Publications of Philipp Demgenski

Journal Article (6)

Journal Article
Demgenski, Philipp. 2023. Onstage: exhibiting intangible cultural heritage in China. China Perspectives 132: 7–17. DOI:
Journal Article
Demgenski, Philipp. 2021. Salvaguarda do patrimônio cultural imaterial na China contemporânea: entre sustentabilidade e mercantilização. Revista do Centro de Pesquisa e Formação 12: 113–123.
Journal Article
Demgenski, Philipp, Christina Maags, and Zhang Yu. 2021. 中国非物质文化遗产与市场: 自我经营的非遗传承人 [Intangible cultural heritage and the market: self-enterprising cultural practitioners in China]. Cultural Heritage 5: 32–38.
Journal Article
Bortolotto, Chiara, Philipp Demgenski, Panas Karampampas, and Simone Toji. 2020. Proving participation: vocational bureaucrats and bureaucratic creativity in the implementation of the UNESCO convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage. Social Anthropology/Anthropologie sociale 28(1): 66–82. DOI:
Journal Article
Demgenski, Philipp. 2020. Culinary tensions: Chinese cuisine's rocky road toward international intangible cultural heritage status. Asian Ethnology 79(1): 115–135.
Journal Article
Demgenski, Philipp. 2019. Dabaodao: the planning, development, and transformation of a Chinese (German) neighbourhood. Planning Perspectives 34(2): 311–333. DOI:

Book Chapter (7)

Book Chapter
Bortolotto, Chiara and Philipp Demgenski. 2024. Decontextualization from UNESCO to China: the embarrassment and empowerment of economic uses of intangible cultural heritage. In: Chiara Bortolotto and Ahmed Skounti (eds.). Intangible cultural heritage and sustainable development: inside a UNESCO convention. Key Issues in Cultural Heritage. London; New York: Routledge, pp. 161–175.
Book Chapter
Demgenski, Philipp. 2023. Ανθεκτικότητα Σε Τι Και Για Ποιον; Η Άυλη Πολιτιστική Κληρονομιά Μεταξύ Μετάδοσης Και Εμπορευματοποίησης Στη Σύγχρονη Κίνα [Resilience to what and for whom? ICH between transmission and marketization in contemporary China]. In: Panas Karampampas (ed.). Άυλη Πολιτιστική Κληρονομιά Σε Καιρούς Οικονομικής Κρίσης: Ένταξή Στην Αγορά Και Ανθεκτικότητα [Intangible cultural heritage in times of economic crisis: marketisation and resilience]. Athens: Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports, pp. 70–77.
Book Chapter
Demgenski, Philipp. 2021. 'When it comes to intangible cultural heritage, everyone is always happy': some thoughts on the Chinese life of a UNESCO convention. In: Séagh Kehoe and Gerda Wielander (eds.). Cultural China 2020: the contemporary China centre review. London: University of Westminster Press, pp. 92–95.
Book Chapter
Demgenski, Philipp. 2021. 作为模糊地带的大鲍岛:一个历史街区的发展、规划与叙事 [Dabaodao as an indistinct place: the development, planning and narrative of a historical district]. In: Qian Zheng (ed.). 博物馆人类学的观点与实践——第二届博物馆人类学研讨会论文集 [Perspectives and practice in museum anthropology: proceedings of the second forum on museum anthropology]. Beijing: 科学出版社 [Science Press], pp. 181–206.
Book Chapter
Demgenski, Philipp. 2018. Living in the 'past': the effects of a growing heritage discourse in contemporary urban China. In: Yannan Ding, Maurizio Marinelli, and Xiaohong Zhang (eds.). China: a historical geography of the urban. Cham: Palgrave Macmilllan, pp. 225–249.
Book Chapter
Demgenski, Philipp. 2014. Liyuan houses and a diminishing neighbourhood in the Chinese coastal metropolis of Qingdao. Hong Kong discovery 80. Anthropologists on the Road.
Book Chapter
Demgenski, Philipp. 2013. Making and taming "messy space": the contested nature of historical space in urban China. In: Saija Isomaa, Pirjo Lyytikäinen, Kirsi Saarikangas, and Renja Suominen-Kokkonen (eds.). Imagining spaces and places. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 107–122.

Other (2)

Demgenski, Philipp. 2016. Urban renewal in Qingdao: creating scenic neighbourhoods, but for whom? Asia Dialogue.
Jinshi, Fan, Lu, Tracey L-D and Philipp Demgenski (trans.). 2014. The preservation of the Mogao caves in Dunhuang, China. Hong Kong: Institute of Chinese Studies and Centre for Cultural Heritage Studies, Department of Anthropology, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Book Review (1)

Book Review
Demgenski, Philipp. 2015. Class in contemporary China, by David S.G. Goodman, Cambridge, Polity, 2014, 272 pp. Asian Anthropology 14(2): 204–206. DOI:

Monograph (1)

Demgenski, Philipp. 2024. Seeking a future for the past: space, power, and heritage in a Chinese city. China Understandings Today. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Blog Post (1)

Blog Post
Demgenski, Philipp. 2020. "When It comes to intangible cultural heritage, everyone is always happy: some thoughts on the Chinese life of a UNESCO convention. Contemporary China Center.

Interview (1)

Demgenski, Philipp. 2024. Seeking a future for the past: space, power, and heritage in a Chinese city. Interview by Christoph Brumann. Talk On. Halle/Saale: Max-Planck-Institute for Social Anthropology.
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