Publications of Claudia Lang
All genres
Journal Article (12)
Journal Article
Becka, Hynek, Samiksha Bhan, Desirée Kumpf, Claudia Lang, Hanna Nieber, Julia Vorhölter, and . 2024. Universality in pieces? Mobilizations of science in a fractured world; introduction. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie/Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology 149(1): 1–12. DOI: .
Journal Article
Lang, Claudia and . 2024. From context-free to aggregate universality: life skills courses and the making of automated therapy in Bengaluru, India. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie/Journal of Social and Cultural Anthropology 149(1): 13–32. DOI:
Journal Article
Lang, Claudia and . 2021. Embodied belonging: in/exclusion, health care, and well-being in a world in motion. Culture, Medicine, and Psychiatry 45(1): 2–21. DOI:
Journal Article
Lang, Claudia. 2020. Neurochemistry and subjunctivities of depression in Kerala, South India. Anthropology and Medicine. DOI:
Journal Article
Lang, Claudia. 2019. Inspecting mental health: depression, surveillance and care in Kerala, south India. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 43: 596–612. DOI: .
Journal Article
Claudia Lang. 2019. Genealogies and anthropologies of global mental health. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 43: 519–547. DOI:
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Journal Article
Lang, Claudia. 2018. Translation and purification: Ayurvedic psychiatry, allopathic psychiatry, spirits and occult violence in Kerala, South India. Anthropology and Medicine 25(2): 141–161. DOI:
Journal Article
Lang, Claudia. 2014. Trick or treat? Muslim Thangals, psychologisation and pragmatic realism in Northern Kerala, India. Transcultural Psychiatry 51(6): 904–923. DOI:
Journal Article
Lang, Claudia and . 2013. Appropriating depression: biomedicalizing Ayurvedic psychiatry in Kerala, India. Medical Anthropology 32(1): 25–45. DOI:
Journal Article
Claudia Lang. 2012. Transforming the self and healing the body through the use of testimonies in a divine retreat center, Kerala. Journal of Religion and Health 51: 542–551. DOI:
and 11.
Journal Article
Lang, Claudia. 2012. Ayurvedische Pillen gegen Depression: die Kommodifizierung ayurvedischer "Antidepressiva". Curare 35(3): 177–185.
Journal Article
Lang, Claudia and . 2008. Intersexuality and alternative gender categories in non-western cultures. Hormone Research in Paediatrics 69(4): 240–250. DOI:
Book Chapter (13)
Book Chapter
Claudia Lang. 2022. Persistent hospitals. In: , , Claudia Lang, and (eds.). Global health for all: knowledge, politics, and practices. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, pp. 147–169.
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Book Chapter
Claudia Lang. 2022. Introduction: health universalism and the health of others. In: , , Claudia Lang, and (eds.). Global health for all: knowledge, politics, and practices. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, pp. 5–28.
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Book Chapter
Claudia Lang, and . 2022. Triage beyond the clinic. In: , , Claudia Lang, and (eds.). Global health for all: knowledge, politics, and practices. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, pp. 78–102.
, , 16.
Book Chapter
Lang, Claudia, , , and . 2022. Epilogue: global health for all; COVID-19 and beyond. In: , , Claudia Lang, and (eds.). Global health for all: knowledge, politics, and practices. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, pp. 196–201.
Book Chapter
Claudia Lang, and . 2022. Metrics for development. In: , , Claudia Lang, and (eds.). Global health for all: knowledge, politics, and practices. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, pp. 26–77.
, , 18.
Book Chapter
Claudia Lang, and . 2022. Prologue: a story with sixteen tellers. In: , , Claudia Lang, and (eds.). Global health for all: knowledge, politics, and practices. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, pp. 1–4.
, , 19.
Book Chapter
Claudia Lang, , , and . 2022. Tech for all. In: , , Claudia Lang, and (eds.). Global health for all: knowledge, politics, and practices. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, pp. 124–146.
, 20.
Book Chapter
Lang, Claudia. 2021. Ayurvedic psychiatry and the moral physiology of depression in Kerala. In: (ed.). The movement for global mental health: critical views from South and Southeast Asia. Social Studies in Asian Medicine. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 243–269.
Book Chapter
Claudia Lang. 2021. Global mental health: views from South Asia and beyond. In: (ed.). The movement for global mental health: critical views from South and Southeast Asia. Social Studies in Asian Medicine. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 7–38.
and 22.
Book Chapter
Lang, Claudia. 2018. Traditional medicine against modern suffering: ayurvedic pharmaceuticals for depression in Kerala, South India. In: , , , and Claudia Lang (eds.). Soziale Ästhetik, Atmosphäre, Medialität: Beiträge aus der Ethnologie. Ethnologie 66. Berlin; Münster: LIT, pp. 151–160.
Book Chapter
Claudia Lang, , and . 2018. Einleitung. In: , , , and Claudia Lang (eds.). Soziale Ästhetik, Atmosphäre, Medialität: Beiträge aus der Ethnologie. Ethnologie 66. Berlin; Münster: LIT, pp. 7–17.
, 24.
Book Chapter
Lang, Claudia and . 2009. Intersexualität: zwischen den Geschlechtern, zwischen den Kulturen. In: (ed.). Kinder zwischen den Kulturen: Migration, Integration, seelische Gesundheit. München: Marseille, pp. 81–89.
Book Chapter
Lang, Claudia. 2008. Konflikte um den "intersexuellen Körper": embodied experiences. Intersexualität bei Kindern. Bremen; London; Boston: UNI-MED, pp. 124–127.
Issue (1)
Claudia Lang (eds.). 2019. Genealogies and anthropologies of global mental health. Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 43(4).
, , and Book Review (2)
Book Review
Lang, Claudia. 2020. Vernacular medicine in colonial India: family, market and homoeopathy, by Shinjini Das, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019, 292 pp. South Asia 43(4): 793–794. DOI:
Book Review
Lang, Claudia. 2020. Vernacular medicine in colonial India: family, market and homoeopathy; by Shinjini Das, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019, 292 pp. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 43(4): 793–794. DOI:
Collected Edition (3)
Collected Edition
Claudia Lang, and (eds.). 2022. Global health for all: knowledge, politics, and practices. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.
, , 30.
Collected Edition
Claudia Lang (eds.). 2021. The movement for global mental health: critical views from South and Southeast Asia. Social Studies in Asian Medicine. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.
and 31.
Collected Edition
Claudia Lang (eds.). 2018. Soziale Ästhetik, Atmosphäre, Medialität: Beiträge aus der Ethnologie. Ethnologie 66. Berlin; Münster: LIT.
, , , and Monograph (2)
Lang, Claudia. 2018. Depression in Kerala: Ayurveda and mental health care in 21st century India. Routledge Studies in Health and Medical Anthropology. London; New York: Routledge.
Lang, Claudia. 2006. Intersexualität: Menschen zwischen den Geschlechtern. Frankfurt/Main: Campus.