Publications of Claudia Lang

Journal Article (12)

Journal Article
Becka, Hynek, Samiksha Bhan, Desirée Kumpf, Claudia Lang, Hanna Nieber, Julia Vorhölter, and Hanna Werner. 2024. Universality in pieces? Mobilizations of science in a fractured world; introduction. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie/Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology 149(1): 1–12. DOI: .
Journal Article
Lang, Claudia and Sonali Sathaye. 2024. From context-free to aggregate universality: life skills courses and the making of automated therapy in Bengaluru, India. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie/Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology 149(1): 13–32. DOI:
Journal Article
Lang, Claudia and Dominik Mattes. 2021. Embodied belonging: in/exclusion, health care, and well-being in a world in motion. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry 45(1): 2–21. DOI:
Journal Article
Lang, Claudia. 2020. Neurochemistry and subjunctivities of depression in Kerala, South India. Anthropology and Medicine. DOI:
Journal Article
Lang, Claudia. 2019. Inspecting mental health: depression, surveillance and care in Kerala, south India. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 43: 596–612. DOI: .
Journal Article
Lovell, Anne M., Ursula M. Read, and Claudia Lang. 2019. Genealogies and anthropologies of global mental health. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 43: 519–547. DOI:
Journal Article
Lang, Claudia. 2018. Translation and purification: Ayurvedic psychiatry, allopathic psychiatry, spirits and occult violence in Kerala, South India. Anthropology and Medicine 25(2): 141–161. DOI:
Journal Article
Lang, Claudia. 2014. Trick or treat? Muslim Thangals, psychologisation and pragmatic realism in Northern Kerala, India. Transcultural Psychiatry 51(6): 904–923. DOI:
Journal Article
Lang, Claudia and Eva Jansen. 2013. Appropriating depression: biomedicalizing Ayurvedic psychiatry in Kerala, India. Medical Anthropology 32(1): 25–45. DOI:
Journal Article
Jansen, Eva and Claudia Lang. 2012. Transforming the self and healing the body through the use of testimonies in a divine retreat center, Kerala. Journal of Religion and Health 51: 542–551. DOI:
Journal Article
Lang, Claudia. 2012. Ayurvedische Pillen gegen Depression: die Kommodifizierung ayurvedischer "Antidepressiva". Curare 35(3): 177–185.
Journal Article
Lang, Claudia and Ursula Kuhnle. 2008. Intersexuality and alternative gender categories in non-western cultures. Hormone Research in Paediatrics 69(4): 240–250. DOI:

Book Chapter (13)

Book Chapter
Beaudevin, Claire, Fanny Chabrol, and Claudia Lang. 2022. Persistent hospitals. In: Jean-Paul Gaudillière, Andrew McDowell, Claudia Lang, and Claire Beaudevin (eds.). Global health for all: knowledge, politics, and practices. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, pp. 147–169.
Book Chapter
Gaudillière, Jean-Paul, Andrew McDowell, Claire Beaudevin, and Claudia Lang. 2022. Introduction: health universalism and the health of others. In: Jean-Paul Gaudillière, Andrew McDowell, Claudia Lang, and Claire Beaudevin (eds.). Global health for all: knowledge, politics, and practices. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, pp. 5–28.
Book Chapter
Gaudillière, Jean-Paul, Andrew McDowell, Claudia Lang, and Claire Beaudevin. 2022. Triage beyond the clinic. In: Jean-Paul Gaudillière, Andrew McDowell, Claudia Lang, and Claire Beaudevin (eds.). Global health for all: knowledge, politics, and practices. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, pp. 78–102.
Book Chapter
Lang, Claudia, Andrew McDowell, Claire Beaudevin, and Jean-Paul Gaudillière. 2022. Epilogue: global health for all; COVID-19 and beyond. In: Jean-Paul Gaudillière, Andrew McDowell, Claudia Lang, and Claire Beaudevin (eds.). Global health for all: knowledge, politics, and practices. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, pp. 196–201.
Book Chapter
Lovell, Anne M., Jean-Paul Gaudillière, Claudia Lang, and Claire Beaudevin. 2022. Metrics for development. In: Jean-Paul Gaudillière, Andrew McDowell, Claudia Lang, and Claire Beaudevin (eds.). Global health for all: knowledge, politics, and practices. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, pp. 26–77.
Book Chapter
McDowell, Andrew, Claire Beaudevin, Claudia Lang, and Jean-Paul Gaudillière. 2022. Prologue: a story with sixteen tellers. In: Jean-Paul Gaudillière, Andrew McDowell, Claudia Lang, and Claire Beaudevin (eds.). Global health for all: knowledge, politics, and practices. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, pp. 1–4.
Book Chapter
McDowell, Andrew, Claudia Lang, Mandy Geise, Sameea Ahmed Hassim, and Vegard Traavik Sture. 2022. Tech for all. In: Jean-Paul Gaudillière, Andrew McDowell, Claudia Lang, and Claire Beaudevin (eds.). Global health for all: knowledge, politics, and practices. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, pp. 124–146.
Book Chapter
Lang, Claudia. 2021. Ayurvedic psychiatry and the moral physiology of depression in Kerala. In: William Sax (ed.). The movement for global mental health: critical views from South and Southeast Asia. Social Studies in Asian Medicine. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 243–269.
Book Chapter
Sax, William S. and Claudia Lang. 2021. Global mental health: views from South Asia and beyond. In: William Sax (ed.). The movement for global mental health: critical views from South and Southeast Asia. Social Studies in Asian Medicine. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 7–38.
Book Chapter
Lang, Claudia. 2018. Traditional medicine against modern suffering: ayurvedic pharmaceuticals for depression in Kerala, South India. In: Philipp Zehmisch, Ursula Münster, Jens Zickgraf, and Claudia Lang (eds.). Soziale Ästhetik, Atmosphäre, Medialität: Beiträge aus der Ethnologie. Ethnologie 66. Berlin; Münster: LIT, pp. 151–160.
Book Chapter
Zickgraf, Jens, Claudia Lang, Ursula Münster, and Philipp Zehmisch. 2018. Einleitung. In: Philipp Zehmisch, Ursula Münster, Jens Zickgraf, and Claudia Lang (eds.). Soziale Ästhetik, Atmosphäre, Medialität: Beiträge aus der Ethnologie. Ethnologie 66. Berlin; Münster: LIT, pp. 7–17.
Book Chapter
Lang, Claudia and Ursula Kuhnle-Krahl. 2009. Intersexualität: zwischen den Geschlechtern, zwischen den Kulturen. In: Reiner Frank (ed.). Kinder zwischen den Kulturen: Migration, Integration, seelische Gesundheit. München: Marseille, pp. 81–89.
Book Chapter
Lang, Claudia. 2008. Konflikte um den "intersexuellen Körper": embodied experiences. Intersexualität bei Kindern. Bremen; London; Boston: UNI-MED, pp. 124–127.

Issue (1)

Lovell, Anne M., Ursula M. Read, and Claudia Lang (eds.). 2019. Genealogies and anthropologies of global mental health. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 43(4).

Book Review (2)

Book Review
Lang, Claudia. 2020. Vernacular medicine in colonial India: family, market and homoeopathy, by Shinjini Das, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019, 292 pp. South Asia 43(4): 793–794. DOI:
Book Review
Lang, Claudia. 2020. Vernacular medicine in colonial India: family, market and homoeopathy; by Shinjini Das, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019, 292 pp. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 43(4): 793–794. DOI:

Collected Edition (3)

Collected Edition
Gaudillière, Jean-Paul, Andrew McDowell, Claudia Lang, and Claire Beaudevin (eds.). 2022. Global health for all: knowledge, politics, and practices. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
Collected Edition
Sax, William and Claudia Lang (eds.). 2021. The movement for global mental health: critical views from South and Southeast Asia. Social Studies in Asian Medicine. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
Collected Edition
Zehmisch, Philipp, Ursula Münster, Jens Zickgraf, and Claudia Lang (eds.). 2018. Soziale Ästhetik, Atmosphäre, Medialität: Beiträge aus der Ethnologie. Ethnologie 66. Berlin; Münster: LIT.

Monograph (2)

Lang, Claudia. 2018. Depression in Kerala: Ayurveda and mental health care in 21st century India. Routledge Studies in Health and Medical Anthropology. London; New York: Routledge.
Lang, Claudia. 2006. Intersexualität: Menschen zwischen den Geschlechtern. Frankfurt/Main: Campus.
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