Publications of Tatjana Thelen

Journal Article (15)

Journal Article
Thelen, Tatjana, André Thiemann, and Duška Roth. 2014. State kinning and kinning the state in Serbian elder care programs. Social Analysis 58(3): 107–123. DOI:
Journal Article
Thelen, Tatjana, Larissa Vetters, and Keebet von Benda-Beckmann. 2014. Introduction to stategraphy: toward a relational anthropology of the state. Social Analysis 58(3): 1–19. DOI:
Journal Article
Gingrich, Andre and Tatjana Thelen. 2012. Comparative anthropology: achievements, failures and future. Ethnologie Française 42(2): 395–401.
Journal Article
Kay, Rebecca, Sergei Shubin, and Tatjana Thelen. 2012. Rural realities in post-socialist space. Journal of Rural Studies 28(2): 55–62.
Journal Article
Thelen, Tatjana. 2012. Economic concepts, common grounds and 'new' diversity in the anthropology of post-socialism: reply to Dunn and Verdery. Critique of Anthropology 32(1): 87–90.
Journal Article
Thelen, Tatjana. 2012. "The natural order of things" and state policies: parenting in eastern Germany after 1989. Ethnologie Française 42(1): 45–54.
Journal Article
Thelen, Tatjana. 2011. Shortage, fuzzy property and other dead ends in the anthropological analysis of (post)socialism. Critique of Anthropology 31(1): 43–61.
Journal Article
Thelen, Tatjana, Stefan Dorondel, Alexandra Szöke, and Larissa Vetters. 2011. 'The sleep has been rubbed from their eyes': social citizenship and the reproduction of local hierarchies in rural Hungary and Romania. Citizenship Studies 15(3/4): 513–527.
Journal Article
Thelen, Tatjana. 2010. Modernität, Mangelwirtschaft und Postsozialismus: Probleme ethnologischer und soziologischer Theoriebildung angesichts gesellschaftlicher Veränderung. Sociologus 60(1): 15–40. DOI:
Journal Article
Thelen, Tatjana and Carolin Leutloff-Grandits. 2010. Self sacrifice or natural donation? A life course perspective on grandmothering in New Zagreb (Croatia) and East Berlin (Germany). Horizontes Antropologicos 16(34): 427–452. DOI:
Journal Article
Read, Rosie and Tatjana Thelen. 2007. Introduction: social security and care after socialism; reconfigurations of public and private. Focaal 50: 3–18. DOI:
Journal Article
Thelen, Tatjana. 2007. 'Veteran care': shifting provision, needs and meanings of enterprise-centered pensioner care in eastern Germany. Focaal 50: 35–50. DOI:
Journal Article
Thelen, Tatjana. 2006. Lunch in an East German enterprise: differences in eating habits as symbols of collective identities. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 131(1): 51–70.
Journal Article
Thelen, Tatjana. 2005. Violence and social (dis-)continuity: comparing collectivization in two East European villages. Social History 30(1): 25–44.
Journal Article
Thelen, Tatjana. 2003. The new power of old men: privatisation and family relations in Mesterszállás (Hungary). Anthropology of East Europe Review 21(2): 15–21.

Book Chapter (22)

Book Chapter
Thelen, Tatjana, André Thiemann, and Duška Roth. 2018. State kinning and kinning the state in Serbian elder care programs. In: Tatjana Thelen, Larissa Vetters, and Keebet von Benda-Beckmann (eds.). Stategraphy: toward a relational anthropology of the state. Studies in Social Analysis 4. New York: Berghahn, pp. 107–123.
Book Chapter
Thelen, Tatjana, Larissa Vetters, and Keebet von Benda-Beckmann. 2018. Introduction to stategraphy: toward a relational anthropology of the state. In: Tatjana Thelen, Larissa Vetters, and Keebet von Benda-Beckmann (eds.). Stategraphy: toward a relational anthropology of the state. Studies in Social Analysis 4. New York: Berghahn, pp. 1–19.
Book Chapter
Thelen, Tatjana, Cati Coe, and Erdmute Alber. 2013. Anthropology of sibling relations: explorations in shared parentage, experience, and exchange. In: Erdmute Alber, Cati Coe, and Tatjana Thelen (eds.). Anthropology of sibling relations: shared parentage, experience, and exchange. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1–26.
Book Chapter
Thelen, Tatjana. 2010. Introduction. In: Patrick Heady and Peter Schweitzer (eds.). Family, kinship and state in contemporary Europe: vol. 2; the view from below 2. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, pp. 227–231.
Book Chapter
Thelen, Tatjana. 2010. Kinning im Alter: Verbundenheit und Sorgebeziehungen ostdeutscher Senior/Innen. In: Erdmute Alber (ed.). Verwandtschaft heute: Positionen, Ergebnisse und Perspektiven. Berlin: Reimer, pp. 225–248.
Book Chapter
Thelen, Tatjana. 2010. Privatizing parenthood: modernizing childhood? Paradoxes of school reform in Eastern Germany. In: Tatjana Thelen and Haldis Haukanes (eds.). Parenting after the century of the child: travelling ideals, institutional negotiations and individual responses. Burlington: Ashgate, pp. 141–162.
Book Chapter
Thelen, Tatjana and Astrid Baerwolf. 2010. Navigating kinship relations in Eastern Germany: love, care and limits. In: Patrick Heady and Peter Schweitzer (eds.). Family, kinship and state in contemporary Europe: vol. 2; the view from below 2. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, pp. 232–267.
Book Chapter
Thelen, Tatjana and Astrid Baerwolf. 2010. Two German localities. In: Patrick Heady and Peter Schweitzer (eds.). Family, kinship and state in contemporary Europe: vol. 2; the view from below 2. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, pp. 225–267.
Book Chapter
Thelen, Tatjana and Haldis Haukanes. 2010. Parenthood and childhood: debates within the social sciences. In: Tatjana Thelen and Haldis Haukanes (eds.). Parenting after the century of the child: travelling ideals, institutional negotiations and individual responses. Burlington: Ashgate, pp. 11–32.
Book Chapter
Thelen, Tatjana and Haldis Haukanes. 2010. Parenting after the century of the child: introduction. In: Tatjana Thelen and Haldis Haukanes (eds.). Parenting after the century of the child: travelling ideals, institutional negotiations and individual responses. Burlington: Ashgate, pp. 1–9.
Book Chapter
Thelen, Tatjana. 2009. Social security, life courses and religious norms: ambivalent layers of support in an Eastern German Protestant network. In: Carolin Leutloff-Grandits, Anja Peleikis, and Tatjana Thelen (eds.). Social security in religious networks. New York: Berghahn, pp. 62–80.
Book Chapter
Thelen, Tatjana, Carolin Leutloff-Grandits, and Anja Peleikis. 2009. Social security in religious networks: an introduction. In: Carolin Leutloff-Grandits, Anja Peleikis, and Tatjana Thelen (eds.). Social security in religious networks. New York: Berghahn, pp. 1–22.
Book Chapter
Thelen, Tatjana and Astrid Baerwolf. 2008. Traditionalisierung in der Flexibilisierung: familiäre Arbeitsteilung in Ostdeutschland. In: Marc Szydlik (ed.). Flexibilisierung: Folgen für Arbeit und Familie. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 275–294.
Book Chapter
Thelen, Tatjana. 2007. Partition and partings: the paradox German kinship ties. In: Smita Tewari Jassal and Eyal Ben-Ari (eds.). Memory and the partition motif in contemporary conflicts. London: SAGE, pp. 221–242.
Book Chapter
Thelen, Tatjana. 2006. Law and mutual assistance in families: a comparison of socialist legacies in Hungary and Eastern Germany. In: Franz von Benda-Beckmann (ed.). Dynamics of plural legal orders. The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law. Special issue 53/54. Berlin: LIT, pp. 177–207.
Book Chapter
Thelen, Tatjana and Astrid Baerwolf. 2006. Familienbeziehungen in Ostdeutschland: ein Forschungsbericht. In: Rüdiger Fikentscher (ed.). Europäische Gruppenkulturen: Familie, Freizeit, Rituale. mdv aktuell 2. Halle/Saale: Mitteldeutscher Verlag, pp. 69–84.
Book Chapter
Thelen, Tatjana. 2005. Caring grandfathers: changes in support between generations in East Germany. In: Haldis Haukanes and Frances Pine (eds.). Generations, kinship and care: gendered provisions of social security in Central Eastern Europe. Skriftserien 17. Bergen: University of Bergen, pp. 163–188.
Book Chapter
Thelen, Tatjana. 2004. Gewalt und soziale Reproduktion: ein Vergleich der Kollektivierungspraxis in zwei Dörfern. In: Julia Eckert (ed.). Anthropologie der Konflikte: Georg Elwerts konflikttheoeretische Thesen in der Diskussion. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 136–154.
Book Chapter
Thelen, Tatjana. 2003. Are the Kuláks back?: inherited capital and social continuity in Mesterszállás, Hungary. In: Patrick Heady and Hannes Grandits (eds.). Distinct inheritances: property, family and community in a changing Europe. Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia: HSAE 2. Münster: LIT, pp. 329–346.
Book Chapter
Thelen, Tatjana. 2003. The son of a fox is a fox, the son of a dog is a dog: forms of capital and local perception of success in a Hungarian village. In: Viorel Anastasoaie (ed.). Breaking the wall: representing anthropology and anthropological representations in post-communist Eastern Europe. Cluj-Napoca: EFES, pp. 205–228.
Book Chapter
Thelen, Tatjana. 2002. Gewinner und Verlierer in der postsozialistischen Landwirtschaft: das Beispiel einer ländlichen Gemeinde in Ungarn. In: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteuropakunde (ed.). Gewinner und Verlierer post-sozialistischer Transformationsprozesse: Beiträge für die 10. Brühler Tagung junger Osteuropa-Experten. Arbeitspapiere und Materialien 36. Bremen: Forschungsstelle Osteuropa, pp. 68–71.
Book Chapter
Thelen, Tatjana. 2002. Bodenbindung und soziale Kontinuität in Mesterszállás (Ungarn) und Kisiratos (Rumänien). In: Hans Gehl (ed.). Regionale Volkskulturen in Ostmitteleuropa: Abgrenzung - Nachbarschaft - Interethnik. Materialien/Institut für Donauschwäbische Geschichte und Landeskunde 13. Tübingen: Institut für Donauschwäbische Geschichte und Landeskunde, pp. 155–180.

Thesis - Habilitation (1)

Thesis - Habilitation
Thelen, Tatjana. 2012. Care: Konstruktion, Reproduktion und Auflösung bedeutsamer Bindungen. Habilitation Thesis, Philosophische Fakultät I, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle/Saale.

Working Paper (4)

Working Paper
Thelen, Tatjana, Andrew Cartwright, and Thomas Sikor. 2008. Local state and social security in rural communities: a new research agenda and the example of postsocialist Europe. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 105.
Working Paper
Thelen, Tatjana. 2006. Experiences of devaluation: work, gender and identity in Eastern Germany. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 85.
Working Paper
Thelen, Tatjana, Astrid Baerwolf, and Tilo Grätz. 2006. Ambivalenzen der Flexibilisierung: Traditionalisierung in Familien- und Geschlechterbeziehungen in Ostberlin und Brandenburg. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 89.
Working Paper
Thelen, Tatjana. 2005. The loss of trust: changing social relations in the workplace in Eastern Germany. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 78.

Issue (3)

Thelen, Tatjana, Larissa Vetters, and Keebet von Benda-Beckmann (eds.). 2014. Stategraphy: toward a relational anthropology of the state. Social Analysis 58(3).
Kay, Rebecca, Sergei Shubin, and Tatjana Thelen. 2012. Rural realities in post-socialist space. Journal of Rural Studies 28(2).
Thelen, Tatjana and Rosie Read. 2007. Social security and care after socialism: reconfigurations of public and private. Focaal 50.

Other (3)

Thelen, Tatjana and Agnieszka Pasieka. 2012. Local State and Social Security in Rural Hungary, Romania, and Serbia. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report 2010/2011(1).
Eidson, John R., Tilo Grätz, Gordon Milligan, Boris Nieswand, and Tatjana Thelen. 2005. Deutschlandforschung am Max-Planck-Institut. Bericht/Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung: Sonderausgabe 2005.
Thelen, Tatjana. 2005. Wandel sozialer Sicherung in Ostdeutschland: funktionale Transformation sozialer Netzwerke. Bericht/Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung: Sonderausgabe 2005.

Book Review (1)

Book Review
Thelen, Tatjana. 2005. 'Privatizing Poland - baby food, big business, and the remaking of labor' by Elizabeth C. Dunn. British Journal of Industrial Relations 43(3): 552–554.

Collected Edition (4)

Collected Edition
Thelen, Tatjana, Larissa Vetters, and Keebet von Benda-Beckmann (eds.). 2018. Stategraphy: toward a relational anthropology of the state. Studies in Social Analysis 4. New York: Berghahn.
Collected Edition
Alber, Erdmute, Cati Coe, and Tatjana Thelen (eds.). 2013. Anthropology of sibling relations: shared parentage, experience, and exchange. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Collected Edition
Thelen, Tatjana and Haldis Haukanes (eds.). 2010. Parenting after the century of the child: travelling ideals, institutional negotiations and individual responses. Burlington: Ashgate.
Collected Edition
Leutloff-Grandits, Carolin, Anja Peleikis, and Tatjana Thelen (eds.). 2009. Social security in religious networks. New York: Berghahn.

Monograph (1)

Thelen, Tatjana. 2003. Privatisierung und soziale Ungleichheit in der osteuropäischen Landwirtschaft: zwei Fallstudien aus Ungarn und Rumänien. Frankfurt/Main: Campus.
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