Publications of Nina Glick Schiller
All genres
Journal Article (43)
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2024. Migrant services and the reconfiguration of social reproduction as capital accumulation. Dialectical Anthropology 48(3): 327–343. DOI:
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2023. Migrants are the city: commentary on “London: diversity and renewal over two millennia” by Anthony Heath and Yaojun Li. Ethnic and Racial Studies 46(11): 2347–2354. DOI:
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2023. Connecting place and placing power: a multiscalar approach to mobilities, migrant services and the migration industry. Mobilities 18(4): 677–690. DOI:
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2022. Desenmascarando la migración y el desarrollo. Un enfoque basado en los estudios sobre desposesión y desplazamiento. Migración y Desarrollo 20(38): 71–93. DOI:
Journal Article
Çağlar, Ayşe and Nina Glick Schiller. 2021. Relational multiscalar analysis: a comparative approach to migrants within city-making processes. Geographical Review 111(2): 206–232. DOI:
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2021. Dispossession with a Hug. Current Anthropology 62(6): 755–756. DOI:
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2018. Theorising transnational migration in our times: a multiscalar temporal perspective. Nordic Journal of Migration Research 8(4): 201–212. DOI:
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina and . 2018. Transnational regimes and migrant responses in an altered historical conjuncture. Nordic Journal of Migration Research 8(4): 199–200. DOI:
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina, Julia M. Eckert, and Stephen P. Reyna. 2017. Debate on the nature and significance of Critique. Anthropological Theory 17(2): 261–261. DOI:
Journal Article
Nina Glick Schiller, and Stephen P. Reyna. 2016. Vision statement: anthropological theory from and for everybody. Anthropological Theory 16(2-3): 320–323. DOI:
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Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2016. Positioning theory: an introduction. Anthropological Theory 16(2-3): 133–145. DOI:
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2016. The question of solidarity and society: comment on Will Kymlicka’s article: “Solidarity in Diverse Societies.” Comparative Migration Studies 3(4): 4:6. DOI:
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2016. Conjectures about conjunctures, decolonization, and the ontological turn: comment on Jafari Sinclaire Allen and Ryan Cecil Johnson "The decolonizing generation: (race and) theory in anthropology since the eighties". Current Anthropology 57(2): 140–141. DOI:
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina and . 2016. Displacement, emplacement and migrant newcomers: rethinking urban sociabilities within multiscalar power. Identities 23(1): 17–34. DOI:
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina and . 2016. Envisioning place: urban sociabilities within time, space and multiscalar power. Identities 23(1): 1–16. DOI:
Journal Article
Nina Glick Schiller, and Stephen P. Reyna. 2015. Editors' note to the Lempert-Lambek dialogue. Anthropological Theory 15(2): 127–127. DOI:
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Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2015. Explanatory frameworks in transnational migration studies: the missing multi-scalar global perspective. Ethnic and Racial Studies 38(13): 2275–2282. DOI:
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2012. Unraveling the migration and development web: research and policy implications. International Migration Review 50(3): 92–97.
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2012. A comparative relative perspective on the relationships between migrants and cities. Urban Geography 33(6): 879–903.
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2012. Situating identities: towards an identities studies without binaries of difference. Identities 19(4): 520–532.
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2010. Old baggage and missing luggage: a commentary on Beck and Sznaider's 'Unpacking cosmopolitanism for the social sciences: a research agenda'. British Journal of Sociology 61: 413–420. DOI:
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2009. A global perspective on migration and development. Social Analysis 53(3): 14–37. DOI:
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina and Ayse Caglar. 2009. Towards a comparative theory of locality in migration studies: migrant incorporation and city scale. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 35(2): 177–202. DOI:
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina and . 2009. Introduction: migration, development, and social transformation. Social Analysis 53(3): 1–13. DOI:
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2006. What can transnational studies offer to the study of localized conflict and protest? Focaal 47: 3–17.
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2006. Transnational urbanism as a way of life: a research topic not a metaphor. City and Society 17(1): 49–64.
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina, Ayse Caglar, and . 2006. Beyond the ethnic lens: locality, globality, and born-again incorporation. American Ethnologist 33(4): 612–633.
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina and Evangelos Karagiannis. 2006. Contesting claims to the land: pentecostalism as a challenge to migration theory and policy. Sociologus 56(2): 137–171.
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2005. Racialized nations, evangelizing christianity, police states, and imperial power: missing in action in Bunzl's new Europe. American Ethnologist 32(4): 526–532.
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2005. Transnational social fields and imperialism: bringing a theory of power to transnational studies. Anthropological Theory 5: 447–460.
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2005. Transnational urbanism as a way of life: a research topic not a metaphor. City and Society 17(1): 47–62.
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina, Boris Nieswand, Günther Schlee, Tsypylma Darieva, Lale Yalçın-Heckmann, and László Fosztó. 2005. Pathways of migrant incorporation in Germany. Transit 1(1).
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina and . 2005. Módszertani nacionalizmus és azon túl: nemzetállam-építés, migráció és társadalomtudományok. Magyar Kisebbség 2005: 3–4.
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2004. Is freedom now "another word for nothing left to lose"?: an introduction to the debate about freedom and democracy in the age of neoliberalism. Identities 11: 89–92.
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina and . 2004. Conceptualizing simultaneity: a transnational social field perspective on society. International Migration Review 38(3): 1002–1039.
Journal Article
Glick-Schiller, Nina. 2003. Methodological nationalism, the social sciences, and the study of migration: an essay in historical epistemology. International Migration Review 37(3): 576–610.
Journal Article
Glick-Schiller, Nina. 2003. Same old same old? ... resurrecting political culture or conducting ethnographies of human possibilities? American Ethnologist 30(4): 495–497.
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina and . 2002. Terrains of blood and nation: Haitian transnational social fields. Ethnic and Racial Studies 22(2): 340–366.
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina and . 2002. Methodological nationalism and the study of migration. Archives Européennes de Sociologie 43(2): 217–240.
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina and . 2002. Methodological nationalism and beyond: nation-state building, migration and the social sciences. Global Networks 2(4): 301–334.
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2001. Introduction: culture, violence, and explanation. Identities 8(1): 1–6.
Journal Article
Glick Schiller, Nina and . 2001. All in the family: gender, transnational migration, and the nation-state. Identities 7(4): 539–582.
Journal Article
Reyna, Stephen P. and Nina Glick Schiller. 1998. The pursuit of knowledge and regimes of truth. Identities 4(3-4): 333–341. DOI:
Book Chapter (37)
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2023. Multiscalar social relations of dispossession and emplacement. In: Markus Virgil Hoehne, Echi Christina Gabbert, and John R. Eidson (eds.). Dynamics of identification and conflict: anthropological encounters. New York, Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 308–334.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2022. Bi-directions and new directions in migration research: theorizing dispossession and power from Connie Sutton's work on transnational migration. In: and (eds.). Changing continuities: and the scholar-activist anthropology of Constance R. Sutton. Kingston: Ian Randle Publishers, pp. 247–253.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2020. Migration and development: theorising changing conditions and ongoing silences. In: and (eds.). Routledge handbook of migration and development. Routledge International Handbooks. London: Routledge, pp. 32–42.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina and . 2016. Locating migrant pathways of economic emplacement: thinking beyond the ethnic lens. In: , , and (eds.). An anthology of migration and social transformation: European perspectives. IMISCOE Research Series. Cham; Heidelberg; New York; Dordrecht; London: Springer, pp. 307–326.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2015. Whose cosmopolitanism? And whose humanity? In: Nina Glick Schiller and (eds.). Whose cosmopolitanism? Critical perspectives, relationalities and discontents. New York; London: Berghahn, pp. 31–33.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2015. Diasporic cosmopolitanism: migrants, sociabilities and city making. In: Nina Glick Schiller and (eds.). Whose cosmopolitanism?: critical perspectives, relationalities and discontents. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 103–120.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina and . 2015. Introduction: what's in a word?; what's in a question? In: Nina Glick Schiller and (eds.). Whose cosmopolitanism?: critical perspectives, relationalities and discontents. New York: Berghahn, pp. 1–22.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2014. Transnationality. In: (ed.). A companion to urban anthropology. Blackwell Companions to Anthropology 26. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 291–305.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2014. Comfort zones. In: and (eds.). Migration: the COMPAS anthology. Oxford: ESRC Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), pp. 131–132.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2014. Das transnationale Migrationsparadigma: globale Perspektiven auf die Migrationsforschung. In: Boris Nieswand and (eds.). Kultur, Gesellschaft, Migration: die reflexive Wende in der Migrationsforschung. Studien zur Migrations- und Integrationspolitik. Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 153–178.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2012. Transnationality and the city. In: (ed.). Transnationalism and urbanism. Routledge Research in Transnationalism 25. New York: Routledge, pp. 31–45.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2012. Transnationality, migrants and cities: a comparative approach. In: , , , and Nina Glick Schiller (eds.). Beyond methodological nationalism: research methodologies for cross-border studies. Routledge Research in Transnationalism 24. New York: Routledge, pp. 23–40.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2012. Methodological predicaments of cross-border studies. In: , , , and Nina Glick Schiller (eds.). Beyond methodological nationalism: research methodologies for cross-border studies. Routledge Research in Transnationalism 24. New York: Routledge, pp. 1–19.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2012. Migration and development without methodological nationalism: towards global perspectives on migration. In: and (eds.). Migration in the 21st century: political economy and ethnography. Routledge Advances in Sociology 73. New York: Routledge, pp. 38–63.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2010. A global perspective on migration and development. In: Nina Glick Schiller and (eds.). Migration, development and transnationalism: a critical stance. Critical Interventions: A Forum for Social Analysis. New York: Berghahn, pp. 22–62.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2010. A global perspective on transnational migration: theorising migration without methodological nationalism. In: and (eds.). Diaspora and transnationalism: concepts, theories and methods. IMISCOE Research Series. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 109–129.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina and . 2010. Introduction: migration, development, and social transformation. In: Nina Glick Schiller and (eds.). Migration, development and transnationalism: a critical stance. Critical Interventions: A Forum for Social Analysis. New York: Berghahn, pp. 1–21.
Book Chapter
Nina Glick Schiller. 2010. Methodological nationalism, the social sciences, and the study of migration: an essay into historical epistemology. In: (ed.). Migration: vol. 1; Theories. Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences. London: Routledge, pp. 176–205.
and 62.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2009. Global perspectives on gender in transit. In: (ed.). Gender in trans-it: transkulturelle und transnationale Perspektiven. Basel: Chronos, pp. 31–50.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2009. Theorizing about and beyond transnational processes in incorporation, identity and citizenship. In: , , and (eds.). Caribbean migration to Western Europe and the United States: essays on incorporation, identity, and citizenship. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, pp. 18–40.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2009. There is no power except for God: locality, global Christianity and immigrant transnational incorporation. In: and Bertram Turner (eds.). Permutations of order: religion and law as contested sovereignties. Law, Justice and Power. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 125–146.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina and Ayse Caglar. 2008. Beyond methodological ethnicity and towards city scale: an alternative approach to local and transnational pathways of migrant incorporation. In: (ed.). Rethinking transnationalism: the Meso-link of organisations. Transnationalism 21. London: Routledge, pp. 40–61.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina and Ayse Caglar. 2008. And ye shall possess it, and dwell therein: social citizenship, global Christianity, and non-Ethnic immigrant incorporation. In: and (eds.). Citizenship, political engagement, and belonging: immigrants in Europe and the United States. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, pp. 203–225.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina and Evangelos Karagiannis. 2008. "The land which the LORD your God giveth you": two 'African' churches in Oststadt. In: , , and (eds.). Christianity in Africa and the African diaspora: the appropriation of a scattered heritage. Continuum Religious Studies. London: Continuum International Publishing Group, pp. 265–278.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2007. Beyond the nation-state and its units of analysis: towards a new research agenda for migration studies. In: (ed.). Concepts and methods in migration research: conference reader. Siegen: Universität Siegen, pp. 39–72.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina, Ayse Caglar, and . 2006. Jenseits der "ethnischen Gruppe" als Objekt des Wissens: Lokalität, Globalität und Inkorporationsmuster von Migranten. In: (ed.). Die Macht des Lokalen in einer Welt ohne Grenzen. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, pp. 105–144.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2005. Blood and belonging: long-distance nationalism and the world beyond. In: (ed.). Complexities: beyond nature and nurture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, pp. 289–312.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2005. Lived simultaneity and discourses of diasporic difference. In: (ed.). Displacements and diasporas: Asians in the Americas. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, pp. 159–169.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2005. Long-distance nationalism. In: (ed.). Encyclopedia of diasporas: immigrant and refugee cultures around the world 1. New York: Springer, pp. 570–580.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2005. Transborder citizenship: an outcome of legal pluralism within transnational social fields. In: Franz von Benda-Beckmann, Keebet von Benda-Beckmann, and Anne Griffiths (eds.). Mobile people, mobile law: expanding legal relations in a contracting world. Law, Justice and Power. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 27–49.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2004. Transnationality. In: (ed.). A companion to the anthropology of politics. Malden: Blackwell, pp. 448–467.
Book Chapter
Glick-Schiller, Nina. 2003. The centrality of ethnography in the study of transnational migration: seeing the Wetland instead of the Swamp America arrivals. In: (ed.). American arrivals: anthropology engages the new immigration. Santa Fe: School of American Research Press, pp. 99–128.
Book Chapter
Glick-Schiller, Nina and . 2003. Killing me softly: violence, globalization, and the apparent state. In: (ed.). Globalization, the state, and violence. Walnut Creek; Oxford: AltaMira Press, pp. 203–249.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina and . 2002. Haitians-Americans. In: (ed.). Encyclopedia of world cultures: supplement. Boston: Hall, pp. 140–144.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina and . 2002. Long-distance nationalism defined. In: (ed.). The anthropology of politics: a reader in ethnography, theory, and critique. Blackwell Anthologies in Social and Cultural Anthropology 3. Malden: Blackwell, pp. 356–365.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina and . 2002. The generation of identity: redefining the second generation within a transnational social field. In: and (eds.). The changing face of home: the transnational lives of the second generation. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, pp. 168–210.
Book Chapter
Glick Schiller, Nina and . 2001. The generation of identity: redefining the second generation within a transnational social field. In: (ed.). Migration, transnationalization, and race in a changing New York. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, pp. 58–86.
Issue (2)
Glick Schiller, Nina and (eds.). 2016. Seeing places and power. Identities 23(1).
Reyna, Stephen P., Julia M. Eckert, and Nina Glick Schiller (eds.). 2016. Positioning theory: a re-launch of the journal Anthropological Theory. Anthropological Theory 16(2-3).
Other (4)
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2021. Migration, displacement and dispossession. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Anthropology. DOI:
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2007. Ansiedlung von Flüchtlingen in Kleinstädten: eine ortsbezogene Perspektive auf die Debatten um die "Integration" von Migranten. Bericht/Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung, Abteilung I: Integration und Konflikt 2007.
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2005. Globale Religion als eine Form der nicht-ethnischen Inkorporation von Migranten in zwei small-scale-Städten: Halle/Saale (Deutschland) und Manchester, New Hampshire (USA). Bericht/Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung: Sonderausgabe 2005.
Glick Schiller, Nina, Boris Nieswand, Günther Schlee, Ayşe Çağlar, Evangelos Karagiannis, Tsypylma Darieva, Lale Yalçın-Heckmann, and László Fosztó. 2003. Pathways of migrant incorporation in Germany. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report 2002/2003.
Collected Edition (4)
Collected Edition
Glick Schiller, Nina and (eds.). 2015. Whose cosmopolitanism? Critical perspectives, relationalities and discontents. New York: Berghahn.
Collected Edition
Nina Glick Schiller (eds.). 2014. Regimes of mobility: imaginaries and relationalities of power. London; New York: Routledge.
and 89.
Collected Edition
Nina Glick Schiller (eds.). 2012. Beyond methodological nationalism: research methodologies for cross-border studies. Routledge Research in Transnationalism 24. New York: Routledge.
, , , and 90.
Collected Edition
Glick Schiller, Nina and (eds.). 2010. Migration, development and transnationalism: a critical stance. Critical Interventions: A Forum for Social Analysis. New York: Berghahn.
Monograph (4)
Caglar, Ayse and Nina Glick Schiller. 2018. Migrants and city-making: dispossession, displacement, and urban regeneration. Durham; London: Duke University Press.
Glick Schiller, Nina, Data Dea, and Markus Höhne. 2005. African culture and the zoo in the 21st century: the "African Village" in the Augsburger Zoo and its wider implications; report to the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.
Glick Schiller, Nina, Data Dea, and Markus Höhne. 2005. Afrikanische Kultur und der Zoo im 21. Jahrhundert: eine ethnologische Perspektive auf das "African Village" im Augsburger Zoo; Bericht an das Max Planck Institut für ethnologische Forschung. Halle/Saale: Max-Planck-Institut für Ethnologische Forschung.
Glick Schiller, Nina and . 2001. George woke up laughing: long distance nationalism and the search for home. Durham: Duke University Press.
Blog Post (1)
Blog Post
Glick Schiller, Nina, , , , , and . 2023. The business of welcoming migrants. MoLab Inventory of Mobilities and Socioeconomic Changes. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology. DOI:
Interview (1)
Glick Schiller, Nina. 2022. How segregation obstructs migrants to enter in city-making processes. Interview by Stefan Schwendtner and Carlo Diesterbeck-Roll. Spot On. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.