Martin. 2012. Das Branding von "Bali" nach Suharto: regionale Autonomie, globaler Tourismus und die Juridifizierung des lokalen Kulturerbes. Asien 123: 48–61. DOI:
Journal Article
Ramstedt, Martin. 2012. Processes of disembedding and displacement: anomie and the juridification of religio-ethnic identity in post-New Order Bali. Asian Ethnicity 13(4): 323–339.
Journal Article
Ramstedt, Martin, Martin Slama, and Christian Warta. 2012. Ethnizität und Religion als Kapital: Prozesse der Kapitalisierung von Kultur im Indonesien nach Suharto; Einführung. Asien 123: 7–11. DOI:
Journal Article
Ramstedt, Martin and Fadjar Ibnu Thufail. 2012. Preface: law and religio-ethnic identity in post-New Order Indonesia. Asian Ethnicity 13(4): 321–322.
Journal Article
Ramstedt, Martin. 2011. A fatwa against yoga: mitigating conflict in the face of increasing fundamentalism in Indonesia. Journal of Inter-Religious Dialogue 5.
Journal Article
Ramstedt, Martin. 2011. Colonial encounters between India and Indonesia. South Asian History and Culture 2(4): 522–539.
Journal Article
Ramstedt, Martin. 2008. Hindu bonds at work: spiritual and commercial ties between India and Bali. Journal of Asian Studies 67(4): 1227–1250. DOI:
Journal Article
Ramstedt, Martin. 2007. Metaphor or invocation: the convergence between modern paganism and fantasy fiction. Journal of Ritual Studies 21(1): 1–15.
Journal Article
Ramstedt, Martin. 2005. History of anthropology in the Netherlands. Anthropos 100: 570–579.
Journal Article
Ramstedt, Martin. 2004. Who is a witch?: contesting notions of authenticity among contemporary Dutch witches. Etnofoor 17(1/2): 178–198.

Book Chapter (24)

Book Chapter
Ramstedt, Martin. 2021. Emergent secular spaces in 19th and early 20th century Java: the discovery of Javanese 'culture'. In: Irene Schneider and Holger Warnk (eds.). Knowledge, science, and local tradition: multiple perspectives on the middle east and southeast asia in honor of Fritz Schulze. Studies on Islamic and Intellectual History 3. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, pp. 167–185.
Book Chapter
Ramstedt, Martin. 2021. The right to freedom of and from religion in non-state legal orders: the case of indigenous peoples. In: Silvio Ferrari (ed.). Routledge handbook of freedom of religion or belief. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 232–246.
Book Chapter
Ramstedt, Martin. 2020. Buddhistische Perspektiven auf einen Dialogischen Religionsunterricht. In: Thorsten Knauth and Wolfram Weiße (eds.). Ansätze, Kontexte und Impulse zu dialogischem Religionsunterricht. Religionen im Dialog 19. Münster: Waxmann, pp. 201–214.
Book Chapter
Ramstedt, Martin. 2018. Hinduism and Buddhism. In: Robert W. Hefner (ed.). Routledge handbook of contemporary Indonesia. 1. ed. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 267–283.
Book Chapter
Seidel, Katrin and Martin Ramstedt. 2017. Heterogenität normativer Ordnungen: wessen Recht gilt es zu erhalten?; Überlegungen zu den Grenzen eines normativen Pluralismus. In: Uwe Gepp and Reinhold Schardt (eds.). Neue Konflikte, neue Friedensethik?: Tagung der Evangelischen Akademie Loccum, 26. – 28. Februar 2016. Dokumentation: Evangelischer Pressedienst 8. Rehburg-Loccum: Evangelische Akademie Loccum, pp. 28–41.
Book Chapter
Ramstedt, Martin. 2016. Islamisierung per Gesetz und die Verrechtlichung von Religion im anomischen Indonesien. In: Thorsten Moos, Magnus Schlette, and Hans Diefenbacher (eds.). Das Recht im Blick der Anderen. Religion und Aufklärung 26. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 63–102.
Book Chapter
Ramstedt, Martin. 2016. Anthropological perspectives on the normative and institutional recognition of religion by the law of the state. In: Rosella Bottoni, Rinaldo Cristofori, and Silvio Ferrari (eds.). Religious rules, state law, and normative pluralism: a comparative overview. Ius Comparatum - Global Studies in Comparative Law 18. Cham: Springer, pp. 45–59.
Book Chapter
Ramstedt, Martin. 2015. Anthropological perspectives on law and religion. In: Silvio Ferrari (ed.). Routledge handbook of law and religion. Routledge Handbooks. London: Routledge, pp. 43–58.
Book Chapter
Ramstedt, Martin. 2014. Converging ontologies, flattening of time-discordant temporality and feeling rules in Bali’s new village jurisdictions. In: Thomas Stodulka and Birgitt Röttger-Rössler (eds.). Feelings at the margins: dealing with violence, stigma and isolation in Indonesia. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, pp. 53–80.
Book Chapter
Ramstedt, Martin. 2014. Converging ontologies, flattening of time: discordant temporalities in Bali's new village jurisdictions. In: Thomas Stodulka and Birgitt Röttger-Rössler (eds.). Feelings at the margins: dealing with the violence, stigma and isolation in Indonesia. Frankfurt/Main; New York: Campus, pp. 53–80.
Book Chapter
Benda-Beckmann, Franz von, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, Martin Ramstedt, and Bertram Turner. 2013. Introduction: on the pervasiveness of religious normativity in disputing processes. In: Franz von Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, Martin Ramstedt, and Bertram Turner (eds.). Religion in disputes: pervasiveness of religious normativity in disputing processes. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. VII-XX.
Book Chapter
Ramstedt, Martin. 2013. Ethnologie der Angst. In: Lars Koch (ed.). Angst: ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch. Stuttgart: Metzler, pp. 71–80.
Book Chapter
Ramstedt, Martin. 2013. Religion and disputes in Bali's new village jurisdictions. In: Franz von Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, Martin Ramstedt, and Bertram Turner (eds.). Religion in disputes: pervasiveness of religious normativity in disputing processes. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 111–128.
Book Chapter
Ramstedt, Martin. 2012. Colonial encounters between India and Indonesia. In: Babli Sinha (ed.). South Asian transnationalisms: cultural exchange in the twentieth century. South Asian History and Culture. London: Routledge, pp. 66–83.
Book Chapter
Ramstedt, Martin. 2011. Menafsirkan kembali tata norma Bali pasca-Orde Baru. In: Martin Ramstedt and Fadjar I. Thufail (eds.). Kegalauan identitas: agama, etnisitas dan kewarganegaraan pada masa pasca-Orde Baru. Jakarta: Grasindo, pp. 41–72.
Book Chapter
Thufail, Fadjar I. and Martin Ramstedt. 2011. Pendahuluan: agama, diskursus hak dan politik identitas pasca-Orde Baru. In: Martin Ramstedt and Fadjar I. Thufail (eds.). Kegalauan identitas: agama, etnisitas dan kewarganegaraan pada masa pasca-Orde Baru. Jakarta: Grasindo, pp. 1–12.
Book Chapter
Ramstedt, Martin. 2009. Balinese Hindu law. In: Stanley N. Katz (ed.). Abbasid Dynasty - Cicero. The Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History 1. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 251–251.
Book Chapter
Ramstedt, Martin. 2009. Indonesia. In: Knut A. Jakobsen (ed.). Brill's encyclopedia of Hinduism. Handbook of Oriental Studies/2 22/1. Leiden: Brill, pp. 353–369.
Book Chapter
Ramstedt, Martin. 2009. Regional autonomy and its discontents: the case of post-new order Bali. In: Coen J.G. Holtzappel and Martin Ramstedt (eds.). Decentralization and regional autonomy in Indonesia: implementation and challenges. IIAS/ISEAS Series on Asia. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and International Institute for Asian Studies, pp. 329–379.
Book Chapter
Ramstedt, Martin and Coen J.G. Holtzappel. 2009. Preface. In: Coen J.G. Holtzappel and Martin Ramstedt (eds.). Decentralization and regional autonomy in Indonesia: implementation and challenges. IIAS/ISEAS Series on Asia. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and International Institute for Asian Studies, pp. XXIII-XXVIII.
Book Chapter
Ramstedt, Martin. 2007. New age and business. In: Daren Kemp and James R. Lewis (eds.). Handbook of new age. Leiden: Brill, pp. 185–205.
Book Chapter
Ramstedt, Martin. 2007. Transforming notions of mercy at work: the changing mission of the fraters of Tilburg in secularised Dutch society. In: Peter Jan Margry and Herman Roodenburg (eds.). Reframing Dutch culture: between otherness and authenticity. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 183–201.
Book Chapter
Ramstedt, Martin. 2007. Diasporic religions today. In: Ninian Smart and Frederick Denny (eds.). Atlas of the world's religions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 18–19.
Book Chapter
Ramstedt, Martin. 2005. Anthropology and the nation state: applied anthropology in Indonesia. In: Jan van Bremen (ed.). Asian anthropology. Anthropology of Asia Series. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 201–223.

Working Paper (2)

Working Paper
Ramstedt, Martin. 2012. Islamisation by law and the juridification of religion in anomic Indonesia. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 140. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.
Working Paper
Ramstedt, Martin. 2011. An account of the international RELIGARE workshop on "Religious Diversity & the European Workplace".

Report (1)

Gerhard, Michael, Martin Ramstedt, Carola Roloff, and Doris Wolter (eds.). 2016. Buddhismus an deutschen Schulen, Schwerpunkt: Hamburg und Berlin. München: Deutsche Buddhistische Union.

Issue (6)

Ramstedt, Martin (ed.). 2022. Institutional memory papers. Oñati Socio-Legal Series 12(1).
Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von, Martin Ramstedt, and Melanie Wiber (eds.). 2014. Special Issue: dedicated to Franz von Benda-Beckmann. Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 46(1).
Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von, Martin Ramstedt, and Melanie G. Wiber (eds.). 2014. Special issue: dedicated to Franz Benda-Beckmann; trust and the temporalities of law. Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law 46(1).
Ramstedt, Martin and Fadjar Ibnu Thufail (eds.). 2012. Law and religio-ethnic identity in post-New Order Indonesia. Asian Ethnicity 13(4). Abingdon: Routledge.
Ramstedt, Martin and Fadjar Ibnu Thufail (eds.). 2012. Law and religio-ethnic identity in post-new order Indonesia. Asian Ethnicity 13(4).
Ramstedt, Martin, Martin Slama, and Christian Warta. 2012. Ethnizität und Religion als Kapital: Prozesse der Kapitalisierung von Kultur im Indonesien nach Suharto. Asien 123. Hamburg: DGA.

Other (5)

Ramstedt, Martin. 2021. The IISL institutional memory lecture series. RCSL Newsletter 2.
Ramstedt, Martin. 2020. The new RCSL working group "Legal pluralism": why do we need a RCSL working group on legal pluralism? RCSL Newsletter 2.
Benda-Beckmann, Franz von, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, Judith Beyer, Carolien Jacobs, Martin Ramstedt, and Bertram Turner. 2012. Religion in disputes. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report 2010/2011(1).
Benda-Beckmann, Franz von, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, Martin Ramstedt, and Bertram Turner. 2012. Introduction to the conference on 'Religion in Disputes'. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report 2010/2011(1).
Ramstedt, Martin. 2008. Bali heute: zur ökonomischen Dimension des traditionellen Ritualsystems. Rituale heute. Journal Ethnologie.

Book Review (5)

Book Review
Ramstedt, Martin. 2014. Buddhism and modernity: politics of religion in South- and Southeast Asia. Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 170(2/3): 343–354.
Book Review
Ramstedt, Martin. 2013. Picard, Michel, and Rémy Madinier (eds.): The politics of religion in Indonesia: syncretism, orthodoxy, and religious contention in Java and Bali. London: Routledge, 2011. Anthropos 108(1): 353–355.
Book Review
Ramstedt, Martin. 2010. Cahn, Jean-Paul, and Hartmut Kaelble (eds.) 2008: Religion und Laizität in Frankreich und Deutschland im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert / religions et laïcité en France et en Allemagne aux 19e et 20e siècles. Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft 10(1): 120–122.
Book Review
Ramstedt, Martin. 2008. Identity Matters: Ethnic and Sectarian Conflict, James L. Peacock, Patricia M. Thornton, and Patrick B. Inman, eds. (New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2007), xi, 244 pp. Nationalities Papers 36(5): 893–895. DOI:
Book Review
Ramstedt, Martin. 2007. Volker Gottowik, Die Erfindung des Barong: Mythos, Ritual and Alterität auf Bali. Anthropos 102(2): 618–619.

Collected Edition (4)

Collected Edition
Benda-Beckmann, Franz von, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, Martin Ramstedt, and Bertram Turner (eds.). 2013. Religion in disputes: pervasiveness of religious normativity in disputing processes. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Collected Edition
Ramstedt, Martin and Fadjar I. Thufail (eds.). 2011. Kegalauan identitas: agama, etnisitas dan kewarganegaraan pada masa pasca-Orde Baru. Jakarta: Grasindo.
Collected Edition
Holtzappel, Coen J. G. and Martin Ramstedt (eds.). 2009. Decentralization and regional autonomy in Indonesia: implementation and challenge. IIAS/ISEAS Series on Asia. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
Collected Edition
Ramstedt, Martin (ed.). 2004. Hinduism in modern Indonesia: a minority religion between local, national, and global interests. RoutledgeCurzon: IIAS Asian studies series. London: Routledge.

Monograph (1)

Ramstedt, Martin. 1998. Weltbild, Heilspragmatik und Herrschaftslegitimation im vorkolonialen Bali: eine Analyse des höfischen Diskurses. Europäische Hochschulschriften/19/B 49. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang.
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