Publications of Hassan Hussein Kochore
All genres
Journal Article (5)
Journal Article
Kochore, Hassan Hussein. 2016. The road to Kenya?: visions, expectations and anxieties around new infrastructure development in Northern Kenya. Journal of Eastern African Studies 10(3): 494–510. DOI:
Journal Article
Hassan Hussein Kochore, and . 2016. Camels and climate resilience: adaptation in Northern Kenya. Human Ecology 44(6): 701–713. DOI:
, 3.
Journal Article
Hassan Hussein Kochore. 2014. Navigating ethnicity and electoral politics in northern Kenya: the case of the 2013 election. Journal of Eastern African Studies 8(1): 135–152. DOI:
and 4.
Journal Article
Hassan Hussein Kochore, and . 2012. Camel herders, middlewomen, and urban milk bars: the commodification of camel milk in Kenya. Journal of Eastern African Studies 6(3): 383–404. DOI:
, , 5.
Journal Article
Hassan Hussein Kochore. 2012. Religion and Climate Change in Northern Kenya: new moral frameworks for new environmental challenges? Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture 6(3): 319–343. DOI:
and Book Chapter (3)
Book Chapter
Kochore, Hassan Hussein. 2020. North Eastern: from the periphery to the center. In: , , and (eds.). The Oxford handbook of Kenyan politics. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 659–672.
Book Chapter
Hassan Hussein Kochore. 2019. Being Oromo in Nairobis 'Little Mogadishu': superdiversity, moral community and the open economy. In: and (eds.). Mobile urbanity: Somali presence in urban East Africa. Integration and Conflict Studies 20. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 76–93.
and 8.
Book Chapter
Kochore, Hassan Hussein. 2018. The symbolism of Gada in local political campaign songs among the Boran of Marsabit County in Northern Kenya. In: and (eds.). Music and dance in Eastern Africa: current research in humanities and social sciences. Nairobi: Twaweza Communications, pp. 63–73.
Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Kochore, Hassan Hussein. 2022. Time reckoning, political memory and identities: a historical anthropology of community-state entanglement among Boran Oromo of Northern Kenya. PhD Thesis, Philosophische Fakultät I, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle/Saale.
Book Review (2)
Book Review
Kochore, Hassan Hussein. 2021. Nairobi in the making: landscapes of time and urban belonging; by Constance Smith, Suffolk, UK, James Currey Publishers (Boydell & Brewer), 2019, 221 pp. Urban Geography 42(2): 249–251. DOI:
Book Review
Kochore, Hassan Hussein. 2018. We do not have borders: Greater Somalia and the predicaments of belonging in Kenya by Keren Weitzberg. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2017. Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History 19(3). DOI:
Interview (1)
Kochore, Hassan Hussein. 2022. Age counting in Kenya. Interview by Stefan Schwendtner and Carlo Diesterbeck-Roll. Spot On. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.