Publications of Anja Peleikis

Journal Article (2)

Journal Article
Feldman, Jackie, Anja Peleikis, and Burkhard Schnepel. 2009. Die Zeit nach den Zeitzeugen: Holocaustforschung in Halle und Beersheba. Scientia Halensis 17(1): 28–29.
Journal Article
Peleikis, Anja. 2007. Abidjan ist näher als Beirut. SympathieMagazin 64.

Book Chapter (6)

Book Chapter
Peleikis, Anja. 2009. Reisen in die Vergangenheit: deutsche Heimattouristen auf der Kurischen Nehrung. In: Wiebke Kolbe, Christian Noack, and Hasso Spode (eds.). Tourismusgeschichte(n). Voyage 8. München: Profil, pp. 85–97.
Book Chapter
Peleikis, Anja. 2009. The (re-)making of translocal networks through social security practices: the case of German and Lithuanian Lutherans in the Curonian Spit. In: Carolin Leutloff-Grandits, Anja Peleikis, and Tatjana Thelen (eds.). Social security in religious networks. New York: Berghahn, pp. 167–186.
Book Chapter
Thelen, Tatjana, Carolin Leutloff-Grandits, and Anja Peleikis. 2009. Social security in religious networks: an introduction. In: Carolin Leutloff-Grandits, Anja Peleikis, and Tatjana Thelen (eds.). Social security in religious networks. New York: Berghahn, pp. 1–22.
Book Chapter
Peleikis, Anja. 2006. The making and unmaking of memories: the case of a multi-confessional village in Lebanon. In: Ussama Samir Makdisi (ed.). Memory and violence in the Middle East and North Africa. Bloomington; Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, pp. 133–150.
Book Chapter
Peleikis, Anja. 2006. Whose heritage?: legal pluralism and the politics of the past; a case study from the Curonian Spit (Lithuania). In: Franz von Benda-Beckmann (ed.). Dynamics of plural legal orders. The Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law. Special issue 53/54. Berlin: LIT, pp. 209–237.
Book Chapter
Peleikis, Anja. 2006. Tourism and the making of cultural heritage: the case of Nida (Curonian Spit), Lithuania. In: Vytis Ciubrinskas (ed.). Defining region: baltic area studies from sociocultural and interdisciplinary perspectives. Klaipeda: Klaipeda University Press, pp. 101–114.

Other (2)

Peleikis, Anja. 2007. Recht und die Konstruktion von Kulturerbe: das Fallbeispiel Kurische Nehrung (Litauen). Max-Planck-Gesellschaft Jahrbuch 2007.
Peleikis, Anja. 2005. Rechtspluralismus, kultureller Besitz und soziale Sicherung: das Beispiel eines litauischen Tourismuszentrums auf der kurischen Nehrung. Bericht/Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung: Sonderausgabe 2005.

Collected Edition (1)

Collected Edition
Leutloff-Grandits, Carolin, Anja Peleikis, and Tatjana Thelen (eds.). 2009. Social security in religious networks. New York: Berghahn.

Monograph (1)

Peleikis, Anja. 2003. Lebanese in motion: gender and the making of a translocal village. Bielefeld: transcript.