Publikationen von Echi Christina Gabbert
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (3)
60, S. 187 - 204 (2014)
Powerful mothers, radical daughters: tales about and cases of women's agency among the Arbore of southern Ethiopia. Paideuma 2.
60, S. 139 - 154 (2014)
Gender and identification in patrilineal and patriarchial societies: case studies from southern Ethiopia. Paideuma 3.
23, S. 259 - 280 (2007)
Narrated identities or the said and the sung: praise and condemnation of self and others in Arbore song poetics. Les Annales d'Éthiopie Buchkapitel (14)
Gabbert, E. C.; Gebresenbet, F.; Galaty, J. G.; Schlee, G.). Berghahn Books, New York, Oxford (2021)
Introduction: futuremaking with pastoralists. In: Lands of the future: anthropological perspectives on pastoralism, land deals and tropes of modernity in Eastern Africa, S. 1 - 38 (Hg. 5.
Gabbert, E. C.; Gebresenbet, F.; Galaty, J. G.; Schlee, G.). Berghahn Books, New York, Oxford (2021)
Conclusion: pastoralists for future. In: Lands of the future: anthropological perspectives on pastoralism, land deals and tropes of modernity in Eastern Africa, S. 309 - 317 (Hg. 6.
Tourism in Ethiopia. In: Ethiopia: history, culture and challenges, S. 311 - 315 (Hg. Uhlig, S.; Appleyard, D.; Bausi, A.; Hahn, W.; Kaplan, S.). LIT; Michigan State University Press, Berlin; Münster; Wien; Zürich; London; East Lansing (2017)
2, 1. ed. Aufl., S. 41 - 49 (Hg. Ficquet, E.; Omer, A. H.; Osmond, T.). Tsehai Publishers, Los Angeles (2016)
Cultural neighbourhood in Ethiopia - and the world? In: Movements in Ethiopia: Ethiopia in movement; proceedings of the 18th International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, Bd. 8.
Thubauville, S.). Frobenius-Institut; Goethe-Institut; Mekelle University, Frankfurt/Main; Addis Abeba; Mekelle (2015)
Dynamics of identification: research on Northeast Africa at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology in Halle/Saale. In: Cultural research in Northeastern Africa: German histories and stories, S. 229 - 237 (Hg. Smidt, W. G. C.; 9.
Girke, F.). Universitätsverlag Halle-Wittenberg, Halle/Saale (2014)
Songs of self and others in times of rapid change: music as identification among the Arbore of Southern Ethiopia. In: Ethiopian images of self and other, S. 105 - 120 (Hg. 10.
The global neighbourhood concept: a chance for cooperative development or festina lente. In: A delicate balance: land use, minority rights and social stability in the Horn of Africa, S. 14 - 37 (Hg. Berhe, M. G.). Institute for Peace and Security Studies, Addis Ababa Univ., Addis Ababa (2014)
LaTosky, S.). LIT, Münster (2013)
To work with Ginno: reflections in fieldwork in Arbore. In: Writing in the field: festschrift for Stephen Tyler, S. 107 - 115 (Hg. Strecker, I. A.; 12.
Gabbert, E. C.; Thubauville, S.). Köppe, Köln (2010)
Introduction. In: To live with others: essays on cultural neighborhood in southern Ethiopia, S. 13 - 28 (Hg. 13.
Gabbert, E. C.; Thubauville, S.). Köppe, Köln (2010)
Mountains for each other: insights into Arbore-Wata Wando relationships. In: To live with others: essays on cultural neighborhood in southern Ethiopia, S. 157 - 185 (Hg. 14.
Metamorphosis of a Karmet song in Arbore. In: The perils of face: essays on cultural contact, respect and self-esteem in southern Ethiopia, S. 269 - 287 (Hg. Strecker, I.). LIT, Berlin (2006)
Arbore soundscape-remapping Arbore through music. In: International Conference of Ethiopian Studies <15, 2003, Hamburg>: Proceedings of the XVth International Conference of Ethiopian Studies: Hamburg July 20 - 25, 2003, S. 428 - 434 (Hg. Uhlig, S.). Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden (2006)
Von der Schönheit der einfachen Kalebasse: Bemerkungen zu einer Sammlung äthiopischer Ethnografica aus Arbore. In: Äthiopien und Deutschland: Sehnsucht nach der Ferne. [ ... anlässlich der Ausstellung der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden (SKD) Äthiopien und Deutschland. Sehnsucht nach der Ferne im Grassi Museum für Völkerkunde zu Leipzig (28. April bis 16. Juli)], S. 228 - 243 (Hg. Volker-Saad, K.). Deutscher Kunstverlag, München (2006)
Arbore soundscape or stumbling into a new chapter. In: Hot spot Horn of Africa: between integration and disintegration, S. 118 - 122 (Hg. Bruchhaus, E.). LIT, Münster (2003)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)
Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Deciding peace: knowledge about war and peace among the Arbore of southern Ethiopia. Dissertation, XXIV, 299 S., Philosophische Fakultät I, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Halle/Saale (2012)
Forschungspapier (1)
Lands of the future: transforming pastoral lands and livelihoods in eastern Africa. Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers 154 (2014), 28 S.
Sonstige (1)
Wissen über Krieg und Frieden bei den Arbore in Südäthiopien, Bericht/Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung, Abteilung I: Integration und Konflikt 2007, S. 106 - 108 (2007)
Sammelwerk (3)
Dynamics of identification and conflict: anthropological encounters. Berghahn, New York, Oxford (2023), 403 S.
Lands of the future: anthropological perspectives on pastoralism, land deals and tropes of modernity in Eastern Africa. Berghahn Books, New York, Oxford (2021), 332 S.
To live with others: essays on cultural neighborhood in southern Ethiopia. Köppe, Köln (2010), 355 S.