Publications of Brian Donahoe
All genres
Journal Article (12)
Journal Article
Brian Donahoe. 2023. Law and anthropology in China: a roundtable discussion at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology. Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis 55(3): 453–463. DOI:
and 2.
Journal Article
Donahoe, Brian. 2011. On the creation of indigenous subjects in the Russian Federation. Citizenship Studies 15(3/4): 397–417.
Journal Article
Donahoe, Brian and Kirill Istomin. 2010. Izmenenie praktiki regulirovanija dostupa k prirodnym resursam u nekotorych olenevodčeskich narodov Sibiri: popytka teoretičeskogo obobščenija. Novye Issledovanija Tuvy 4: 55–119.
Journal Article
Donahoe, Brian, Joachim Otto Habeck, Agnieszka Halemba, and István Sántha. 2008. Size and place in the construction of indigeneity in the Russian Federation. Current Anthropology 49(6): 993–1020. DOI:
Journal Article
Donahoe, Brian and Kirill Istomin. 2007. Izmenenie praktik regulirovanija dostupa k prirodnym resursam u olenevodčeskich narodov Sibiri. Rasy i Narody 33: 128–163.
Journal Article
Donahoe, Brian. 2006. Who owns the Taiga? Inclusive vs. exclusive senses of property among the Tozhu and Tofa of southern Siberia. Sibirica 5(1): 87–116. DOI:
Journal Article
Donahoe, Brian and Agnieszka Halemba. 2006. Die indigenen Völker Sibiriens: Landrechte, Legalismus und Lebensstil. Infoemagazin 19: 18–22.
Journal Article
Donahoe, Brian. 2005. Southern Siberia. Indigenous World 2005: 56–63.
Journal Article
Donahoe, Brian. 2003. Hunting for a solution: Tozhu wild animal resources threatened by poaching and industrial development. Cultural Survival Quarterly 27(1): 48–52.
Journal Article
Donahoe, Brian and , and (trans.). 2003. The troubled Taiga: survival on the move for the last nomadic reindeer herders of South Siberia, Mongolia, and China. Cultural Survival Quarterly 27(1): 12–18.
Journal Article
Donahoe, Brian. 2001. Where have all the reindeer gone? Russian Conservation News 26: 19–20.
Journal Article
Brian Donahoe. 2001. Requiem or recovery: the 21st century fate of the reindeer-herding peoples of Inner Asia. Cultural Survival Quarterly 25(2): 76–78.
and Book Chapter (13)
Book Chapter
Donahoe, Brian, Marie-Claire Foblets, and Maria Sapignoli. 2024. Legal practitioners and anthropologists in dialogue: returning to the spirit of complementarity and collaboration. In: Marie-Claire Foblets, Maria Sapignoli, and Brian Donahoe (eds.). Anthropological expertise and legal practice: in conversation. Law and Anthropology Series. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 1–20.
Book Chapter
Stammler, Florian, , and Brian Donahoe. 2022. Russian legal anthropology: from empirical ethnography to applied innovation. In: Marie-Claire Foblets, , Maria Sapignoli, and Olaf Zenker (eds.). The Oxford handbook of law and anthropology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 132–152.
Book Chapter
Donahoe, Brian. 2013. Identity categories and the relationship between cognition and the production of subjectivities. In: (ed.). Nomadic and indigenous spaces: productions and cognition. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 137–153.
Book Chapter
Donahoe, Brian. 2012. "Trust" or "domination"? Divergent perceptions of property in animals among the Tozhu and the Tofa of south Siberia. In: and Günther Schlee (eds.). Who owns the stock? Collective and multiple forms of property in animals. Integration and Conflict Studies 5. New York: Berghahn, pp. 99–119.
Book Chapter
Donahoe, Brian. 2012. Naming, claiming, proving?: the burden of proof issue for Russia's indigenous peoples. In: Julia Eckert, Brian Donahoe, Christian Strümpell, and Özlem Zerrin Biner (eds.). Law against the state: ethnographic forays into law's transformations. Cambridge Studies in Law and Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 44–69.
Book Chapter
Eckert, Julia, Zerrin Özlem Biner, Brian Donahoe, and Christian Strümpell. 2012. Introduction: law's travels and transformations. In: Julia Eckert, Brian Donahoe, Zerrin Özlem Biner, and Christian Strümpell (eds.). Law against the state: ethnographic forays into law's transformations. Cambridge Studies in Law and Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1–22.
Book Chapter
Donahoe, Brian. 2011. In the face of adversity: Shagonar’s culture workers bear the torch of culture. In: Brian Donahoe and Joachim Otto Habeck (eds.). Reconstructing the House of Culture: community, self and the makings of culture in Russia and beyond. New York: Berghahn, pp. 119–136.
Book Chapter
Donahoe, Brian, Kirill Istomin, Joachim Otto Habeck, Agnieszka Halemba, István Sántha, and Virginie Vaté. 2011. Research design and methodology of the comparative research project "The social significance of the House of Culture.” In: Brian Donahoe and Joachim Otto Habeck (eds.). Reconstructing the House of Culture: community, self and the makings of culture in Russia and beyond. New York: Berghahn, pp. 277–291.
Book Chapter
Habeck, Joachim Otto, Brian Donahoe, and . 2011. Constellations of culture work in present-day Siberia. In: Brian Donahoe and Joachim Otto Habeck (eds.). Reconstructing the House of Culture: community, self and the makings of culture in Russia and beyond. New York: Berghahn, pp. 137–160.
Book Chapter
Donahoe, Brian. 2009. The law as a source of environmental justice in the Russian Federation. In: and (eds.). Environmental justice and sustainability in the former Soviet Union. Urban and Industrial Environments. Cambridge: MIT, pp. 21–46.
Book Chapter
Donahoe, Brian. 2009. Comparative analysis of property rights among the Tofa and Tozhu of Southern Siberia [In Chinese language]. In: Sayana Namsaraeva, , and (eds.). Makesi Pulangke shehui renleixue yanjiusuo: Xibolia huigu [Max-Planck-Institute for Social Anthropology: Siberian Studies Review]. Beijing: Minzu chubanshe, pp. 2–22.
Book Chapter
Donahoe, Brian. 2008. Tuvincy-todžincy: očerk sovremennoj kul'tury. In: and (eds.). Tjurkskie narody Vostočnoj Sibiri. Narody i Kul'tury. Moscow: Nauka, pp. 186–204.
Book Chapter
Donahoe, Brian. 2006. Olenevodstvo Tuvincev-Todžincev Segodnja. Voprosy izučenija istorii i kul'tury narodov centralnoj azii i sopredel'nych regionov. Kyzyl: Nacional'nyj muzej imeni Aldan Maadyr, pp. 121–132.
Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Donahoe, Brian. A line in the Sayans: history and divergent perceptions of property among the Tozhu and Tofa of South Siberia. PhD Thesis, Indiana University, Bloomington.
Working Paper (4)
Working Paper
Donahoe, Brian. 2009. Situated bounded rationality: linking institutional analysis to cognitive, processual, and phenomenological approaches in anthropology. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 117.
Working Paper
Donahoe, Brian, John Eidson, Dereje Feyissa, Veronika Fuest, Markus V. Hoehne, Boris Nieswand, Günther Schlee, and Olaf Zenker. 2009. The formation and mobilization of collective identities in situations of conflict and integration. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 116.
Working Paper
Halemba, Agnieszka and Brian Donahoe. 2008. Local perspectives on hunting and poaching: research report for WWF Russia Altai-Saian Ecoregion.
Working Paper
Donahoe, Brian. 2002. "Hey, You! Get offa my Taiga!": comparing the sense of property rights among the Tofa and Tozhu-Tyva. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 38.
Issue (1)
Donahoe, Brian and (eds.). 2003. The troubled Taiga. Cultural Survival Quarterly 27(1).
Other (1)
Donahoe, Brian and Günther Schlee. 2003. Interethnic clan relationships in Asia and Africa. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report 2002/2003.
Book Review (5)
Book Review
Donahoe, Brian. 2014. Khanty, people of the Taiga: surviving the 20th century. Sibirica 13(1): 84–87. DOI:
Book Review
Donahoe, Brian. 2014. Wiget, Andrew and Olga Balalaeva: Khanty; People of the Taiga; surviving the 20th century. Sibirica 13(1): 84–87. DOI:
Book Review
Donahoe, Brian. 2008. Susan Alexandra Crate. Cows, Kin, and Globalization: An Ethnography of Sustainability (Globalization and the Environment). Lanham: AltaMira Press, 2006. H-Net Soyuz.
Book Review
Donahoe, Brian. 2007. Singing story, healing drum: shamans and storytellers of Turkic Siberia by Kira Van Deusen (University of Washington Press, 2004). Sibirica 6(1): 119–121. DOI:
Book Review
Donahoe, Brian. 2004. Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov, The social life of the state in subarctic Siberia (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2003). Sibirica 4(2): 237–238. DOI:
Collected Edition (3)
Collected Edition
Foblets, Marie-Claire, Maria Sapignoli, and Brian Donahoe (eds.). 2024. Anthropological expertise and legal practice: in conversation. Law and Anthropology Series. London; New York: Routledge.
Collected Edition
Eckert, Julia, Brian Donahoe, Christian Strümpell, and Zerrin Özlem Biner (eds.). 2012. Law against the state: ethnographic forays into law's transformations. Cambridge Studies in Law and Society. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Collected Edition
Donahoe, Brian and Joachim Otto Habeck (eds.). 2011. Reconstructing the House of Culture: community, self and the makings of culture in Russia and beyond. New York: Berghahn.