Publications of Christoph Brumann

Journal Article (31)

Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 2024. From private to public and back? Kyoto's cityscape councils and the urban commons. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. DOI:
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph and Aurélie Élisa Gfeller. 2021. Cultural landscapes and the UNESCO World Heritage List: perpetuating European dominance. International Journal of Heritage Studies 28(2): 147–162. DOI:
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 2019. Comment on Victor C. de Munck and Giovanni Bennardo "Disciplining culture: a sociocognitive approach". Current Anthropology 60(2): 183–184. DOI:
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 2019. Slag heaps and time lags: undermining Southern solidarity in the UNESCO World Heritage Committee. Ethnos 84(4): 719–738. DOI:
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 2018. Anthropological utopia, closet Eurocentrism, and culture chaos in the UNESCO World Heritage arena. Anthropological Quarterly 91(4): 1203–1234. DOI:
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 2014. Heritage agnosticism: a third path for the study of cultural heritage. Social Anthropology 22(2): 173–188.
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 2014. Shifting tides of world-making in the UNESCO World Heritage Convention: cosmopolitanisms colliding. Ethnic and Racial Studies 37(12): 2176–2192. DOI:
Journal Article
Blechinger-Talcott, Verena, Christoph Brumann, and David Chiavacci. 2013. Einleitung: Ein neues Japan?; politischer und sozialer Wandel seit den 1990er Jahren. Asiatische Studien 69(2): 357–373.
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 2013. Comment le patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco devient immatériel. Gradhiva 18: 22–49.
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 2013. Comment on Jaume Franquesa "On keeping and selling: the political economy of heritage making in contemporary Spain". Current Anthropology 54(3): 360–361.
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 2011. Unser aller Kulturgut: eine ethnologische Annäherung an das UNESCO-Welterbe. Sociologus 61(1): 19–44.
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 2009. Outside the glass case: the social life of urban heritage in Kyoto. American Ethnologist 36(2): 276–299.
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 2008. Weite Himmel über der Kaiserstadt: die Kehrtwende in Kyotos Stadtplanung. Japanstudien 20: 103–128.
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph and Michael J. Casimir. 2008. Peter Tschohl, 1935-2007. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 133(1): 13–17.
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 2006. Comment on Li Zhang "Contesting spatial modernity in late-socialist China". Current Anthropology 47(3): 476–477.
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 2004. Der urbane Raum als öffentliches Gut: Kyoto und die Stadtbildkonflikte. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 129(2): 183–210.
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 2004. Comment on James P. Boggs "The culture concept as theory, in context". Current Anthropology 45(2): 199–199.
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 2004. Comment on Masamichi P. Inoue "'We are Okinawans but of a different kind': new/old social movements and the U.S. military in Okinawa". Current Anthropology 45(1): 97–98.
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 2003. Comment on Immanuel Wallerstein "Anthropology, sociology, and other dubious disciplines". Current Anthropology 44(4): 461–462.
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 2003. "All the flesh kindred that ever I see": a reconsideration of family and kinship in utopian communes. Comparative Studies in Society and History 45(2): 395–421.
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 2002. On culture and symbols. Current Anthropology 43(3): 509–510.
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 2001. Machiya vs. manshon: Notizen vom Kyôtoer Häuserkampf. Japanstudien 13: 153–192.
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 2001. Religious consensus and secular dissent: two alternative paths to survival for utopian communes. Anthropos 96(1): 87–103.
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 2000. The dominance of one and its perils: charismatic leadership and branch structures in utopian communes. Journal of Anthropological Research 56(4): 425–451.
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 1999. Verwandtschaftsexperimente: Ehe, Familie und Verwandtschaft in kommunitären Gruppen. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 124(2): 251–280.
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 1999. Writing for culture: why a successful concept should not be discarded. Current Anthropology 40(Supplement): S1–S27.
Journal Article
Bollig, Michael and Christoph Brumann. 1998. Ethnologen im Beruf: eine Untersuchung des Kölner Instituts für Völkerkunde. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 123(2): 257–277.
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 1998. The anthropological study of globalization: towards an agenda for the second phase. Anthropos 93(4./6.): 495–506.
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 1998. Douglas, Mary. Thought styles: critical essays on good taste. London: Sage, 1996. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 4(1): 143–144.
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 1993. Japanische Firmen: neue Ethnographien. Anthropos 88(4./6.): 512–517.
Journal Article
Brumann, Christoph. 1992. Kommunitäre Gruppen in Japan: alternative Mikrogesellschaften als kultureller Spiegel. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 117: 119–138.

Book Chapter (53)

Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2022. Einfach unvergleichlich: die Konstruktion des "Outstanding Universal Value" beim UNESCO-Welterbe. In: Michaela Haug and Rosalie Stolz (eds.). Ethnographic encounters: essays in honour of Martin Rössler. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, pp. 77–89.
Book Chapter
Abrahms-Kavunenko, Saskia, Christoph Brumann, and Beata Switek. 2021. Introduction: Sangha economies. In: Christoph Brumann, Saskia Abrahms-Kavunenko, and Beata Switek (eds.). Monks, money, and morality: the balancing act of contemporary Buddhism. London; New York Dublin: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 1–15.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2021. The dharma and the dime: money and Buddhist morality. In: Deema Kaneff and Kirsten W. Endres (eds.). Explorations in economic anthropology: key issues and critical reflections. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 232–242.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2020. The empire of interviews: asking my way through Japan. In: Nora Kottmann and Cornelia Reiher (eds.). Studying Japan: handbook of research designs, fieldwork and methods. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 196–199.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2019. Global linkages, connectivity and the Indian Ocean in the UNESCO World Heritage arena. In: Burkhard Schnepel and Tansen Sen (eds.). Travelling pasts: the politics of cultural heritage in the Indian Ocean world. Crossroads 1. Leiden; Boston: Brill, pp. 21–38.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2018. The dominance of one and its perils: charismatic leadership and branch structures in utopian communes. In: Maité Maskens and Ruy Llera Blanes (eds.). Utopian encounters: anthropologies of empirical utopias. Ralahine Utopian Studies 20. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 149–187.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2018. Creating universal value: the UNESCO World Heritage Convention in its fifth decade. In: Angela M. Labrador and Neil Asher Silberman (eds.). The Oxford handbook of public heritage theory and practice. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 21–33.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2017. The best of the best: positing, measuring and sensing value in the UNESCO World Heritage Arena. In: Ronald Niezen and Maria Sapignoli (eds.). Palaces of hope: the anthropology of global organizations. 1. ed. Cambridge Studies in Law and Society. Cambridge; New York; Port Melbourne; Daryaganj; Singapore: Cambridge University Press, pp. 245–265.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2017. How to be authentic in the UNESCO World Heritage system: copies, replicas, reconstructions, and renovations in a global conservation area. In: Corinna Forberg and Philipp Stockhammer (eds.). The transformative power of the copy: a transcultural and interdisciplinary approach. Heidelberg Studies on Transculturality 2. Heidelberg: Heidelberg University Publishing, pp. 269–287.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2016. Conclusion: imagining the ground from afar: why the sites are so remote in World Heritage Committee sessions. In: Christoph Brumann and David Berliner (eds.). World heritage on the ground: ethnographic perspectives. EASA Series 28. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 294–317.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2016. UNESCO-Welterbe, ostasiatische Nachbarn und japanische Altlasten. In: Iris Wieczorek and David Chiavacci (eds.). Japan 2016: Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Japan. Politik, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft (CF699) 39. München: Iudicium, pp. 93–115.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph and David Berliner. 2016. Introduction: UNESCO world heritage - grounded? In: Christoph Brumann and David Berliner (eds.). World heritage on the ground: ethnographic perspectives. EASA Series 28. New York; Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 1–34.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2015. Community as myth and reality in the UNESCO World Heritage Convention. In: Nicolas Adell, Regina F. Bendix, Chiara Bortolotto, and Markus Tauschek (eds.). Between imagined communities and communities of practice: participation, territory and the making of heritage. Göttinger Studien zu Cultural Property. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, pp. 273–286.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2015. Tod am Strand: Erstkontakte, Struktur und Geschichte beim tragischen Ende von Captain James Cook. In: Ralph Buchenhorst (ed.). Von Fremdheit lernen: zum produktiven Umgang mit Erfahrungen des Fremden im Kontext der Globalisierung. Global Studies. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 253–270.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2015. Vom Nutzen der Verbindungen: die "cultural routes" im UNESCO-Welterbegeschehen. In: Andreas Ranft and Wolfgang Schenkluhn (eds.). Kulturstraßen als Konzept: 20 Jahre Straße der Romanik. more romano 5 MR-5. Regensburg: Schnell & Steiner, pp. 211–221.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2015. Shifting tides of world-making in the UNESCO World Heritage Convention: cosmopolitanisms colliding. In: Peggy Levitt and Nyíri Pál (eds.). Books, bodies and bronzes: comparing sites of global citizenship creation. Ethnic and Racial Studies. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 28–44.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2015. Cultural Heritage. In: James D. Wright (ed.). International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences 5. 2. ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier, pp. 414–419.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph and Lynn Meskell. 2015. UNESCO and new world orders. In: Lynn Meskell (ed.). Global heritage: a reader. Blackwell Readers in Anthropology 12. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell, pp. 22–42.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2014. Urban Anthropology: the Global Political Economy of Cultural Heritage. In: Jennifer R. Cash (ed.). Resilience and Transformation in Eurasia: 1999 - 2014. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, pp. 41–47.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2014. Buddhist Temple Economies in Urban Asia. In: Jennifer R. Cash (ed.). Resilience and Transformation in Eurasia: 1999 - 2014. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, pp. 68–70.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2012. Re-uniting a divided city: high-rises, conflict and urban space in central Kyoto. In: Christoph Brumann and Evelyn Schulz (eds.). Urban spaces in Japan: cultural and social perspectives. The Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies Series. London: Routledge, pp. 53–73.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph, Christian Dimmer, and Evelyn Schulz. 2012. Introduction. In: Christoph Brumann and Evelyn Schulz (eds.). Urban spaces in Japan: cultural and social perspectives. The Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese Studies Series. London: Routledge, pp. 1–14.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2011. Tradition. In: Fernand Kreff, Eva-Maria Knoll, and Andre Gingrich (eds.). Lexikon der Globalisierung. Global Studies. Bielefeld: transcript, pp. 381–384.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2010. Houses in motion: the revitalisation of Kyoto's architectural heritage. In: Christoph Brumann and Rupert A. Cox (eds.). Making Japanese heritage. Japan Anthropology Workshop Series 13. London: Routledge, pp. 149–170.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2010. The limits of intervention: traditions in Kyoto. In: Susanne Klien and Patrick Neveling (eds.). Tradition within and beyond the framework of invention: case studies from the Mascarenes and Japan. Orientwissenschaftliche Hefte 28. Halle/Saale: Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Regionalstudien Vorderer Orient, Afrika, Asien der Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg, pp. 177–201.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph and Rupert A. Cox. 2010. Introduction. In: Christoph Brumann and Rupert A. Cox (eds.). Making Japanese heritage. Japan Anthropology Workshop Series. London: Routledge, pp. 1–17.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2009. Traditionen und Kulturerbe in der Japanforschung: ein Überblick. In: Günther Distelrath (ed.). Referate des 13. Deutschsprachigen Japanologentages 2. Bonner Asienstudien 8/II. Berlin: EB-Verlag, pp. 369–388.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2007. Stamm, Volk, Ethnizität, Kultur: die gegenwärtige Diskussion. In: Sabine Rieckhoff and Ulrike Sommer (eds.). Auf der Suche nach Identitäten: Volk - Stamm - Kultur - Ethnos; internationale Tagung der Universität Leipzig vom 8. - 9. Dezember 2000. BAR 1705. Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 31–53.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2007. Copying Kyoto: the legitimacy of imitation in Kyoto's townscape debates. In: Rupert Cox (ed.). The culture of copying in Japan: critical and historical perspectives. Japan Anthropology Workshop Series. London: Routledge, pp. 213–238.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2006. Whose Kyoto?: competing models of local autonomy and the townscape in the old imperial capital. In: Carola Hein and Philippe Pelletier (eds.). Cities, autonomy, and decentralization in Japan. Routledge Contemporary Japan Series 7. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 139–163.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2006. Writing for culture: why a successful concept should not be discarded [Reprint]. In: Robert L. Welsch and Kirk M. Endicott (eds.). Taking sides: clashing views in cultural anthropology. 2. ed. Dubuque: McGraw Hill, pp. 58–66.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2005. Kyotos Dilemma: das Stadtbild als 'commons'. In: Werner Pascha and Cornelia Storz (eds.). Wirkung und Wandel von Institutionen: das Beispiel Ostasiens. Schriften zu Ordnungsfragen der Wirtschaft 77. Stuttgart: Lucius & Lucius, pp. 133–168.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2005. Writing for culture: why a successful concept should not be discarded [Reprint]. In: Adam Muller (ed.). Concepts of culture: art, politics, and society. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, pp. 43–77.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2003. Intentional communities in Japan. In: Karen Christensen and David Levinson (eds.). Encyclopedia of community: from the village to the virtual world 2. A Sage Reference Publication. Thousand Oaks: SAGE, pp. 739–743.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2003. Pon de zâru no hakushi tekkai to shimin undô: Kyôto no furansu-bashi wa naze kakaranakatta no ka. In: Hirochika Nakamaki and Mitchell Sedgwick (eds.). Nihon no soshiki: shaen bunka to infômaru katsudô = The anthropology of Japanese organisations. Osaka: Tôhô shuppan, pp. 23–36.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2002. Deconstructing the Pont des Arts: why Kyoto did not get its Parisian bridge. In: Hirochika Nakamaki (ed.). The culture of association and associations in contemporary Japanese society. Senri Ethnological Studies 62. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, pp. 15–24.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2001. Die Blumen von Edo: zur Brandgeschichte japanischer Städte. In: Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland GmbH (ed.). Feuer: [Ergebnisse des internationalen Kongresses, der vom 26. bis zum 29. Oktober 2000 im Forum der Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland stattgefunden hat]. Schriftenreihe Forum 10. Köln: Wienand, pp. 426–442.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2001. Die Stadt als Feld: ethnographische Forschung in Kyôto. In: Hilaria Gössmann and Andreas Mrugalla (eds.). 11. Deutschsprachiger Japanologentag in Trier 1999 1. Ostasien - Pazifik 13. Münster: LIT, pp. 595–606.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2000. 'Philoprogenitiveness' through the cracks: on the resilience and benefits of kinship in utopian communes. In: Peter P. Schweitzer (ed.). Dividends of kinship: meanings and uses of social relatedness. European Association of Social Anthropologists. London: Routledge, pp. 177–206.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 2000. Materialistic culture: the uses of money in Tokyo gift exchanges. In: Michael Ashkenazi and John Clammer (eds.). Consumption and material culture in contemporary Japan. Japanese Studies. London: Kegan Paul International, pp. 224–248.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 1999. Dependenztheorie. In: Walter Hirschberg (ed.). Wörterbuch der Völkerkunde. Grundlegend überarb. und erw. Neuausg. Berlin: Reimer, pp. 76–76.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 1999. Fernsehen. In: Walter Hirschberg (ed.). Wörterbuch der Völkerkunde. Grundlegend überarb. und erw. Neuausg. Berlin: Reimer, pp. 125–125.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 1999. Globalisierung. In: Walter Hirschberg (ed.). Wörterbuch der Völkerkunde. Grundlegend überarb. und erw. Neuausg. Berlin: Reimer, pp. 152–153.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 1999. Weltsystemtheorie. In: Walter Hirschberg (ed.). Wörterbuch der Völkerkunde. Grundlegend überarb. und erw. Neuausg. Berlin: Reimer, pp. 407–408.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 1999. Alternativkultur in Japan. In: Hannelore Eisenhofer-Halim, Peter Pörtner, and Holger Wöhlbier (eds.). Facetten des modernen Japan. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang, pp. 91–105.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 1998. Geld als Geschenk: Aspekte japanischer Beziehungsarithmetik. In: Angelika Ernst and Peter Pörtner (eds.). Die Rolle des Geldes in Japans Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik. Mitteilungen des Instituts für Asienkunde, Hamburg 286. Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde, pp. 77–91.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 1998. Ittôen, Atarashiki mura und Yamagishikai: drei utopische Revitalisierungsbewegungen im Vergleich. In: Claudia Derichs and Anja Osiander (eds.). Soziale Bewegungen in Japan. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens e.V. Hamburg 128. Hamburg: Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens, pp. 345–368.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 1997. Ein japanisches Münzgeschenk. In: Historisches Museum Aargau, Schloß Lenzburg (ed.). Münzen und Medaillen aus Mittelalter und Neuzeit: die numismatische Sammlung des Kantons Aargau. Lenzburg: Historisches Museum Aargau, pp. 121–129.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 1997. Gender in Utopia: das Streben nach Geschlechtsegalität in vier kommunitären Gruppen. In: Gisela Völger (ed.). Sie und Er: Frauenmacht und Männerherrschaft im Kulturvergleich 1. Ethnologica 22. Köln: Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, pp. 305–312.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 1997. Charismatische Führer in japanischen Kommunen. In: Ulrich Apel, Josef Holzapfel, and Peter Pörtner (eds.). Referate des 10. Deutschsprachigen Japanologentages vom 9. bis 12. Oktober 1996 in München. CD-ROM München: Japan-Zentrum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 1996. Strong leaders: the charismatic founders of Japanese utopian communities. In: Ian Neary (ed.). Leaders and leadership in Japan. Richmond: Japan Library, pp. 175–189.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 1994. Kommunitäre Gruppen in Japan. In: Matthias S. Laubscher and Bertram Turner (eds.). Völkerkunde-Tagung 1991 2. Edition Anacon. München: Akademischer Verlag, pp. 199–204.
Book Chapter
Brumann, Christoph. 1990. Utopische Kommunen in Japan. In: Peter Pörtner (ed.). Japan: Lesebuch II. Tübingen: Gehrke, pp. 185–195.

Working Paper (2)

Working Paper
Brumann, Christoph. 2022. Capturing the supra-state: the World Heritage Commitee in 2021. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 208. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.
Working Paper
Brumann, Christoph. 2012. Multilateral ethnography: entering the World Heritage arena. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 136. Halle/Saale: Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.

Issue (1)

Blechinger-Talcott, Verena, Christoph Brumann, and David Chiavacci (eds.). 2013. Ein neues Japan?: politischer und sozialer Wandel seit den 1990er Jahren. Asiatische Studien 69(2).

Other (4)

Brumann, Christoph. 2017. The global political economy of cultural heritage (2011-2016). Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report: Department 'Resilience and Transformation in Eurasia' 2014/2016.
Brumann, Christoph. 2017. Buddhist temple economies in Urban Asia (2014- ). Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report: Department 'Resilience and Transformation in Eurasia' 2014/2016.
Brumann, Christoph. 2014. Urban Anthropology. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report: Department 'Resilience and Transformation in Eurasia' 2012/2013(1).
Brumann, Christoph. 2012. The Global Political Economy of Cultural Heritage. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Report 2010/2011(1).

Book Review (8)

Book Review
Brumann, Christoph. 2007. Structure and identity in the study of Japan: A companion to the anthropology of Japan. Edited by Jennifer Robertson. Malden, Mass.: Blackwell, 2005; Law in everyday Japan: sex, sumo, suicide, and statutes. By Mark D. West. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005. Current Anthropology 48(5): 767–769.
Book Review
Brumann, Christoph. 2005. Hauser-Schäublin, Brigitta und Ulrich Braukämper (Hg.): Ethnologie der Globalisierung: Perspektiven kultureller Verflechtungen. Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag, 2002. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 130(1): 139–141.
Book Review
Brumann, Christoph. 2001. Martinez, D. P. (ed.): The worlds of Japanese popular culture: gender, shifting boundaries, and global cultures. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Anthropos 96(1): 281–282.
Book Review
Brumann, Christoph. 1996. Allen, Matthew: Undermining the Japanese miracle: work and conflict in a coalmining community. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. Anthropos 91(4./6.): 571–572.
Book Review
Brumann, Christoph. 1995. Stein, Stephen J.: The Shaker experience in America: a history of the United Society of Believers. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992. Anthropos 90(1./3.): 306–307.
Book Review
Brumann, Christoph. 1994. Lebra, Takie Sugiyama: Above the clouds: status culture of the modern Japanese nobility. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993. Anthropos 89(4./6.): 627–628.
Book Review
Brumann, Christoph. 1993. Robertson, Jennifer: Native and newcomers: making and remaking a Japanese city. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991; Ashkenazi, Michael: Matsuri: festivals of a Japanese town. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1993. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 121(1): 158–159.
Book Review
Brumann, Christoph. 1993. Lebra, Takie Sugiyama (ed.): Japanese social organization. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1992. Anthropos 88(4./6.): 605–607.

Collected Edition (4)

Collected Edition
Brumann, Christoph, Saskia Abrahms-Kavunenko, and Beata Switek (eds.). 2021. Monks, money, and morality: the balancing act of contemporary Buddhism. London; New York; Dublin: Bloomsbury Academic.
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