Publikationen von Astrid Bochow
Alle Typen
Zeitschriftenartikel (4)
87 (3), S. 554 - 571 (2017)
Ethics of life in the context of death: the emergence of ethical fields in HIV prevention. Africa 2.
50 (1), S. 25 - 47 (2015)
A future beyond HIV/AIDS?: health as a political commodity in Botswana. Africa Spectrum 3.
14 (S1), S. S15 - S26 (2012)
Let's talk about sex: reflections on conversations about love and sexuality in Kumasi and Endwa, Ghana. Culture, Health and Sexuality 4.
42 (4), S. 325 - 344 (2012)
Christian creations of new spaces of sexuality, reproduction, and relationships in Africa: exploring faith and religious heterotopia. Journal of Religion in Africa Buchkapitel (8)
O'Kane, D.; Scharrer, T.). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham (2018)
Saving and serving the nation: HIV politics and the emergence of new professional classes in Botswana. In: Middle classes in Africa: changing lives and conceptual challenges, 7, S. 157 - 176 (Hg. Kroeker, L.; 6.
Bochow, A.). Berghahn, New York; Oxford (2017)
Understanding childlessness in Botswana: reproduction and Tswana-nization of middle-class identities in the twenty-first century. In: Fertility, conjuncture, difference: anthropological approaches to the heterogeneity of modern fertility declines, 1. ed. Aufl., S. 218 - 246 (Hg. Kraeger, P.; 7.
Bochow, A.). Berghahn, New York; Oxford (2017)
Introduction. In: Fertility, conjuncture, difference: anthropological approaches to the heterogeneity of modern fertility declines, 1. ed. Aufl., S. 1 - 41 (Hg. Kraeger, P.; 8.
Ethics, identities and agency: ART, elites and HIV/AIDS in Botswana. In: Assisted reproductive technologies in the third phase: global encounters and emerging moral worlds, S. 135 - 151 (Hg. Hampshire, K.; Simpson, B.). Berghahn, New York; Oxford (2015)
The choice of health: Christian family planning among Cosmopolitan educated professionals in time of HIV/AIDS in Botswana. In: Strings attached: AIDS and the rise of transnational connections in Africa, 1. ed. Aufl., S. 245 - 267 (Hg. Beckmann, N.; Gusman, A.; van Dijk, R.). Oxford University Press, Oxford (2014)
Quest for conception in times of HIV/AIDS: (in)fertility care in Botswana. In: Biomedical infertility care in poor resource countries: barriers, access and ethics, S. 81 - 86 (Hg. Gerrits, T.; Ombelet, W.; Balen, F. v.; Vanderpoel, S.). Universa, Wetteren (2012)
Marriages and mobility in Akan societies: disconnections and connections over time and space. In: The social life of connectivity in Africa, S. 123 - 139 (Hg. De Bruyn, M.; Van Dijk, R.). Palgrave Macmillan, New York (2012)
Changes in African families: a review of anthropological and sociological approaches toward family and kinship in Africa. In: Frontiers of globalization: kinship and family structures in Africa, S. 1 - 30 (Hg. González, A. M.; Fields DeRose, L.; Oloo, F.). Africa World Press, Trenton (2011)
Heft (1)
42, (4) (2012), [142] S.
Christian creations of new spaces of sexuality, reproduction, and relationships in Africa: exploring faith and religious heterotopia (Sonderheft). Journal of Religion in Africa Sammelwerk (1)
Fertility, conjuncture, difference: anthropological approaches to the heterogeneity of modern fertility declines. Berghahn, New York; Oxford (2017), XI, 345 S.
Monografie (1)
Intimität und Sexualität vor der Ehe: Gespräche über Ungesagtes in Kumasi und Endwa, Ghana. LIT, Münster (2010), III, 330 S.