Publications of Aida Alymbaeva
All genres
Journal Article (4)
Journal Article
Alymbaeva, Aida. 2020. Nations of Plov and Beshbarmak: Central Asian food and national identity on the internet. Muslim World 110(1): 107–125. DOI:
Journal Article
Alymbaeva, Aida. 2016. Between Sart, Kalmak and Kyrgyz: identity politics in Kyrgyzstan. Internationales Asien-Forum 47(1-2): 81–101.
Journal Article
Alymbaeva, Aida and Aksana Ismailbekova. 2016. Refleksija iz "polja", ili "antropologija u sebja doma": o regionalʹnom podchode i marginalʹnosti tematiki Centralʹnoj Azii. Antropologičeskij Forum 28: 17–35.
Journal Article
Alymbaeva, Aida. 2014. Meždu "sartom" i "kalmakom": politika identičnosti v Kyrgyzstan. Ėtnografičeskoe Obozrenie (4): 45–55.
Book Chapter (6)
Book Chapter
Alymbaeva, Aida. 2017. Entre los sart y los kalmak: la política de la identidad en Kirguistán. In: Soledad Jiménez Tovar (ed.). Pertenencias múltiples, identidades cruzadas: nuevas perspectivas sobre Asia Central. 1. ed. México: El Colegio de México, pp. 117–135.
Book Chapter
Alymbaeva, Aida. 2017. Introduction. In: Aida Alymbaeva (ed.). CASCA: Centre for Anthropological Studies on Central Asia; food and identity in Central Asia 2. Field Notes and Research Projects/Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Department Integration and Conflict 19. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, pp. VII-XIII.
Book Chapter
Alymbaeva, Aida. 2017. Food as marker of identity in Chelpek, Kyrgyzstan. In: Aida Alymbaeva (ed.). CASCA: Centre for Anthropological Studies on Central Asia; food and identity in Central Asia 2. Field Notes and Research Projects/Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Department Integration and Conflict 19. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, pp. 31–47.
Book Chapter
Alymbaeva, Aida Aaly. 2013. Internal migration in Kyrgyzstan: a geographical and sociological study of rural migration. In: (ed.). Migration and social upheaval in the face of globalization in Central Asia. Social Sciences in Asia 34. Leiden: Brill, pp. 117–147.
Book Chapter
Alymbaeva, Aida Aaly. 2013. Contested identity of Kalmaks in contemporary Kyrgyzstan. In: Peter Finke and Günther Schlee (eds.). CASCA: Centre for Anthropological Studies on Central Asia; framing the research, initial projects. Field Notes and Research Projects/Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Department Integration and Conflict 6. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, pp. 63–69.
Book Chapter
Alymbaeva, Aida. 2010. Tradicionnye znanija: predment, specifika i klassifikacija. In: (ed.). Svjatye mesta Oša i narodnye znanija. Biškek: Aigine Cultural Research Center.
Thesis - PhD (1)
Thesis - PhD
Alymbaeva, Aida. 2021. Contesting Kalmak identity in contemporary Kyrgyzstan. PhD Thesis, Philosophische Fakultät I, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle/Saale.
Other (1)
Alymbaeva, Aida. 2013. Debating internal migrations in Kyrgyzstan. Voices from Central Asia.
Newspaper Article (2)
Newspaper Article
Alymbaeva, Aida. 2014. Ne dnem edinym…. Azattyk Media, August 12, 2014.
Newspaper Article
Alymbaeva, Aida. 2014. O kartach, sudʹbe i nauke. Azattyk Media, March 3, 2014.
Book Review (1)
Book Review
Alymbaeva, Aida. 2019. Andrej Kotljarchuk and Olle Sundström (Eds.), Ethnic and religious minorities in Stalin’s Soviet Union: new dimensions of research (Huddinge: Södertörns högskola, 2017). 283 pp. Ab Imperio 1: 367–373. DOI:
Collected Edition (1)
Collected Edition
Alymbaeva, Aida (ed.). 2017. CASCA: Centre for Anthropological Studies on Central Asia II; food and identity in Central Asia. Field Notes and Research Projects/Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Department Integration and Conflict 19. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.