Publications of André Thiemann
All genres
Journal Article (3)
Journal Article
Thiemann, André. 2017. Kapitalizam koji se smanjuje, "mlečniputevi", i moralno uvažavanje "živogsela" u Srbiji. Glasnik Etnografskog Instituta SANU 65(2): 387–402. DOI:
Journal Article
Thelen, Tatjana, André Thiemann, and . 2014. State kinning and kinning the state in Serbian elder care programs. Social Analysis 58(3): 107–123. DOI:
Journal Article
Thiemann, André. 2014. “It was the least painful to go into greenhouse production”: the moral appreciation of social security in post-socialist Serbia. Contemporary Southeastern Europe 1(2): 24–41.
Book Chapter (4)
Book Chapter
Thelen, Tatjana, André Thiemann, and Duška Roth. 2018. State kinning and kinning the state in Serbian elder care programs. In: Tatjana Thelen, Larissa Vetters, and Keebet von Benda-Beckmann (eds.). Stategraphy: toward a relational anthropology of the state. Studies in Social Analysis 4. New York: Berghahn, pp. 107–123.
Book Chapter
Thiemann, André. 2017. Underimplementing the law: social work, bureaucratic error, and the politics of distribution in postsocialist Serbia. In: , , and (eds.). From the midwife's bag to the patient's file: public health in eastern Europe. CEU Press Studies in the History of Medicine 9. Budapest; New York: Central European University Press, pp. 293–313.
Book Chapter
Thiemann, André. 2007. Framing polyphony 6: beyond a "quick and dirty approach". In: and André Thiemann (eds.). Symbols and rituals of statehood and resistance: a documentation of collective field research done by young anthropologists from Berlin and Warsaw; 6th Days of Polyphonic Anthropology. Warschau: Warsaw University Printing House, pp. 32–44.
Book Chapter
Thiemann, André. 2007. Introduction. In: André Thiemann and (eds.). Symbols and rituals of statehood and resistance: a documentation of collective field research done by young anthropologists from Berlin and Warsaw; 6th Days of Polyphonic Anthropology. Warschau: Warsaw University Printing House, pp. 11–22.
Conference Report (1)
Conference Report
Thiemann, André and . 2014. Doing politics – making kinship: back towards a future anthropology of social organisation and belonging. Doing politics – making kinship: back towards a future anthropology of social organisation and belonging. Berlin, 2014-02-13.
Book Review (1)
Book Review
Thiemann, Andre. 2018. Managing ambiguity: how clientelism, citizenship, and power shape personhood in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Čarna Brković. Oxford: Berghahn, 2017. Pp. 208. Anthropological Journal of European Cultures 27(2): 130–133. DOI:
Collected Edition (1)
Collected Edition
Thiemann, André and (eds.). 2007. Symbols and rituals of statehood and resistance: a documentation of collective field research done by young anthropologists from Berlin and Warsaw; 6th Days of Polyphonic Anthropology. Warschau: Warsaw University Printing House.
Monograph (1)
Thiemann, André. 2024. The politics of relations: how self-government, infrastructures and care transform the state in Serbia. EASA Series 49. New York; Oxford: Berghahn.