Abgeschlossene Projekte

Abgeschlossene Projekte der wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter*

Andrea Behrends (2000-2006)
Conflict, violence and integration: Transnational and local fields of governance on the Chad/ Sudan border

Astrid Bochow (2010-2013)
Fertility, elites and HIV/AIDS in Botswana: social identities and new reproductive orders

Elisabetta Chiodo (2006-2007)
Ritual Songs of Khorchin Mongol Shamans

Luca Ciabarri (2006-2009)
Post-conflict Somaliland: the commercial factor in state building practices and territorial integration. An ethnography of commercial routes

Andreas Dafinger (2000-2007)
Social and spatial orders: Farmer-herdsmen relations in south-east Burkina Faso

Tsypylma Darieva (2003-2005)
Uzbek Ethnicity between Loyalty and Conflict in Kazakhstan and Russia
Data Dea Barata (2003-2006)
Boundaries of Sacred Power: Religion and Integration in Southwest Ethiopia

Youssouf Diallo (1999-2004)
Pastoralism, migration and identity: The Fulbe in Burkina Faso and Côte d'Ivoire

Rozita Dimova (2003-2006)
Lost Objects: ethnicity, consumption and gendered spaces in Macedonia

Peter Finke (2000-2006)
Diasporas and Re-Patriants: The Kazaks Return "Home"
The Kazaks of Western Mongolia: A Pastoral Community in Transition
Interest, Identity and Ideology: Social Groups, Individual Behaviour and the Nation-State in Post-Soviet Uzbekistan

Veronika Fuest (2006-2009)
Travelling Models in Conflict Management - A comparative research and network building project in six African countries. Funded by the Volkswagen Foundation

Veronika Fuest (2005-2007)
Shifting identities, conflict and foreign interventions in post-war Liberia. Refigurations of ethnic, intergenerational and gender relationships

Joachim Görlich (2006-2015)
Transformations of subject-object-relations in Melanesia

Tilo Grätz (1999-2004)
The Social and Cultural Context of Small-scale Gold-mining in West Africa Today

Christoph Günther (2016-2017)

Martine Guichard (2002-2005)
Friendship and Kinship: On the difference and relevance of two systems of social relationships. The case of the Fulbe societies of northern Cameroon and northern Benin

Martine Guichard (2000-2001)
Ethnicity and Integration: The Fulbe of northern Benin and northern Cameroon and their neighbours

Markus V. Hoehne (2011-2013)
Vergangenheitsbewältigung in andauernden Konflikten: Lokale und diasporische Vorstellungen von Gerechtigkeit zwischen Schari’a, traditionellem Recht und internationalem Recht in Somalia und der Somali Region Äthiopiens

Christian Højbjerg (✝ 2014)
Historical consciousness, conflict and integration in the Upper Guinea coastal and forest region (Guinea and Liberia)

Wolfgang Holzwarth (2008-2012)
Zwischen Machtverlust und Marktintegration: Mittelasiatische Nomaden in der Kolonialzeit

Wolfgang Holzwarth (2014-2017)
Ethnic Differentiation, Interethnic Relations and Conflict in Central Asia: The Case of the Uzbeks in Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Kazakstan

Svetlana Jacquesson (2006-2009)
The Social Dynamics of Kinship

Jacqueline Knörr (2004-2006)
Orang Betawi, Orang Jakarta, Orang Indonesia: Construction and transformation of ethnic, urban and national identity in Jakarta

Dominik Kohlhagen (2014-2016)
Research Fields

Hussein A. Mahmoud (2005-2008)
The genesis and transformation of conflict in northern Kenya: implications for pastoral livelihoods

Azim Malikov (2010-2013)
Khodja in Central Asia: construction and transformation of identity

Andrea Nicolas (2010-2012)
Feasting and the politics of age: Tulama-Oromo Gadaa organisation

David o'Kane (2011-2016)
The Anthropology of Education Policy in Contemporary Sierra Leone

Anita von Poser (2010-2011)
Bosmun Konzepte des Alterns im Wandel (Ramu-Fluss, Papua-Neuguinea)

Adano Wario Roba (2007-2011)
Natural Resource Scarcity and Conflicts: A comparative inquiry focusing on pastoralists in the northern region of Kenya
Birgitt Röttger-Rössler (2006-2008)
Cultural Models, Social Interaction, and Individual Experience. Towards a Social Anthropological Theory of Emotions
Fault Lines of Emotion Cultures: On the Clash of Feeling Rules in the Context of Migration

Sophia Thubauville (2009-2010)

Karen Witsenburg (2007-2009)
Ethnic Violence in Northern Kenya

Wolde Gossa Tadesse (2002-2003)
Ethnic Groups, the state and the religious landscape in south western Ethiopia

John Wood (2000-2001)
Roads to Nowhere: imagining modernity in the form of heavy equipment

Saulesh Yessenova (2005-2007)
Integration, Conflict, and Development along the Caspian in Kazakhstan

Ababu Minda Yimene (2005-2008)
An Afro-Indian Community in Karnataka, India: A Study of Ethnic Identity, its Maintenance and Change

Abgeschlossene Dissertationsprojekte*

Zahir Musa Abdal-Kareem (2010-2016)
Group Identification and Resource Conflicts in Gedaref State, Eastern Sudan - Who allies with whom? Why? And how?

Olumide Abimbola (2006-2010)
Informal transborder trade networks and regional integration: towards an ethnographic study of networks

Fekadu Adugna Tufaa (2005-2009)
Oromo-Somali Relations

Ogato Ambaye Anata (2007-2012)
Age-grade system of the Sidama in Persective
Getine Assefa (2006-2013)
Shared Values, Institutions and Development: The Case of the Gurage and Oromo of south-western Ethopia

Jutta Bakonyi (2006-2008)
Forschungen zu Somalia in Kooperation mit der GTZ
Maarten Bedert ()

Frank Donath (2006-2008)
Performative negotiations and constructions of identity in a hybrid culture: The Indo- Muslim community in Mauritius
Christiane Falge (2000-2006)
Nuer vernacular modernism in Ethiopia and the USA

Dereje Feyissa Dori (1999-2003)
Ethnic Conflict and Integration: the case of Gambela, western Ethiopia

Christina Gabbert (2006-2012)
Knowledge about War and Peace among the Arbore of Southern Ethiopia

Dejene Gemechu Chala (2008-2012)
Local response to the Ethiopian ethnic based federalism: conflict and conflict management among the Borana and their neighbors

Felix Girke (2005-2009)
The Aedamo of the Karà Rhetoric in social relations, conflict and integration on the Lower Omo

Georg Haneke (1999-2003)
Identities in Ethiopia and the Struggle for the Nation State

Markus V. Hoehne (2008-2011)
Diasporas and Peace. Patterns, Trends and Potential of Long-distance diaspora Involvement in Conflict Settings. Case Studies from the Horn of Africa

Markus V. Hoehne (2003-2011)
Conflicting political identities in northern Somalia

Remadji Hoinathy (2008-2012)
Oil Exploitation and its Impact on Logone Oriental Communities' Modes and Conditions of Living

Aksana Ismailbekova (2006-2012)
Patron-Client Relations within the context of a Kyrgyz community, Kyrgyzstan

Soledad Jímenez Tovar (2010-2014)
Cultural Adaptation of Uighur and Dungan Migrant Communities in Kyrgyzstan

Barbara Kiepenheuer-Drechsler (2005-2007)

Nathaniel King (2007-2012)
Contested Spaces in Post-war Society: The ‘Devil Business’ in Freetown, Sierra Leone

Florian Koehler (2010 - 2016)

Christoph Kohl (2005-2010)
Creole Identity, Interethnic Relations and Post-Colonial Nation-Building in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa
Siri Lamoureaux (2010-2017)

Mateusz Laszczkowski (2007-2012)
'City of the Future': Built Space and Social Change in Astana, Kazakhstan

Jolanda Lindenberg (2006-2010)
Identity dynamics among Belgians

Andrea Nicolas (2000-2007)
From process to procedure: Mediation by elders, formality and peace (Eastern Shewa, Ethiopia)

Sven Nicolas (2000-2004)
Transcendental Worlds and Pilgrimages – The Limits of Politics in the Awliya-Cult

Boris Nieswand (1999-2008)
Ghanaians in Germany – transnational social fields and social status

Michaela Pelican (2000-2006)
Getting along in the Grassfields: Interethnic relations and identity politics in North West Cameroon
Kristin Pfeifer (2006-2012)

Judith Reissner (2008-2011)
Pregnancy and Birth in a Transcultural Field

Andrea Riester (2005-2011)
Labour migration from and reintegration to Burkina Faso
Sophie Roche (2005-2010)
Demographic behaviour in the transformation process in Tajikistan

Markus Rudolf (2009-2013)
Conflict and integration in the Basse Casamance, Senegal
Meltem Sancak (2005-2007)
Diasporas and Re-Patriants: The Kazaks Return "Home"
Economic transformation, social change and interethnic relations in post-socialist Uzbekistan
Rita Sanders (2006-2011)
Identity and integration of Germans in Kazakhstan

Merle Schatz (2006-2013)
Chinese Influence on Oral tradition in Mongolia: bensen üliger
Ina Schröder ()

Philipp Schröder (2006-2012)
Working Title: Bishkek after or before the Revolution? Integration, Conflict, and Identification among Youth in a post-Soviet Urban Context

Anita Schroven (2005-2011)
Local authorities and oral history in processes of conflict and integration in Guinea

Rano Turaeva (2005-2010)
Identification, Discrimination, and Communication: Khorezmian migrants in Tashkent 

Olaf Zenker (2003-2008)
Irish identity and the Irish language in discourse and practice in Catholic West Belfast

*Aufstellung aller abgeschlossenen Projekte der Abteilung 'Integration und Konflikt'. Eine Aktualisierung der Projektseiten findet nach dem Ende der Forschungen am Max Planck Institut für ethnologische Forschung nicht statt.

zuletzt aktualisiert am 12.07.2017

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